Health Policy category: 748 books

Cover of Trent'anni di Servizio Sanitario Nazionale

Trent'anni di Servizio Sanitario Nazionale

Il punto di vista di un manager

by Giuseppe Zuccatelli, Clara Carbone, Francesca Lecci
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 5, 2012

A pi di trentŐanni dalla nascita del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN), il presente volume prova a ripercorrere le tappe fondamentali che hanno determinato le caratteristiche attuali del sistema di tutela della salute nel nostro Paese, attraverso il dinamico equilibrio che si genera tra la dimensione...
Cover of Intoccabili


Un medico italiano nella più grande epidemia di Ebola nella storia

by Valerio La Martire
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 9, 2017

Il 26 dicembre 2013 un bambino di due anni si ammala a Meliandou, un remoto villaggio della Guinea. Inizia così la più grave epidemia di Ebola mai affrontata dall’umanità. Roberto, un medico italiano, decide di partire per una missione con Medici Senza Frontiere che lo metterà di fronte a orrori...
Cover of Die Wahrheit über Allen Carr
by Roland Blau
Language: German
Release Date: August 29, 2017

Das Buch „Endlich Nichtraucher!“ von Allen Carr befindet sich seit vielen Jahren in den Bestsellerlisten. Es wird dort behauptet, dass man mit einer einfachen Methode innerhalb von wenigen Wochen mit dem Rauchen aufhören kann. Allen Carr starb im Alter von nur 72 Jahren an Lungenkrebs, obwohl...
Cover of Die neue soziale Pflegeversicherung - PSG I, II und III

Die neue soziale Pflegeversicherung - PSG I, II und III

Pflegebegriff, Vergütungen, Potenziale

by Ronald Richter
Language: German
Release Date: April 1, 2017

Die Pflegestärkungsgesetze I bis III haben die Pflegeversicherung grundlegend verändert. Die komplett neu bearbeitete 2. Auflage des Handbuches bringt auf den Punkt, was Sie für Ihre Einrichtung oder Ihren ambulanten Dienst wissen müssen: - Was bringt der neue Pflegebedürftigkeitsbegriff...
Cover of Pflegegradmanagement


Die richtige Einstufung in die Pflegegrade im stationären Bereich

by Stephan Dzulko
Language: German
Release Date: July 1, 2017

Sind Bewohner und Kunden in die richtigen Pflegegrade eingestuft? Was bringt ein funktionierendes Pflegegradmanagement und worauf ist zu achten? Antworten auf diese Fragen gibt Stefan Dzulko im Handbuch Pflegegradmanagement. Verantwortlichen gelingt es mit diesem Ratgeber - ein effektives...
Cover of Gesetz über die Pflegeberufe (Pflegeberufegesetz – PflBG)
by Gerhard Igl
Language: German
Release Date: January 24, 2018

Das Gesetz über die Pflegeberufe tritt am 1. Januar 2020 in Kraft. Mit diesem Gesetz ist es gelungen, eine lange und langwierige Diskussion über die künftige Gestaltung der Pflegeberufe abzuschließen. Im Pflegeberufegesetz werden die Heilberufe der Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege, der Gesundheits-...
Cover of Denied
by Jeffrey B. Nordella M.D.
Language: English
Release Date: November 20, 2016

Jeffrey Nordella grew up in near poverty, yet he succeeded in earning a medical degree from the UCLA School of Medicine. He married his soulmate, had three beautiful children, and spent each day at his family and urgent care clinic doing what doctors are supposed to do and what he loved: caring for people.He...
Cover of The Predictable Surprise

The Predictable Surprise

The Unraveling of the U.S. Retirement System

by Sylvester J. Schieber
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2012

Social Security is in jeopardy, private pension systems have fallen apart, and workers are trying to save on their own for retirement with the stock market in the worst shape since the Great Depression. In The Predictable Surprise, Sylvester J. Schieber shows that forewarnings of the coming retirement...
Cover of Safe Food

Safe Food

The Politics of Food Safety

by Marion Nestle
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2010

Food safety is a matter of intense public concern, and for good reason. Millions of annual cases of food "poisonings" raise alarm not only about the food served in restaurants and fast-food outlets but also about foods bought in supermarkets. The introduction of genetically modified foods—immediately...
Cover of Being Mortal

Being Mortal

Medicine and What Matters in the End

by Atul Gawande
Language: English
Release Date: October 7, 2014

In Being Mortal, bestselling author Atul Gawande tackles the hardest challenge of his profession: how medicine can not only improve life but also the process of its ending Medicine has triumphed in modern times, transforming birth, injury, and infectious disease from harrowing to manageable....
Cover of End of Life

End of Life

What Should We Do for Those Who Are Dying?

by Jeff Menzise
Language: English
Release Date: September 23, 2016

What ought to be done at the end of life is both a personal and public decision. As our population ages, it is becoming a matter of great concern for the entire nation. Diseases that would have been death sentences a few decades ago are now often treatable.This guide explores end-of-life decisions...
Cover of Seeds of Change

Seeds of Change

The Story of ACORN, America's Most Controversial Antipoverty Community Organizing Group

by John Atlas
Language: English
Release Date: June 28, 2010

"There is more value on a single page of Seeds of Change than in a year's worth of Rush Limbaugh screeds combined with a lifetime of Sarah Palin sneers at community organizers." --Todd Gitlin Seeds of Change goes beyond the headlines of the last Presidential campaign to describe what...
Cover of Dying Well
by Ira Byock
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 1998

**From Ira Byock, prominent palliative care physician and expert in end of life decisions, a lesson in Dying Well. Nobody should have to die in pain. Nobody should have to die alone.** This is Ira Byock's dream, and he is dedicating his life to making it come true. Dying Well brings...
Cover of How Will the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Affect Liability Insurance Costs?
by David I. Auerbach, Paul Heaton, Ian Brantley
Language: English
Release Date: April 9, 2014

This report identifies potential mechanisms through which the Affordable Care Act (ACA) might affect liability claim costs and develops rough estimates of the size and direction of expected impacts as of 2016. Overall, effects of the ACA appear likely to be small relative to aggregate auto, workers’...
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