The story begins with a young wealthy heiress born to fulfill duties and live in the spotlight of the paparazzi’s cameras. She dreams of shedding her well-known identity and to be “normal”. Her staff and friends care for her deeply, but she longs to fill the emptiness of not having a family of her own. Unexpected events arise transforming her into a “plain Jane” and living life in poverty. She must find out if this is the dream she always wanted, or a nightmare. Another story is unfolding that involves three children who tragically loose their parents. Their Uncle wants to provide them the love and stability they require, but many obstacles would have to be overcome. As if that were not enough, they would have to take a journey from San Diego to Arizona in search of finding a new home. Follow these characters as twists of events and hidden memories of the different worlds of the “rich and famous” with the “poor and struggling” collides. You will find it hard to put down the book once you begin…
The story begins with a young wealthy heiress born to fulfill duties and live in the spotlight of the paparazzi’s cameras. She dreams of shedding her well-known identity and to be “normal”. Her staff and friends care for her deeply, but she longs to fill the emptiness of not having a family of her own. Unexpected events arise transforming her into a “plain Jane” and living life in poverty. She must find out if this is the dream she always wanted, or a nightmare. Another story is unfolding that involves three children who tragically loose their parents. Their Uncle wants to provide them the love and stability they require, but many obstacles would have to be overcome. As if that were not enough, they would have to take a journey from San Diego to Arizona in search of finding a new home. Follow these characters as twists of events and hidden memories of the different worlds of the “rich and famous” with the “poor and struggling” collides. You will find it hard to put down the book once you begin…