Consumer category: 1529 books

Cover of Differentiate to Dominate

Differentiate to Dominate

The 7 Steps to Transform Your Business Into a Brand

by Peter Engelhardt
Language: English
Release Date: June 27, 2017

Today in business you want to be more than "good enough", and a brand strategy that identifies and highlights your points of difference is like having a secret weapon. For many firms it's the missing link. This book teaches SMEs and entrepreneurs the seven foundational steps that the world's...
Cover of A Field Guide to Whisky

A Field Guide to Whisky

An Expert Compendium to Take Your Passion and Knowledge to the Next Level

by Hans Offringa
Language: English
Release Date: May 2, 2017

A Field Guide to Whisky is a one-stop guide for all the information a whisky enthusiast needs. With the whisky market booming all over the world, now is a perfect time for a comprehensive guide to this popular brown spirit. What are the basic ingredients in all whiskies? How does it get its flavor?...
Cover of Design to Survive

Design to Survive

9 Ways an IKEA Approach Can Fix Health Care and Save Lives

by Pat Mastors
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2013

The U.S. spends the most in the world on health care and research, yet our outcomes are among the worst in industrialized nations. Hundreds of thousands die every year from medical harm. Imagine a world where health care took a page from the IKEA furniture company---where expenses were streamlined, quality...
Cover of The Power of Fifty Bits

The Power of Fifty Bits

The New Science of Turning Good Intentions into Positive Results

by Bob Nease
Language: English
Release Date: January 19, 2016

Going beyond the bestsellers Predictably Irrational and Thinking, Fast and Slow, the first “how to” guide that shows you how to help customers, employees, coworkers, and clients make better choices to get what they truly want. Of the ten million bits of information our brains process each...
Cover of Brand Resilience

Brand Resilience

Managing Risk and Recovery in a High-Speed World

by Jonathan R. Copulsky
Language: English
Release Date: May 10, 2011

As the recent Tiger Woods scandal illustrates, brand reputation is more precarious than ever before. True and false information spreads like wildfire in the vast and interconnected social media landscape and even the most venerable brands can be leveled in a flash—by disgruntled customers, competing...
Cover of 為什麼我們經常誤解人心?:芝加哥大學行為科學教授揭開心智運作的真相


Mindwise: How We Understand What Others Think, Believe, Feel, and Want

by 尼可拉斯.艾普利, Nicholas Epley
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 24, 2014

芝加哥大學最有趣的心理實驗課! 世界頂尖商學院教授20年精采研究,帶你真正讀懂人心,得到行事為人的智慧! ★「這是我近年來讀過最精妙也最有趣的一本書!」──《蘋果橘子經濟學》作者李維特 ★《華爾街郵報》《泰晤士報》《衛報》重量級媒體推薦,突破心智盲點的「真心」科學大冒險!   「以為」,是這世上最曖昧可怕的一個字眼! 人類天生具有「讀心術」,但許多苦難和失敗也由此而來。 誤判人心,可能掀起小波瀾,也可能釀出滔天巨禍...... 根據調查,人最想要的超能力是穿越時空和讀心術。 但你其實天生就能「讀心」,了解別人的想法、感受、信念、需求,甚至知道對方知道些什麼。 這種能力讓朋友有默契、讓敵人互相寬恕、讓陌生人產生同理心,讓夫妻、同事甚至社會國家之間得以合作。 遺憾的是,這種能力也常造成誤解與不必要的衝突,導致人際關係決裂、夢想破滅...... 本書為你帶來洞悉的智慧,徹底為你以為的別人,和你以為的自己,架上溝通的橋梁!   【作者簡介】 尼可拉斯.艾普利 Nicholas...
Cover of The Dna of Selling

The Dna of Selling

What You Won't Learn in Business School

by Gerry Shaltz
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2009

The DNA of Selling brings a wealth of knowledge and experience the author gained during many years of building a lucrative and fulfilling career in sales. Gerry Shaltz has compiled his most powerful sales tactics into this easy-to-follow guide, complete with step-by-step instructions. He graciously...
Cover of Offshore Havens
by Arnold Goldstein
Language: English
Release Date: March 31, 2014

The smart investors guide to financial privacy, wealth protection and international profiteering.
Cover of 一次看懂小數據:MIT經濟學家帶你搞懂生活中的統計數字,聰明做決定


Everydata: The Misinformation Hidden in the Little Data You Consume Every Day

by 約翰.強森 John H. Johnson、麥可.葛拉克 Mike Gluck
Language: Chinese
Release Date: August 25, 2017

◤****本書會讓你更明智、行動更快速。 **做決策或形成任何意見前,請先一讀。**◢ ──賽斯.高汀****Seth Godin ★ 數據世界生存的必備武器 ★ 多懂一點統計,為自己儲備更多力量 找出數據中的隱藏資訊,做最有利的判斷 掌握立論的根據,你會更有說服力 在數據當道時代, 培養統計素養,當聰明的數據使用者! 大數據太龐大、離我們太遙遠, 多數人無從取得,也沒有工具和技術來處理這些海量數據。 但是,數據就圍繞在我們身邊,著著實實影響著我們每一個決定和觀念的形成。 從食品標籤到天氣預報,從你的銀行帳戶到你的醫生的辦公室…… 影響著你的健康、錢包、工作和人際關係…… 這些和我們每一天的生活密切相關的數據, 在本書中,我們稱作────「日常小數據」。 我們相信統計、相信科學、相信權威, 但是,你看到的數據可能遭到有心或無意的操作, 或者,你根本誤讀了數據。 ‧政治人物在競選廣告中有哪些話沒說出來? ‧記者用的是精準樣本數據,還是,只是拿出支持他報導的數據? ‧醫生說你的病是因為某種行為造成的,還是僅僅說兩者有關? ‧行銷人員在產品包裝上強調哪些重點,又為什麼要這麼做? ‧為什麼年報用圓餅圖顯示某些數據,卻用柱狀圖表示其他數據? 無論是商業、政策、廣告、法律、工程、零售、教養……各式各樣的問題都能透過日常小數據找出答案。 本書沒有複雜的統計分析理論,只介紹最重要、最實用的統計觀念,幫助你避開常見的數據陷阱。 有時候,你需要知道某些數據是新聞主播希望引起你的注意、政治人物想要你的選票、廣告主想賺你的錢; 但有時候並沒有其他考量──你就是得弄清楚這些數據,才能夠理解這個世界。 各界好評/ 這本書會讓你更明智、行動更快速。做決策或形成任何意見前,請先一讀。 ──賽斯.高汀Seth...
Cover of How to Self-Publish Your Book
by Carla King
Language: English
Release Date: May 17, 2013

Did you ever consider self-publishing your own book but were daunted by the complex process of actually doing it? Self-published author and expert Carla King gives a simple step-by-step guide to self-publishing your book as an e-book or print book. Plot your success by choosing the reputable tools...
Cover of High Performing Ads

High Performing Ads

How To Get The Biggest Bang For Your Advertising Buck

by Tim Burt
Language: English
Release Date: June 6, 2018

Tired of your ads not working? When buying advertising and marketing, do you hold your breath as you click the "buy now" button to place your order? You shouldn't have to. What if you have a tiny ad budget or none at all? Do you feel like you're wasting your time, energy, and money...
Cover of SkyDiving 101: Facts, Lessons, and Pictures
by William Wyclift
Language: English
Release Date: August 5, 2011

If you’re planning to do this breathtaking activity, then you should be prepared to know that skydivers would usually exit their airplane at the height of 4000 metres or 13,000 feet. After doing so, you would have to do a freefall for a period of time and then you could open your parachute to slow...
Cover of Summary of Blink: by Malcolm Gladwell | Includes Analysis
by Elite Summaries
Language: English
Release Date: February 21, 2017

**Blink: by Malcolm Gladwell | Summary & Analysis ** A Smarter You In 15 Minutes… What is your time worth? If you ever wonder what’s behind the decision making process, this book is for you. It’s all about the Blink, or the first two seconds of looking, or the instant that comes...
Cover of CinemaScope Four: M-G-M MOVIES Light Up the Screen
by John Howard Reid
Language: English
Release Date: May 28, 2011

M-G-M (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) was generally regarded as Hollywood's number one movie studio. Easily the world's largest and most glamorous, the studio, under the leadership of Louis B. Mayer, often boasted that it had "more stars than there are in heaven" under contract. This was true. By...
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