Are you ready to switch over to today's most popular new bidding method? If you know how to bid using Standard American,you can make the move to the modern Two-over-One system using the 25 easy Steps contained in this book. Among the topics covered are:Bridge: Step 13 In a Minor KeyStep 14 Notrump Responses to MinorsStep 15 Raising Partner's MinorStep 16 Rebids Over Minor-Suit OpeningsStep 17 After Notrump Responses to MinorsStep 18 After a Minor Suit is RaisedStep 19 Fourth Suit Forcing (FSF)Step 20 Weak Jump ShiftsStep 21 New Minor ForcingStep 22 Ingberman Over ReversesStep 23 Over a Takeout DoubleStep 24 The Opponents OvercallStep 25 Is That All There Is?
Are you ready to switch over to today's most popular new bidding method? If you know how to bid using Standard American,you can make the move to the modern Two-over-One system using the 25 easy Steps contained in this book. Among the topics covered are:Bridge: Step 13 In a Minor KeyStep 14 Notrump Responses to MinorsStep 15 Raising Partner's MinorStep 16 Rebids Over Minor-Suit OpeningsStep 17 After Notrump Responses to MinorsStep 18 After a Minor Suit is RaisedStep 19 Fourth Suit Forcing (FSF)Step 20 Weak Jump ShiftsStep 21 New Minor ForcingStep 22 Ingberman Over ReversesStep 23 Over a Takeout DoubleStep 24 The Opponents OvercallStep 25 Is That All There Is?