Alternative Family category: 388 books

Cover of Lust und Frust der Patchwork-Familie

Lust und Frust der Patchwork-Familie

Familie ist lebenswert

by Peter Neysters
Language: German
Release Date: January 18, 2013

Familie ist heute eine bunte Vielfalt an Möglichkeiten. Insgesamt ist das Familienleben offener und freier, aber auch anspruchsvoller und zugleich anfälliger geworden. Viele Ehen scheitern, Familien zerbrechen an allzu hohen Erwartungen. Doch in jedem Scheitern liegt ein Neuanfang: neue Partnerschaften...
Cover of Regenbogenfamilien


Ein Handbuch

by Stephanie Gerlach
Language: German
Release Date: September 9, 2014

'Aber ein Kind braucht doch eine Mutter und einen Vater!' Auch wenn solche Sätze noch immer aus konservativen Kreisen kommen, hat diese traditionell - verklärte Vorstellung reichlich wenig mit den Lebensrealitäten vieler Familien zu tun. Seit langem unterliegt der Begriff 'Familie' einem Wandel....
Cover of Aro Eros Arrows
by Michon Neal
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2018

"Love is not my motivation; it is my state of being. You cannot tempt me with the promise of your scraps when I feed myself." If aromantic people primarily desire friendship or nonromantic partnerships over romance, then how can they practice any recognized form of non-monogamy? And...
Cover of Living with Crossdressing: Defining a New Normal

Living with Crossdressing: Defining a New Normal

Living with Crossdressing, #1

by Savannah Hauk
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2018

Are you a cis-woman partner of a man who crossdresses? Are you struggling with what it means to be in a relationship with a man who you have discovered – by accident or his own admission – enjoys wearing feminine clothing? Join me as I set out to uncover some of the reasons why so...
Cover of The Jealousy Workbook

The Jealousy Workbook

Exercises and Insights for Managing Open Relationships

by Kathy Labriola
Language: English
Release Date: January 5, 2010

From the initial stages of trying to agree who can do what with whom, through advanced issues such as coping with logistics and seeking compersion, every relationship sooner or later confronts jealousy – and some relationships do not survive the confrontation. Between these covers you will find...
Cover of Il Genitore Adottivo. I Consigli di un Papà per Affrontare con Consapevolezza l'Emozionante Percorso dell'Adozione Internazionale. (Ebook Italiano - Anteprima Gratis)
by Maurizio Gani
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 1, 2014

Programma di Il Genitore Adottivo I Consigli di un Papà per Affrontare con Consapevolezza l'Emozionante Percorso dell'Adozione Internazionale COME GIUNGERE ALL'IDEA DI VOLER ADOTTARE Qual è la spinta che dovrebbe portare a una adozione consapevole. Come rapportarsi alla condizione di non...
Cover of Crépuscule de l'amour
by Réjean Roy
Language: French
Release Date: May 13, 2014

1932... Daigleville, un petit village au coeur de l'Acadie, vient d'être fondé.En toile de fond, la crise économique fait rage et tous ont peine à survivre. Certains s'exilent aux États-Unis. D'autres font un retour à la terre forcé. C'est le cas de Rodrigue et de sa famille.Afin de survivre,...
Cover of The Sexual Assault of BABYGIRL

The Sexual Assault of BABYGIRL

Building From Broken Foundations

by Rachael Leah Robertson
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2017

It had been a good day. Leah, who tended toward shyness, had finally managed to work up the nerve to ask her supervisor for a modest raise. “You’re really going to do it?” Mindy, the pool secretary at the next desk asked her. Leah drew a breath and tucked her brown hair behind...
Cover of Revenge


La vendetta di un amico

by Pierpaolo Maiorano
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 3, 2014

Esiste una forma di odio che travalica il tempo e il corso della vita, covando per anni in attesa di poter scatenare la sua tragica forza vendicativa. Dopo otto mesi senza tregua, che hanno sancito il raggiungimento della tanto agognata felicità, l’anno inizia nel migliore dei modi, con la scoperta...
Cover of La fine della madre
by Lucetta Scaraffia
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 29, 2017

Un nuovo diritto non previsto né codificato da alcuna legge si è prepotentemente affacciato, nel nostro tempo, sulla scena: il diritto al figlio. Per molti è un semplice passo in avanti sul piano della libertà individuale, reso possibile dall’inarrestabile progresso delle tec-noscienze. Per...
Cover of A Brand New Day

A Brand New Day

A Banana Split Story

by A.S. Chung
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2014

One of the many challenges a child has to deal with during divorce is the loss of a single permanent home. They become subjected to constant packing and moving between both parents throughout the normal week and holidays. Unfortunately, that's the way it is and will be for the longest time. But we...
Cover of Bilinguisme et monoparentalité

Bilinguisme et monoparentalité

handicap et discriminations inaperçues

by Mareike WOLF-FEDIDA
Language: French
Release Date: April 16, 2019

Une famille sur cinq est monoparentale et le bilinguisme toucherait une famille sur quatre. On estime que les chiffres augmentent, et la monoparentalité et le bilinguisme sont beaucoup plus répandus qu’on pense. Puisque le bilinguisme est aussi répandu, il est étonnant qu’il intrigue toujours...
Cover of Io sono Mario M e questa è la mia storia
by Pierpaolo Maiorano
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 18, 2014

L'E-Series 5in1 di CODENAME: SILVERWOLF – Un passato da dimenticare. La serie, è un’unica storia concepita in cinque parti, che “funzionano” anche come libri a se stanti: un mix di generi che spaziano dall'attualità sociale, al romanzo giallo; da quello d'amore al thriller, con tanta avventura,...
Cover of Lesbian and Gay Foster Care and Adoption, Second Edition
by Janet McDermott, Stephen Hicks
Language: English
Release Date: July 19, 2018

Featuring a spectrum of families from diverse backgrounds, this book reveals the joys and challenges of adoptive and foster parenting. The authors outline how the experience of adopting and fostering has changed for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people over the years, major...
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