There are a lot of published studies on how smoking affects our physical and mental health. Anxiety, headaches, hunger, and concentration disorder are just some of the symptoms. Making the decision to quit smoking is probably the best one you have ever made, in your entire life. Being aware of the damage smoking can cause unfortunately is not enough to force us to make this vital decision. The key lies in our head and how strongly are we dedicated to throwing away what's harming us and to live a long and healthy life. However, an important issue related to this problem is a myth we've often heard: ''If I quit smoking, I will probably start gaining weight! The problem is that all smokers are used to having something in their hands and mouth, and when they quit smoking, they turn to unhealthy snacks to keep their hands and mouth busy.
There are a lot of published studies on how smoking affects our physical and mental health. Anxiety, headaches, hunger, and concentration disorder are just some of the symptoms. Making the decision to quit smoking is probably the best one you have ever made, in your entire life. Being aware of the damage smoking can cause unfortunately is not enough to force us to make this vital decision. The key lies in our head and how strongly are we dedicated to throwing away what's harming us and to live a long and healthy life. However, an important issue related to this problem is a myth we've often heard: ''If I quit smoking, I will probably start gaining weight! The problem is that all smokers are used to having something in their hands and mouth, and when they quit smoking, they turn to unhealthy snacks to keep their hands and mouth busy.