Insects category: 384 books

Cover of Abeilles, gardiennes de notre avenir

Abeilles, gardiennes de notre avenir

De la prise de conscience à la protection

by Paul Fert, Hubert Reeves
Language: French
Release Date: September 15, 2017

L'affaiblissement des populations d'abeilles, sauvages et domestiques, est un des sujets majeurs de notre temps. Cet ouvrage offre des outils pour comprendre l'abeille et la pollinisation et se propose de réaliser un état des lieux de ce qui perturbe ces insectes indispensables à l'alimentation...
Cover of Wild Bee Journal

Wild Bee Journal

Wild Bee Monthly, #1

by Damian Appleby
Language: English
Release Date: July 16, 2017

**Do you want to help save the bees? Not just for now, but for generations to come? Learn how you can make a difference to the fate of bees without ever owning a hive. ** Are you confused about what exactly you need to do to help bees? Do you wish there was a straight forward way to help bees...
Cover of Mord an der Königin

Mord an der Königin

Ein Fall für Mary und Sherlock

by Laurie R. King
Language: German
Release Date: April 11, 2017

England, 1915: Sherlock Holmes hat seinen Beruf an den Nagel gehängt und lebt zurückgezogen als Bienenzüchter im ländlichen Sussex. Während in Europa der Erste Weltkrieg wütet, kämpft Sherlock mit seinen eigenen Dämonen. Doch dann begegnet er der aufgeweckten Mary Russell und aufgrund ihrer...
Cover of Zanzare in Appenino - I culicidi di alta quota in provincia di Modena
by Anna Medici
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 20, 2012

L’importanza delle zanzare è enorme se si pensa alle malattie che queste possono trasmettere: malaria (che ancora miete milioni di vittime nelle aree tropicali), filariosi (dovuta a diverse specie di Nematodi) e numerosi virus quali febbre gialla, dengue ed encefaliti. Un possibile vettore di patogeni,...
Cover of Le Phylloxéra en Europe et en Amérique
by Jules-Émile Planchon
Language: French
Release Date: March 12, 2016

I. L’origine du phylloxéra, ses ratages et les moyens de le combattre. De tout temps, les relations établies entre les peuples par la conquête, le commerce, les explorations scientifiques, ont amené l’introduction réciproque de végétaux et d’animaux utiles ou nuisibles. Dans l’antiquité,...
Cover of Die fleißige Biene Samantha
by Marlene Toussaint
Language: German
Release Date: February 1, 2012

Das Kinderbuch "Die fleißige Biene Samantha" ist für alle Altersgruppen geeignet. Die Biene Samantha zeigt uns, wie wichtig Bienen für uns Menschen, die Natur und für die Umwelt sind. Ganz besonders überzeugend sind die bunten, aussagekräftigen Bilder. Die Kinder werden das Buch lieben. Die grandiosen Zeichnungen zum Text malte der Künstler Sebastian Schütz.
Cover of Insekten auf dem Speiseplan

Insekten auf dem Speiseplan

Warum die sechsbeinige Kost eine echte Alternative sein kann

by Nadja Podbregar
Language: German
Release Date: July 13, 2017

Gegrillte Heuschrecken, eine Sauce aus Wanzen oder eingelegte Wespenlarven – in vielen Ländern sind diese Gerichte eine begehrte Delikatesse. Bei uns allerdings löst die Idee, Insekten zu essen, eher Ekel aus. Aber warum ist das so? Und weshalb könnte es sogar sinnvoll sein, mehr Insekten zu essen?...
Cover of Misty Monarch
by Menlia Moss Trammell
Language: English
Release Date: March 27, 2017

Misty Monarch is a book about the endangered monarch butterfly. The story follows Misty through the annual cycle of flight north to places like Georgia to feed, lay eggs, and reproduce. Misty then returns south to Florida or Mexico where monarchs hibernate.
Cover of Beekeeping for Beginners: 23 Amazing Tips and Tricks to Choose the Best Bee Hives
by Ralph Hart
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2017

Get ready to launch your own Bee Hive! And no I’m not talking about a Beyonce fan club! I’m talking about Bee Keeping! Because if you would like to have your own tasty honey all year long—without having worry about any harmful pesticide or chemical agents mixed into the batch—you should learn...
Cover of Argiope Aurantia
by Deborah Keever
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2014

Argiope Aurantia, also known as a Garden Spider is an invertebrated animal having an exoskeleton. See her emit pure white silk from her spinnerets sac as she captures her prey. You will enjoy many more interesting facts about the Garden Spider as you read Argiope Aurantia.
Cover of Just Ant Colony Photos! Big Book of Photographs & Pictures of Ants and Ant Colonies, Vol. 1
by Big Book of Photos
Language: English
Release Date: April 11, 2013

This is a wonderful collection of 30 high-quality amazing images produced by a series of today's top professional photographers. Enjoy and be inspired!
Cover of Do Beekeeping

Do Beekeeping

The Secret to Happy Honey Bees

by Orren Fox
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2015

Honey. Drizzled over a slice of fresh bread… or eaten directly from the spoon… is one of life’s great pleasures. And with beehives springing up on urban rooftops, in next door’s back garden – even schemes for adopting bees or renting hives – becoming a honey producer seems… possible....
Cover of Furtive Fauna

Furtive Fauna

A Field Guide to the Creatures Who Live on You

by Roger M. Knutson
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2012

We've all been bitten by mosquitoes, annoyed by buzzing flies, and perhaps had an itchy and embarrassing encounter with head lice back in grammar school. But there are many more strange creatures that thrive on humans, living out their entire lives on or around our heads, bodies, bedsheets, and...
Cover of Le monde fascinant des insectes
by Jean-Pierre Bourassa, Georges Brossard
Language: French
Release Date: October 3, 2011

On connaît près d’un million d’espèces d’insectes, plus que tous les autres êtres vivants réunis. Il en resterait encore plus de 5 millions à découvrir. Quatre cents millions d’années d’évolution de ces dignes collaborateurs de notre propre destin n’est-ce suffisant pour qu’on...
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