Consumer category: 1529 books

Cover of Helpful Guide To Auto Sound System

Helpful Guide To Auto Sound System

This Definitive Guide To Auto Sound Systems Will Teach You The Best Car Sound System And Will Let You Discover Excellent Ideas On How To Get Good, Cheap Surround Sound Systems And More!

by Mercedes M. Snodgrass
Language: English
Release Date: October 4, 2012

How do you decide which auto sound system is best for you? This is a question that many consumers ask in the U. S. each and every day. The truth is that only you can decide what kind of sound you find enjoyable and what you are seeking in the sound system you will ultimately purchase. A good sound...
Cover of Live Auctions
by Tom Radde
Language: English
Release Date: February 17, 2012

If you are New to Auctions, Internet, Live, or Both, you need to read this.If you have some experience with Auctions, you need to read this.If you have been burnt by a auction, you need to read this.If you know a lot about auctions, there may be something here, that you don’t know, therefore, you...
Cover of The Financialisation of the Citizen

The Financialisation of the Citizen

Social and Financial Inclusion through European Private Law

by Dr Guido Comparato
Language: English
Release Date: August 23, 2018

This book discusses the role of private law as an instrument to produce financial and social inclusion in a context characterised by the redefinition of the role of the State and by the financialisation of society. By depicting the political and economic developments behind the popular idea of financial...
Cover of Do Good

Do Good

Embracing Brand Citizenship to Fuel Both Purpose and Profit

by Anne Bahr Thompson
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2017

Increasingly today, in every age group, consumers are committing to brands that show good citizenship--from fair employment practices, to social responsibility, to charitable giving. In fact, support of these generous and socially aware companies is so high that it is safe to say that good works and...
Cover of The Wallet Allocation Rule

The Wallet Allocation Rule

Winning the Battle for Share

by Timothy L. Keiningham, Lerzan Aksoy, Luke Williams
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2015

Customer Loyalty Isn't Enough—Grow Your Share of Wallet The Wallet Allocation Rule is a revolutionary, definitive guide for winning the battle for share of customers' hearts, minds, and wallets. Backed by rock-solid science published in the Harvard Business Review and MIT Sloan Management...
Cover of How To Act Normal

How To Act Normal

By Acting Crazy, In A World Of Influence

by Roman Russo
Language: English
Release Date: June 20, 2017

Normal? Everyone is trying to be so, but there is no clear definition to what it is, which is why we all end up confused. We look up to society for guidance and we find a strong influencer - marketing. It tell us what to think, how to act, and who to be. But marketing is driven by self-interest. It...
Cover of Free Erotic Romance Books
by B. Perry
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2013

Cover of Donny's Unauthorized Technical Guide to Harley Davidson 1936 to Present
by Donny Petersen
Language: English
Release Date: December 30, 2008

Donny is the Winner of the 2012 International Book Awards. Donny Petersen offers the real deal in performancing your Harley-Davidson Twin Cam. Graphics, pictures, and charts guide the reader on a sure-footed journey to a thorough H-D Twin Cam performance understanding. Petersen's insight makes technical...
Cover of How to Make your Credit Score Soar
by Julie Marie McDonough
Language: English
Release Date: January 27, 2015

Your credit score dictates the rates and terms you pay on mortgages, auto loans, insurance, and services. It can even affect whether you get a job. A low credit score can cause setbacks to your financial life, so today’s the day to take control of that three-digit number and your financial future....
Cover of 狂粉是怎樣煉成的



by 柔依‧弗瑞德-布拉納, 亞倫‧M‧葛雷澤
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 1, 2017

在這個狂粉時代, 如何服務好那些把你拱上神壇又把你推下去的人們 ■ 活在狂粉時代中,經營粉絲社群的最佳參考書 消費者的時代漸趨式微,狂粉時代宣告來臨!過去10年間,由於社群網站的興起、推薦分享力量的日益擴大,企業的經營模式及產品開發也隨之改變。粉絲社群經營方法當然也要更新換代。 ■...
Cover of Top Secret Ways To Find People

Top Secret Ways To Find People

An Essential Guide On How To Become A Private Investigator So You Can Locate Someone, Perform An Asset Search Or Do Background Checks In Secret Without Getting Found Out

by Nona R. Hollers
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2012

Two of the most accessible and most accurate ways to find people nowadays is using the white pages, which is the offline method, and doing an online people search through the use of the internet. By means of flipping through the white pages, you are able to know the present address, exact location...
Cover of 你的點子需要牙籤:英國創意大師教你一加一等於三的利多思考


One Plus One Equals Three: A Masterclass in Creative Thinking

by 戴夫.卓特, Dave Trott
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 1, 2016

★奧美創意人每週必讀一篇的好書。 ★盧建彰、劉軒、梁正群、吳定謙、周偉航 齊聲推薦 62篇簡單的故事,配上犀利的解析,搖醒你的「慣腦袋」! 還在絞盡腦汁想「新」點子? 別鬧了,這世界上根本沒有新點子! 想要充滿創意,就得擺脫1+1=2的理性泥沼,活用1+1=3的跳接式思考。 用一根牙籤作支點,你可以跳到更遠、更妙、更吸睛的地方。 兩名男子喬裝成高級餐廳老闆,參加歐洲熱門的美食展。 他們把速食店的漢堡切成小分量,然後插上牙籤。 賣相宛若精緻法國餐點,美食專家品嘗後讚嘆不已。 一根小牙籤,就這樣翻轉了50元漢堡的價值。 創意無關先天才賦、主管賞識、預算多寡,而在於你是否能「找到一根牙籤」,串起日常中的零碎靈感,襯出你不尋常的新鮮點子。 不論你是行銷廣告人、編輯設計、創業者、學生,或是任何一位靈感碰壁的工作者,本書直搗核心,用淺明卻發人省思的故事,配以犀利又實用的建議,帶你跳往自己的一片天。 ▍大賣場為什麼要賣除草機給孕婦? 將大數據化為巧數據,是創意的範疇。 ▍動保人士為什麼要在小海豹身上噴漆? 追溯問題的根源,往往是創意的起點。 ▍為什麼說髒話也可以打動人心? 想法的呈現,決定想法的影響力。 ▍紐約的流浪漢,如何解開廣告大師解不開的難題? 掌握觀眾心理,人人都能運用廣告創意。 ▍框架效應如何綁架消費者的大腦和荷包? 主宰脈絡就主宰選擇,不怕玻璃杯是半空或是半滿。 【各界創意人熱情推薦】 我們都需要一支牙籤,一支這本書說的牙籤。一支可以把我們裡面的美襯出來的牙籤,讓我們知道雖然我們如此渺小,卻有機會偉大。創意是這樣的東西,這本書是這樣的東西。 ──盧建彰|廣告導演、作家 急轉彎的情節、妙語如珠的敘述…讀這本書有如看坎城國際創意節的得獎廣告影片,各個精彩、犀利、動人,而且能點燃你的創意腦細胞! ──劉軒|作家、講師、創業家 創意其實就是你與別人的差異:曾想過與不曾想過、敢做與不敢做、還記得與忘了。但要能重組這些差異之間的關係,才能將想法轉為產出。到了這個層次,就不妨參考他人的成功經驗。 ──周偉航|哲學博士、「人渣文本」部落格版主 大多數的我們都在這個社會的常規下庸碌生活著,而忘記了自己的腦袋其實充滿了無數的創意。鼓起勇氣挪動腳步、跳出框框,發揮每個人獨特的創意力量,也可能是你事業或人生的轉機! ──吳定謙|演員、導演、作家 打開這本書,你會發現更多生命中的驚喜,更多屬於你的可能性。讀進這本書,你將喚醒蓄勢待發的潛能,為你的「創意」找到更多創意。 ──梁正群|演員、主持人、音樂創作家 卓特不但是個高明的廣告文案寫手,也是傑出的團隊領袖。他的創意點子也可以運用在寫小說、拍電影、開發新產品、管理球隊、開創人生,以及任何你能想到的事情上。 ──英國《週日泰晤士報》 【作者簡介】 戴夫.卓特 Dave...
Cover of Insurance Secrets Revealed

Insurance Secrets Revealed

Money-Saving Tips, Secrets and More, Now Revealed!

by Rodger Nelson
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2015

Problem: People are tired of feeling powerless and uninformed when dealing with insurance. Solution: At last, here you’ll find the inside tips that will enable you to save money, time, and avoid frustration when buying or renewing your insurance. Dear Friend: If you’re...
Cover of The Guiding Purpose Strategy

The Guiding Purpose Strategy

A Navigational Code for Brand Growth

by Markus Kramer
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2017

Purpose is the Know-Why. And in today’s day and age, Know-Why is the new know-how. But understanding, articulating and knowing your Purpose is more than just possessing knowledge. It represents the intellectual essence of your raison d’être. The Guiding Purpose Strategy is about embarking...
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