Eastern category: 10105 books

Cover of Imperial Urbanism in the Borderlands
by Serhiy Bilenky
Language: English
Release Date: April 13, 2018

In the nineteenth and early twentieth century Kyiv was an important city in the European part of the Russian empire, rivaling Warsaw in economic and strategic significance. It also held the unrivaled spiritual and ideological position as Russia’s own Jerusalem. In Imperial Urbanism in the Borderlands,...
Cover of Entretiens de Confucius

Entretiens de Confucius

Edition Age Digital

by Julien Leclaire
Language: French
Release Date: October 26, 2013

Au sujet de la diversité conditionné à accroître la compréhension, utilisé spirituellement pour acquérir la croissance intellectuelle comme un guide spirituel.
Cover of Yi Jing Pour les Nuls
by Dominique BONPAIX
Language: French
Release Date: April 30, 2015

Le Yi Jing: une représentation de la sagesse chinoise et un outil précieux d'aide à la décision! Si vous n'avez jamais entendu parler du Yi Jing ou si vous pensez qu'il s'agit d'un art martial, rassurez-vous, vous êtes nombreux dans ce cas ! Et ce livre devrait alors autant vous surprendre que...
Cover of Le seul désir - Dans la nudité des tantras
by Eric Baret
Language: French
Release Date: May 11, 2017

Parce qu′il est connu surtout par ses caricatures les plus colorées, et aussi parce qu′il possède un langage secret, le tantrisme est souvent incompris. Il se présente ici non comme un voyage de dépaysement culturel, mais comme un éclairage sans concession sur nos modes de pensée et d′action....
Cover of Confucius, l’idéal de l’homme de bien
by Jean-Pierre Ludwig
Language: French
Release Date: August 16, 2017

Redécouvert par la Chine communiste, adopté par les conseillers en management, Confucius, philosophe chinois du VIe siècle avant J.-C. est d’une étonnante actualité. À son époque, il devait réveiller les consciences corrompues ou endormies. C’est son esprit humaniste et antidogmatique...
Cover of Moyenne de Nature Confucius

Moyenne de Nature Confucius

Edition Age Digital

by Julien Leclaire
Language: French
Release Date: October 26, 2013

Concernant la culture de la personne, la culture de la famille, et par une telle appréciation de la personne supérieure, la cultive société. L'utilisation d'une formulation Kabala pour édifier et condenser importance traditionnel a été utilisé.
Cover of Buddha For Beginners
by Stephen T. Asma
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2015

Despite the widespread popularity of Buddhist practices (like meditation), there is little understanding of the complex philosophy behind Buddhism. The historical Buddha, Gautama, was a real person—a radical—who challenged the religious leaders of his day. Buddha For Beginnersintroduces the reader...
Cover of The Complete Works of Sister Nivedita - Volume 2
by Sister Nivedita
Language: English
Release Date: January 17, 2019

In the Complete Works of Sister Nivedita (in five volumes), comprising the illuminating lectures, writings, articles, books, and epistles etc, of the author, we find the author's marvelous intellect, her lyrical powers of expression, the intensity with which she held her beliefs and convictions, her...
Cover of Crushing the Categories (Vaidalyaprakarana)
by Nagarjuna
Language: English
Release Date: September 25, 2018

A rare glimpse of the sophisticated philosophical exchange between Buddhist and non-Buddhist schools at an early stage. The Vaidalyaprakarana provides a rare glimpse of the sophisticated philosophical exchange between Buddhist and non-Buddhist schools at an early stage and will be of interest...
Cover of Ritorno al presente
by Osho
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 4, 2014

Dopo "La creazione del presente", Osho continua a prendere spunto dalla tradizione sufi per aiutarci a cogliere il senso del vivere: parabole e aneddoti, come per incanto, aprono a prospettive (su di sé, sulla vita e sul mondo) in grado di mutare radicalmente il senso del nostro esistere....
Cover of Silenzio. Il linguaggio dell'esistenza
by Osho
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 6, 2016

Mai come in questo momento si avverte la necessità di un’intima chiarezza che aiuti ad affrontare, ma soprattutto a cogliere nella giusta prospettiva, le interminabili emergenze con cui ci si trova a confronto. In questo senso, l’invito di Osho può e deve essere letto con una pragmaticità che...
Cover of Il Sutra del Loto
by Massimo Claus
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 22, 2014

Il Sutra del Loto rappresenta certamente la vetta dell'insegnamento del Buddha, perché comprende tutte le strade da Lui tracciate per ogni tipologia di essere umano. Le profondità degli Insegnamenti compresi in questo meraviglioso Sutra rischiano di creare fraintendimenti, incomprensioni e divisioni,...
Cover of Corpus Hermeticum
by Ermete Trismegisto
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 5, 2013

Tradizione esoterica e via iniziatica Ermete Trismegisto, il “tre volte grandissimo” ci consegna, nel Corpus Hermeticum, una raccolta di scritti filosofico-religiosi di epoca tardo-ellenistica, attribuiti, appunto, ad Ermete Trismegisto, il Mercurio latino identificato anche con l'egiziano Thot,...
Cover of The Making of Early Kashmir

The Making of Early Kashmir

Landscape and Identity in the Rajatarangini

by Shonaleeka Kaul
Language: English
Release Date: January 8, 2018

What is history? How does a land become a homeland? How are cultural identities formed? The Making of Early Kashmir explores these questions in relation to the birth of Kashmir and the discursive and material practices that shaped it up to the 12th century CE. Reinterpreting the first work of Kashmiri...
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