In the sixth issue of Barty the Kid, Liam has killed Barty with a special spell. But not out of cruelty. He has done so as a trick to bring him back upstairs so that after reviving him, Barty can get his wand and attack the Warden. But while Liam carried Barty upstairs, Bart Sr. comes down...into Old Boston. And only after the ghosts realized that he has freed him by ripping the hole in the ceiling do they tell him where Barty has gone and agree to help him get to the stairs. Resurrected by Liam, Barty succeeds in getting his wand back and destroying the Warden. But he must also destroy Liam who is the key to the anti-magic shield. Forced to obliterate his friend, Barty is lost in grief and rage and the duelist emerges, bent on revenge and destruction. It's not until his father, led to the stairs by a ghost, has climbed up that Barty ends his raging anger that has destroyed all the automatons and has begun to dismantle the very academy. But it's not his father that stops him, its the Warden who, burned and injured, starts something in motion underneath the Academy before he dies. Realizing they must save the young wizards, Bart Sr. levitates them up through the hole opening and finally he and Barty flee but just as a giant, mechanical spider rips up through the floor and heads after them. Reaching the street, Bart Sr. realizes that the problem needs more help and invokes an ancient spell that connects all Wizards. Dubbed the "Golden Flash," Bart Sr. is soon joined by other wizards who recognize the immensity of the threat. But mixed in there are wizard officers who immediately want to apprehend Barty. Distracted by the mechanical creation, Bart Sr. manages to push his son away...who disappears into the shadows.
In the sixth issue of Barty the Kid, Liam has killed Barty with a special spell. But not out of cruelty. He has done so as a trick to bring him back upstairs so that after reviving him, Barty can get his wand and attack the Warden. But while Liam carried Barty upstairs, Bart Sr. comes down...into Old Boston. And only after the ghosts realized that he has freed him by ripping the hole in the ceiling do they tell him where Barty has gone and agree to help him get to the stairs. Resurrected by Liam, Barty succeeds in getting his wand back and destroying the Warden. But he must also destroy Liam who is the key to the anti-magic shield. Forced to obliterate his friend, Barty is lost in grief and rage and the duelist emerges, bent on revenge and destruction. It's not until his father, led to the stairs by a ghost, has climbed up that Barty ends his raging anger that has destroyed all the automatons and has begun to dismantle the very academy. But it's not his father that stops him, its the Warden who, burned and injured, starts something in motion underneath the Academy before he dies. Realizing they must save the young wizards, Bart Sr. levitates them up through the hole opening and finally he and Barty flee but just as a giant, mechanical spider rips up through the floor and heads after them. Reaching the street, Bart Sr. realizes that the problem needs more help and invokes an ancient spell that connects all Wizards. Dubbed the "Golden Flash," Bart Sr. is soon joined by other wizards who recognize the immensity of the threat. But mixed in there are wizard officers who immediately want to apprehend Barty. Distracted by the mechanical creation, Bart Sr. manages to push his son away...who disappears into the shadows.