Relax! Put your feet up, and give in to your guilty pleasure. Here we have short stories, flash fiction and a little pinch of poetry in a variety of themes with something for everyone. A Little Bit of Me, is my fifth e book to be published, and my second collection. Delve inside the pages of this book to experience a little bit of me - from the soft and fluffy to the dark and deep. There’s more than a hint of my dark side in this collection but also a good injection of happiness and humour. There are some sentimental pieces of writing which are very close to my heart and others which evolved from my darkest of days. Join me for a giggle and a grimace, a tear or two and a smile. Read on to see what happens when a good pet goes bad, a healthy eating plan goes wrong, and when a puppy-rustling vegetarian gets more than he bargained for. Read my work, inspired by thoughts that woke me with a shudder during cold dark nights, and words that danced in my head on beautiful mornings, making my spirit smile. Take a break from the daily grind and settle down with A Little Bit of Me.
Relax! Put your feet up, and give in to your guilty pleasure. Here we have short stories, flash fiction and a little pinch of poetry in a variety of themes with something for everyone. A Little Bit of Me, is my fifth e book to be published, and my second collection. Delve inside the pages of this book to experience a little bit of me - from the soft and fluffy to the dark and deep. There’s more than a hint of my dark side in this collection but also a good injection of happiness and humour. There are some sentimental pieces of writing which are very close to my heart and others which evolved from my darkest of days. Join me for a giggle and a grimace, a tear or two and a smile. Read on to see what happens when a good pet goes bad, a healthy eating plan goes wrong, and when a puppy-rustling vegetarian gets more than he bargained for. Read my work, inspired by thoughts that woke me with a shudder during cold dark nights, and words that danced in my head on beautiful mornings, making my spirit smile. Take a break from the daily grind and settle down with A Little Bit of Me.