Direct Marketing category: 560 books

Cover of Consumer Power: A Digital Revolution
by Susan Frederick
Language: English
Release Date: November 8, 2014

In Consumer Power: A Digital Revolution, Susan Frederick introduces the concept of "partnering" and explains how anyone can create a cumulative passive income through an educated use of this system. The only qualification necessary is consumer status—a qualification most of us have already achieved."It's...
Cover of Lo Scalping è Divertente! 1-4

Lo Scalping è Divertente! 1-4

Include 4 Manoscritti

by Heikin Ashi Trader
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 19, 2018

Lo Scalping è Divertente! 1-4 Include 4 Manoscritti: Parte 1: Trading Veloce con il grafico Heikin Ashi Contenuto: Benvenuti nello scalping. È divertente! Come funzionano i mercati? Che cosa è il trading? Che cosa è lo scalping? Il grafico Heikin Ashi La configurazione...


The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Widgets Essentials.

by Jimmy M Scales
Language: English
Release Date: June 6, 2018

A simple solution exists for Twitter users who want visitors to their website or blog to follow them on Twitter as well. These options provide a single-click hyperlink from the website/blog to the appropriate account profile on Twitter. From that Twitter profile, the person who read the website/blog...
Cover of You don't have to shout to Stand Out

You don't have to shout to Stand Out

Networking Conversations that Ignite Interest and Create Connections (Techniques from a quiet entrepreneur)

by Christine Clifton
Language: English
Release Date: February 17, 2017

If networking conversations feel a bit cumbersome for you and you’re not seeing the results, then it is time to learn simple techniques that will help create connections that are the perfect fit for you. Christine Clifton has been helping service entrepreneurs tap into their quiet power by communicating...
Cover of Steps To Sell, Supply and Do Business With New York City
by Obi Orakwue
Language: English
Release Date: October 7, 2012

All You Need to Become a Vendor-Supplier Partner and Do Business with New York City is laid out in a Step-by-Step style in this guide. In This Edition You Will Find: New York City Purchasers-Buyers Contact Info Sample Product Proposal Kit Sample Services Proposal Kit Sample Vendor-Supplier...
Cover of The Visible Networker

The Visible Networker

Book 2: Announcements, Speaking & Relationships

by Bette Daoust, Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: January 8, 2015

Building your business takes time, which is often in limited supply. Using networking as the basis for business growth, increasing your circle of influence is easy. By using the tips outlined in this book along with the worksheets provided, you could be well on your way to success.
Cover of Crackerjack Positioning: How to Control the Way People Think About You in the Marketplace
by Ben Settle
Language: English
Release Date: February 12, 2016

If you want the rare ability to literally control the way people think about you in the marketplace... even if your advertising is weak and your branding non-existent... then this new book will show you how it's done.The book is called: Crackerjack Positioning - How to Control the Way...
Cover of How to Write, Produce, and Profit from Print Newsletters
by Ben Settle
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2016

If you'd like to install a quick, simple and stable stream of income in your business... and have fun at the same time, then this short-and-to-the-point book shows you exactly how!The book is from Master Copywriter, Ben Settle, called: "How To Write, Produce, and Profit From Print Newsletters."It's...
Cover of Steps To Sell, Supply and Do Business With Educational Institutions in America
by Obi Orakwue
Language: English
Release Date: October 7, 2012

All You Need to Become a Vendor-Supplier Partner and Do Business With Educational Instituions in America is well laid out in this guide in a Step-by-Step style. Selling and Supplying to educational Institutions is a steady, lucrative and stress-free business. In This Edition You Will Find: Purchasers-Buyers...
Cover of Sales Secrets For Product Managers: Tips & Techniques For Product Managers To Better Understand How To Sell Their Product
by Jim Anderson
Language: English
Release Date: September 5, 2014

The job of a product manager is made even more difficult by the simple fact that it really does not come with any clear instructions on how to do it correctly. As product managers we are constantly searching for ways to become better.What You'll Find Inside:* 9 WAYS TO TO BECOME AN INFORMATION...
Cover of Posizionamento su Google: motori di ricerca e Directory
by Creare Un Blog E Siti Web Wordpress
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 29, 2016

Guida al posizionamento sui motori di ricerca - Posizionamento su Google: i motori di ricerca e Directory. Un ebook dove puoi trovare consigli e informazioni utili su come ottimizzare e migliorare il posizionamento di un sito web sui principali motori di ricerca in particolare su Google.
Cover of La riscossa competitiva delle pmi del territorio. Come sviluppare imprenditoria e benessere in sintonia con l'ambiente, la comunità, le forze locali e l'occupazione giovanile
by Paolo Ricotti
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 11, 2014

Scritto da chi ha gestito imprese ed è impegnato da sempre nella comprensione dei grandi mutamenti epocali del Global Shift, questo testo dimostra (con l’evidenza di casi concreti) come un vero e proprio Rinascimento dell’economia italiana sia concretamente praticabile per le PMI di territorio.
Cover of 5 façons uniques et efficaces de devenir riche !
by benoit dubuisson
Language: French
Release Date: November 23, 2013

Dans ce guide, vous découvrirez cinq façons uniques, efficaces et intelligentes de devenir  riche  et  prospère.  Je  ne  vous  apprendrai  pas  à  marier  un  riche  héritier  ni ...
Cover of Gagner avec l’affiliation !
by benoit dubuisson
Language: French
Release Date: October 16, 2016

L’affiliation est une activité qui permet à un affilié de toucher une rémunération sur la vente d’un produit ou d’un service d’un affilieur. L’affilieur est celui qui a un produit à vendre et qui paie les commissions à l’affilié, alors que l’affilié est celui qui aide à promouvoir...
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