Set in 2026, this adrenaline pumping spy fiction thriller revolves around a spy by the alias Alec Mercer and World-renowned researcher in particle physics Dr. Elenore basset as they take on the world, dominated by international corporations, corrupt governments and loyal but ignorant soldiers.They find themselves placed on top of the international terror watch-lists and hunted by every covert actions and intelligence agencies, hot on their trail, either to kill them or to capture them, they escape from the jaws of death, surviving off-the-grid. They soon realize that the recent turn of events which threw them in a lashing torrent, did not happen simply because of bad luck, but was a result of individual dreadful events in their past, which had entwined their fates into that twirling vortex which made them run the gauntlet for their lives!
Set in 2026, this adrenaline pumping spy fiction thriller revolves around a spy by the alias Alec Mercer and World-renowned researcher in particle physics Dr. Elenore basset as they take on the world, dominated by international corporations, corrupt governments and loyal but ignorant soldiers.They find themselves placed on top of the international terror watch-lists and hunted by every covert actions and intelligence agencies, hot on their trail, either to kill them or to capture them, they escape from the jaws of death, surviving off-the-grid. They soon realize that the recent turn of events which threw them in a lashing torrent, did not happen simply because of bad luck, but was a result of individual dreadful events in their past, which had entwined their fates into that twirling vortex which made them run the gauntlet for their lives!