Composition category: 2309 books

Cover of Who did Patricks homework
by Jabbir Ahmed
Language: English
Release Date: May 9, 2014

About a boy who find out trying hard does work
Cover of 寫作課:建中生超強作文大公開
Language: Chinese
Release Date: April 30, 2014

**  超強作文範本!建中課堂文選最強精選!   建中生教你高分作文這樣寫,作文自學最佳秘笈。   頂尖名師親授作文心法,快速增強作文功力。   從此不再害怕考試寫作文!**   「寫什麼」與「怎麼寫」是許多年輕學子困惑的問題。   凌性傑老師說:「命題作文的重要意義之一,便是培養學生在限定的範圍與時間內具備即時回應題目的能力。寫作內涵與形式技巧必須兼顧,才能獲得認同與感動。」   書面語言不同於口語表達,寫作力的養成亦非一蹴可幾,為了增進學生的寫作能力,本書從二十年來的「建中年度文選」,挑選了跨越時空侷限的精彩範文。內容分為四部分,從敘事、描寫到說明議論,著重於各項寫作力的展現。在表達形式上,則涵括了課堂命題作文與文學創作。不僅方便老師作為教學示範,學生自行閱讀可收觀摩之效。 本書特色   最強精選:從近二十年的建中年度課堂文選,嚴選歷久彌新的精彩範文。   名師親授:每篇文末均有建中老師親授作文心法,快速增強你的作文功力!   文字清新:顛覆老套的八股作文法,語言清新活潑,取材貼近生活,教你打開感官寫作文。   三大題型:著重敘事、描寫、說明議論,三大寫作力的展現與訓練,任何作文題目都能寫。 名人推薦   作家...
Cover of 不必補習,也能寫好作文:南一中教你高分作文這樣寫
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 6, 2015

**  針對大考作文逐招逐式點破,任何作文題目都能寫。   南一中高材生教你用心閱讀與生活,寫作文也可以好輕鬆。   作文自學最佳練功秘笈,讀完快速提升寫作力。**   為什麼平常的書寫很愉悅,變成了考試或作業,就不是那麼回事了?   林皇德老師說:「命題作文就是題目與自己的生命所擦出的火花。不需要畏懼,不需要恐慌;不必補習,也不必特意準備。你只需要好好的閱讀與生活,閱讀更多人生的故事,睜開眼睛看看身邊的一切。」   學測與指考的命題作文雖有固定題目,但題目的範圍極廣,近年出現過的題目如:自勝者強、人間愉快、通關密語、獨享、我可以終身奉行的一個字、遠方、圓一個夢等等,而且不限論說、記敘或抒情,也不像古時的八股文,嚴格限定文章架構。它給予學子很大的揮灑空間,無論你想講一個故事,說一段道理或是抒發一份情感,都是被允許的。根據大考中心公佈的作文佳作來看,論說文一直是寫作主流,然而,近年來寫作題目開始強調個人經驗的抒發。   本書依寫作題材分為情感、成長經驗、觀察與旅行、議論與批判四輯,精選南一中學生的優秀作文,每篇作文都有老師的評語,以淺顯易懂的話語,搭配高中課文與歷屆大考試題,點出最實用的寫作秘訣,讓讀者快速掌握寫作要領。不僅是學生自學作文的練功秘笈,也是學校教師教學必備的課堂教材。 本書特色   **觀摩佳作:**南一中學生的課堂作文精選集,大考作文的最佳示範。   **掌握要領:**每個題目均有老師傳授寫作技巧,學生作文則是具體範例,兩者搭配閱讀,讓你短時間掌握寫作要領,把文章寫好。   **青春書寫:**15-18歲的少年,書寫自身經驗,關注腳下土地,語言清新,深刻動人。   **大考作文:**近年來寫作題目開始強調個人經驗的抒發,本書超過一半的篇幅提供情感與成長經驗的書寫範例。 來自學生的推薦   這本書不只讓我看到一篇篇的散文,更流露出每個人心中的一塊田地,不論是自己對社會的現實與理想,抑或是回憶往事時的喜悅與感慨。雖然許多題材來自考試卷,然而這本書並不只為了大考而存在,更能在閒暇時洗滌心靈。——臺南一中104年學測滿級分 ...
Cover of io, pi
by Roberto Piumini
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 30, 2016

Felci felici, bici e abc, un Romolo che rema e un’allergia che diventa allegria… Roberto Piumini continua e approfondisce la ricerca sul valore espressivo della parola con una raccolta di poesie acute e musicali. Arricchito con il contrappunto dei disegni di Cecco Mariniello, io, pi è un’esperienza...
Cover of Been There, Done That: Writing Stories from Real Life
by Mike Winchell
Language: English
Release Date: November 3, 2015

Award-winning and bestselling authors turn their own real-life experiences into captivating works of fiction! Where do authors get their ideas? And how do they turn those ideas into stories? This anthology looks at the process of taking real-life experiences and turning them into works of engaging...
Cover of Stimulez votre QI ׃Stratégies de réflexion des grands génies.

Stimulez votre QI ׃Stratégies de réflexion des grands génies.

Plus de 200 meilleures énigmes logiques casse-têtes, tests de QI, tests psychotechniques, charades et devinettes logiques avec solutions.

by Desmond Kaze
Language: French
Release Date: October 7, 2015

Pourrions-nous devenir Einstein ou Socrate ? Si oui Qui est le plus fort entre  POUTINE et OBAMA ? Combien y a-t-il de nombres palindromes inferieurs à 50 ?                                             Participer donc aux plus grandes...
Cover of Veterans in Creative Writing

Veterans in Creative Writing

Creative Mentor Excerpts, #6

by Justin Sloan
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2015

In this sectoin from the book Military Veterans in Creative Careers, veteran and writer Justin Sloan presents his advice on the industry and includes interviews with other veterans who have gone on to pursue their passions of writing for a career.
Cover of The Plot Machine: Crime

The Plot Machine: Crime

Design Better Stories Faster, #2

by Dale Kutzera
Language: English
Release Date: November 18, 2017

Tired of staring at the blank page? Have you lost your way through your story's second act? Want a road-map for your Nanowrimo novel? Struggle no more. THE PLOT MACHINE: CRIME builds on the story-design principles of THE PLOT MACHINE, focusing on the most popular crime genres: caper, revenge, thriller,...
Cover of Write a Novel in 10 Minutes a Day

Write a Novel in 10 Minutes a Day

Acquire the habit of writing fiction every day

by Katharine Grubb
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2015

LEARN HOW TO WRITE FICTION BY WRITING EVERY DAY Would you like to write but have no spare time? Do you not know where to begin? Write A Novel In 10 Minutes A Day will help you sculpt a full-length piece of creative writing in just ten minutes a day. Starting with a daily practical...
Cover of Penelope Pencil

Penelope Pencil

A Story of Writing Imagination

by Benita Ibrahim, Joshua Ibrahim
Language: English
Release Date: April 25, 2016

Writing development begins in infancy and continues through childhood. Handwriting and imagination is key to helping us store information, communicate to others, and plays a big part in educational development. Writing and using your imagination enhances a greater love for reading and expands...
Cover of Let's Drawing with Letters A-Z
by Tri Harianto
Language: English
Release Date: October 20, 2018

A book that explains the step by step drawing of the letters A-Z is easy to follow by the kids and very fun. As a medium for interaction between parent and child. A highly recommended book for children who want to learn to draw
by Tri harianto
Language: English
Release Date: October 18, 2018

Step by step drawing fruits that can be learned and easily followed. A very complete guide because there is a color scribing guide, and a color mixing guide. Children will love learning to draw to develop their creativity and imagination
Cover of Outside the Box: New Ideas!
by Heather E. Schwartz
Language: English
Release Date: September 11, 2017

What does it mean to "think outside the box"? It means to challenge your usual way of thinking, and to develop your imagination. Thinking outside the box helps you come up with new solutions, solve problems, and invent new things. Featuring TIME For Kids content, this nonfiction reader introduces...
Cover of 作文滿級分這樣寫
by 洪美雀;李作珩
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 7, 2012

從三級分躍升六級分,從C-進步到A+! ☉全國作文冠軍現身說法,不藏私分享得分秘笈 ☉不用背誦佳言錦句,用得多不如用得巧 ☉與其硬套名人事例,自己的親身體驗更容易感動他人 ☉清楚講解閱卷規準,寫出有效的內容就能得分 ☉完整解析各級分文章特點,更容易寫出優秀作品 ☉詳細說明解題技巧,從題目說明中切題取材 ☉重點表格整理清晰,方便隨時複習 優秀的語文表達能力=開口能說+提筆能寫 語文能力好,人生是彩色的;語文能力不好,人生是黑白的;如果沒有語文能力,人生就會一片黑索索……。 國文名師洪美雀+作文冠軍李作珩,教你掌握語文能力,揮筆畫出色彩繽紛的人生! 作文是各種學科考試錄取關鍵 而作文得分要件即在切題取材:就像射飛鏢,射中「標靶」可以得分,但是射中「靶心」才能得高分。 名言事例不是用得多就好,要用得對、用得巧才有加分效果。 修辭技巧是可以訓練的,照樣造句多寫幾次自然熟練。 從基測、學測、指考、統測……到研究所入學及國家考試,國文科都會加考作文,而且作文分數也總是最後一道成績比序的依據,因此作文能力絕對是錄取與否的關鍵! 洪美雀老師擁有超過20年的教學經驗,指導過無數作文比賽常勝軍,她的學生李作珩更是民國100年全國作文比賽高中組的冠軍。這本書不教你背公式,也不是列出一長串名言錦句供你套用,而是要告訴你如何訓練審題立意的功夫、如何培養敘事寫景的文筆、如何在50分鐘內寫出符合滿級分規準的優秀作文。 ★曾昭旭...
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