Eastern category: 10105 books

Cover of POWs and the Great War

POWs and the Great War

Captivity on the Eastern Front

by Professor Alon Rachamimov
Language: English
Release Date: March 4, 2014

Joint Winner of Fraenkel Prize for Contemporary History 2001, London. Winner of Talmon Prize, Israel, awarded by the Israeli Academy of Sciences. Although it was one of the most common experiences of combatants in World War I, captivity has received only a marginal place in the collective memory...
Cover of Emancipation of the Polish Peasantry
by Stefan Kieniewicz
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2008

Captured in this study are the complexity and fascination of one hundred and fifty years of Polish political, cultural, and socioeconmic history. The author traces the course of peasant emancipation in Poland from its beginnings during the Enlightenment to its aftermath in the cultural awakening of...
Cover of Le Traité d'Astrologie Chinoise - Tome 4

Le Traité d'Astrologie Chinoise - Tome 4

Le Grand Jeu ou Comment négocier son destin

by Hélios de Lemme
Language: French
Release Date: December 2, 2012

Le "Grand Jeu" est basé sur l'astrologie chinoise, dont les principes essentiels sont tout doucettement expliqués, sans traumatisme inutile. Il se joue sur un échiquier de douze cases, chaque case désignant une période de la vie. On peut donner...
Cover of Migration Trauma, Culture, and Finding the Psychological Home Within
by Grace P. Conroy
Language: English
Release Date: September 2, 2016

Migration Trauma, Culture, and Finding the Psychological Home Within is an in-depth study of Eastern European migration to the United States. In presenting the clinical case studies of Eastern European migrants seeking long term psychoanalytic treatment, Grace Conroy pays particular attention to pre-migration...
Cover of La Orden Final
by Krishnakant
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 29, 2017

Un ensayo que trata sobre las instrucciones de Srila Prabhupada acerca de las iniciaciones en ISKCON. “Espero que sea leído cuidadosamente y debatido ampliamente, no porque apoyo o condeno su posición, sino porque la profundidad de los temas con que trata requiere consideración a todos...
Cover of La Vie du Bouddha

La Vie du Bouddha

d'après les textes de l'Inde ancienne

by André-Ferdinand Herold
Language: French
Release Date: November 26, 2017

La Vie du Bouddha, d'après les textes de l'Inde ancienne, écrit par l'écrivain français André-Ferdinand Herold (1865 – 1940). Ce livre numérique présente l'*édition intégrale** (les 3 parties) et comporte une table des matières dynamique. Il est parfaitement mise en page pour une lecture sur liseuse électronique.*
Cover of Fortgeschrittene Yoga Übungen Teil 1

Fortgeschrittene Yoga Übungen Teil 1

Leichte Lektionen für ein ekstatisches Leben - Lektionen 1 - 90

by Yogani
Language: English
Release Date: May 14, 2019

Die Grundannahmen des Yoga sind einfach: Es gibt eine äußere Realität und eine innere und unser Nervensystem ist das Tor zwischen ihnen. Effektive Yoga Übungen stimulieren und öffnen dieses Tor. Die Ergebnisse? Frieden, Kreativität, Freude und ein stetiges Ansteigen ekstatischer Glückseligkeit...
Cover of Yoga Integrale

Yoga Integrale

volume 1 - filosofia

by Teresa Sintoni
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 17, 2014

Il primo di cinque volumi dedicati alla più straordinaria scienza sacra che l’umanità abbia mai conosciuto. Un’opera che, vista la complessità dell’argomento, approfondisce lo Yoga a partire dagli aspetti filosofici (in questo volume) per dedicare poi specifiche monografie...
Cover of Legends of the Middle Ages: The Life and Legacy of Vlad the Impaler
by Charles River Editors
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2013

*Includes pictures of Vlad and important people and places in his life. *Includes historical accounts that describe Vlad the Impaler and his notorious rule.*Discusses the authenticity of the accounts accusing Vlad of impaling tens of thousands and his other infamous misdeeds*Analyzes Vlad's legacy and...
Cover of Lost in Translation

Lost in Translation

A Life in a New Language

by Eva Hoffman
Language: English
Release Date: December 3, 2012

Lost in Translation: A Life in a New Language by Eva Hoffman (107,000 words) The late poet and memoirist Czeslaw Milosz wrote, "I am enchanted. This book is graceful and profound." Since its publication in 1989, many other readers across the world have been enchanted by Lost in Translation:...
Cover of The journey to where you already are
by Heinz Duthel
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2013

When a man has attained his own freedom, how can he be bound by any law? No law in this universe can bind him, for this universe itself is his. He is the whole universe. Either say he is the whole universe or say that to him there is no universe. How can he have then all these little ideas...
Cover of Arunachala Shiva

Arunachala Shiva

Kommentare zu Sri Maharshis Lehre "Wer bin ich?"

by John David (vormals Premananda)
Language: German
Release Date: March 9, 2014

Arunachala Shiva ist ein intimes Portrait Sri Ramanas Leben und nimmt uns mit hinter die Kulissen zu Augenblicken mit seinen engsten Schülern. Schockierende, fesselnde Kommentare eröffnen neue und überraschende Einblicke in seine Lehren, stellen etablierte Vorstellungen infrage und unterstützen...
Cover of Theravada Buddhism

Theravada Buddhism

Theravada Buddhism. The Wheel of Dhamma in Motion

by Heinz Duthel
Language: English
Release Date: May 11, 2013

What is Theravada Buddhism? Setting the Wheel of Dhamma in Motion Theravada (pronounced — more or less — "terra-VAH-dah"), the "Doctrine of the Elders," is the school of Buddhism that draws its scriptural inspiration from the Tipitaka, or Pali canon, which scholars...
Cover of The Sayings Of Confucius
by Confucius
Language: English
Release Date: April 17, 2019

The Sayings of Confucius (Lunyu) assembles Confucius' Pity sayings and notions over a lifetime, which enjoy lasting value. 100 sections are arranged under twelve topics such as "Benevolence", "The Rites", "Piety and Fraternity", "Administration", "Knowledge...
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