ou are staring at your computer screen. The stock prices are clearly visible, but you are not really seeing them. You are far away lying on a hammock and looking up at the blue sky. Retirement... such bliss! Don't let this vision remain a dream; make it a reality. "The 30-30 rule to retirement book" prepares you to live through a comfortable retirement with important how-to's and do's and dont's. Crafted from previous bestsellers, 16 Personal Finance Principles every Investor should know and How to be your own financial planner in 10 steps, this convenient guide is a must-have for anyone thinking about retirement and other important financial goals.Don't just dream; start working towards a stress-free financial life where you are independent. About the Author Manish Chauhan is a personal finance blogger from the last 5 years who contributes to financial literacy and investor education through his famous and one of the most read personal finance blogs www.jagoinvestor.com. His core focus over the years has been to bring change in the Indian mind set about money-related issues and how to live a great financial life and be an informed investor. Manish is the author of the bestselling book 16 Personal Finance Principles Every Investor Should Know which became an instant hit with readers because it was a unique personal finance book that talked about the real things concerning an investor. His latest release "How to be a financial planner in 10 steps" helps the reader plan his financial life in a systematic manner Manish is known in the area of personal finance for his easy-to-understand approach and highly vibrant investor community, which has grown over the years. He can be reached at
[email protected].