A Zombie plague gengineered by rebellious robots has gripped the globe in rotting talons of infectious hunger. A fortified survivor colony finds an edge against enemy bio-warfare only by weaponizing other robots: Robots built for sexual companionship. Denied their true purpose, sapient love dolls battle zombies, evil machines, and their own emotions, for a humanity with reason to fear all A.I.'s I'M NOT LIKE YOU!!! she shrieked, outrage-alarms ringing in her Kernel. I'M NOTHING LIKE YOUUUUUUU!!!! Face grimacing as alarms and alerts buzzed through her plasmonic brain, it was hard to tell whether those simulated emotions or the military programming made her fire.The merest pull on the trigger of a Browning M7VPX heavy assault rifle fired magnetic projectiles capable of boring clean through two inches of solid steel. Gia snarled, pumping ten rounds at the horrific, dark face of mechanized malice looming in front of her, but the air seemed to congeal. A warping effect gathered around the tripod-monster, as if it were suddenly surrounded by viscous fluid, and the frantic shots fired by the Gynoid were just dragged to a stop as they might if fired into the ocean. Just a few concentric ripples, like stones cast into a pond.Apparently, the tripod agreed that the two of them had little in common, as a white-hot beam of scintillant energy emerged from a central aperture, seemingly where that blazing, nuclear furnace burned. Pavement ignited as the beam blazed at an ever-sharpening angle that would bring it right up Gia's shapely behind. The Bombshell's mechanical senses alerted her that this monstrosity was a Chernobyl on legs, shedding human-lethal radiation wherever it traveled. Even should a flesh-and-blood escape the fiery wrath it emanated, a slow, hideous death could still come later. But both for her, and any hypothetical human that might encounter it, the more immediate concern was this hotter-than-the-surface-of-the-sun energy ray the thing was sweeping the street with.Under the crackling hum of this radiant finger of death, iron and cement behaved like gunpowder-laced popcorn, leaving effusive splashes of yellow-hot molten puddles in the beam's wake as it scoured a path towards Gia....
A Zombie plague gengineered by rebellious robots has gripped the globe in rotting talons of infectious hunger. A fortified survivor colony finds an edge against enemy bio-warfare only by weaponizing other robots: Robots built for sexual companionship. Denied their true purpose, sapient love dolls battle zombies, evil machines, and their own emotions, for a humanity with reason to fear all A.I.'s I'M NOT LIKE YOU!!! she shrieked, outrage-alarms ringing in her Kernel. I'M NOTHING LIKE YOUUUUUUU!!!! Face grimacing as alarms and alerts buzzed through her plasmonic brain, it was hard to tell whether those simulated emotions or the military programming made her fire.The merest pull on the trigger of a Browning M7VPX heavy assault rifle fired magnetic projectiles capable of boring clean through two inches of solid steel. Gia snarled, pumping ten rounds at the horrific, dark face of mechanized malice looming in front of her, but the air seemed to congeal. A warping effect gathered around the tripod-monster, as if it were suddenly surrounded by viscous fluid, and the frantic shots fired by the Gynoid were just dragged to a stop as they might if fired into the ocean. Just a few concentric ripples, like stones cast into a pond.Apparently, the tripod agreed that the two of them had little in common, as a white-hot beam of scintillant energy emerged from a central aperture, seemingly where that blazing, nuclear furnace burned. Pavement ignited as the beam blazed at an ever-sharpening angle that would bring it right up Gia's shapely behind. The Bombshell's mechanical senses alerted her that this monstrosity was a Chernobyl on legs, shedding human-lethal radiation wherever it traveled. Even should a flesh-and-blood escape the fiery wrath it emanated, a slow, hideous death could still come later. But both for her, and any hypothetical human that might encounter it, the more immediate concern was this hotter-than-the-surface-of-the-sun energy ray the thing was sweeping the street with.Under the crackling hum of this radiant finger of death, iron and cement behaved like gunpowder-laced popcorn, leaving effusive splashes of yellow-hot molten puddles in the beam's wake as it scoured a path towards Gia....