Tragedy strikes Chris Stein, Rajon Ladd, Allymon West, and Zach Rex as theyre heading back to school from a field trip. It comes at the hands of a new political faction that manipulates energy, previously thought impossible. After murdering the family members of those four, the faction announces its plan to destroy all Genomes and Cells—genetically enhanced groups running the Democratic and Republican parties. Rajon, Ally, and Zach, who are Genomes, and Chris, a Cell, must overcome their hatred for each other to combat the new threat, all without revealing the existence of Genomes or Cells to normal Americans.
Tragedy strikes Chris Stein, Rajon Ladd, Allymon West, and Zach Rex as theyre heading back to school from a field trip. It comes at the hands of a new political faction that manipulates energy, previously thought impossible. After murdering the family members of those four, the faction announces its plan to destroy all Genomes and Cells—genetically enhanced groups running the Democratic and Republican parties. Rajon, Ally, and Zach, who are Genomes, and Chris, a Cell, must overcome their hatred for each other to combat the new threat, all without revealing the existence of Genomes or Cells to normal Americans.