A super swift train, with 1500 passengers and 250 staff, running at a mind-blowing speed of 1200 KMPH, which can neither be stopped nor slowed, is seized for a ransom of a trillion dollars. When a strong negative force like terrorism is at large, God always creates an equal or superior positive force. Join this positive journey against terrorism, and you’ll be guaranteed with a stream of solutions for global emancipation, peace and prosperity.
A super swift train, with 1500 passengers and 250 staff, running at a mind-blowing speed of 1200 KMPH, which can neither be stopped nor slowed, is seized for a ransom of a trillion dollars. When a strong negative force like terrorism is at large, God always creates an equal or superior positive force. Join this positive journey against terrorism, and you’ll be guaranteed with a stream of solutions for global emancipation, peace and prosperity.