Negotiating category: 462 books

Cover of The Deals That Made the World

The Deals That Made the World

Reckless Ambition, Backroom Negotiations, and the Hidden Truths of Business

by Jacques Peretti
Language: English
Release Date: March 27, 2018

"Excellent. ... Impressive." —Financial Times An award-winning investigative journalist takes us inside the ten business deals that have transformed the modern world We tend to think of our world as controlled by forces we basically understand, primarily the politicians we...
Cover of STTS: Win-Win Negotiation

STTS: Win-Win Negotiation

Develop the mindset, skills and behaviours of winning negotiators

by David Goldwich
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2010

We all negotiate every day, whether we realise it or not. Yet few people ever learn how to negotiate. Those who do usually learn the traditional, win-lose style. In today’s interdependent world of business partnerships and long-term relationships, however, a win-win outcome is fast becoming the only...
Cover of Praxiswissen Bwl

Praxiswissen Bwl

Erfolgreich verhandeln

by Fritz Schulte zur Surlage
Language: German
Release Date: January 24, 2017

Die Buchlinie "Praxiswissen Bwl" beschäftigt sich umfassend mit betriebswirtschaftlichen Themen im Praxisbezug. Dies geschieht mit dem Anspruch, dem Leser eine stark komprimierte und sehr kostengünstige Buchvariante bieten zu können. Abgedeckte Themenbereiche sind u.a. Einkauf, Verhandlungsführung,...
Cover of You Get What You Pitch For

You Get What You Pitch For

Control Any Situation, Create Fierce Agreement, and Get What You Want In Life

by Anthony Sullivan, Tim Vandehey
Language: English
Release Date: September 12, 2017

TV's most popular pitchman reveals the secrets of pitching to get what you want in virtually any situation. Anthony "Sully" Sullivan went from selling car washers in rainy Welsh street markets to selling to audiences of millions around the world as the face of OxiClean. How did he...
Cover of I Win, You Win

I Win, You Win

The Essential Guide to Principled Negotiation

by Carl Lyons
Language: English
Release Date: April 30, 2012

Negotiation is an essential skill in all areas of life. It is a series of manoeuvres that we move through in order to get the best possible deal for ourselves, our company or organisation. How far we will go to achieve our goals is where the rub lies. Ideally, negotiations should be a 'win-win'...
Cover of The Science of Influence

The Science of Influence

How to Get Anyone to Say "Yes" in 8 Minutes or Less!

by Kevin Hogan
Language: English
Release Date: June 4, 2010

New secrets to getting what you want every time The Science of Influence shows readers how to get anyone to say "yes" in eight minutes or less. Synthesizing the latest research in the field of influence with real-world tested experiences, it presents simple secrets that help readers turn...
Cover of How to Handle Bullies
by Stephen Dyson
Language: English
Release Date: December 17, 2014

When we think about bullies, we usually conjure up a mental picture of a bigger kid stealing lunch money from a smaller kid. Or maybe the "jocks" yanking a wedgie on a freshman. If you're a woman, the picture will change a bit to portray the "popular" girls laughing at another...
Cover of Game-Changer: Game Theory and the Art of Transforming Strategic Situations
by David McAdams
Language: English
Release Date: January 27, 2014

A radically new, and easily learned, way to outstrategize your rivals. “The wise win before they fight, while the ignorant fight to win.” So wrote Zhuge Liang, the great Chinese military strategist. He was referring to battlefield tactics, but the same can be said about any strategic situation....
Cover of We Have a Deal

We Have a Deal

How to Negotiate with Intelligence, Flexibility and Power

by Natalie Reynolds
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2016

SHORTLISTED FOR 'BEST COMMUTER READ', CMI MANAGEMENT BOOK OF THE YEAR 2017 How do you ask for a promotion, deliver tough news to clients, or secure investment for your new business? The answer is negotiation. It is the most important skill you can develop to get what you want in business...
Cover of FBI談判協商術



by 克里斯‧佛斯/塔爾‧拉茲
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 1, 2016

改變全局的高風險談判法──不論董事會或家中都適用。 如何一開口就讓對方點頭,並搞定所有現實生活的溝通難題 FBI可能隨時布署一萬名探員, 但只有一人能擔任國際綁架事件首席談判專家, 作者就是這麼一位萬中選一的重要談判人士 本書作者克里斯•佛斯(Chris...
Cover of 人前不會緊張的37個說話術:輕鬆開口.不再怯場!提升溝通力,主動出擊的超強說話力!
by 佐藤達郎
Language: Chinese
Release Date: February 9, 2017

會議.上台演講.商務洽談.簡報 超有效! 對自己想法沒信心,因而對說話心生恐懼; 無法完整地對主管簡報、發表言論; 明知對方不對,卻無法適當地提出自己的主張…… 現在再也不用吃悶虧了!只要克服這些,「說話」就能成為你在職場上的強大武器。 不知道有效的方法,還一直往錯誤方向努力,不僅不會帶來預期成果,反而更強化自己口才笨拙的認知。利用37種技巧改變努力的重點,任何人都能夠擁有好口才! 跟緊張、怯場、冒冷汗說再見! 一舉消除簡報、演講、商務會議等需在人前發言時的恐懼。 因口才笨拙,在人前緊張得說不出話,而決定以編寫廣告文案為業的男人, 將長年累積的說話技巧歸納為37種,一舉蛻變為在簡報所戰皆捷, 並在世界舞台成功發表演說的頂尖廣告創意人! 對許多容易緊張的人,本書提供快速改變自己的方法。當在眾人面前發表談話時,對方的反應將與以往截然不同;回答尖銳問題時,你也能夠游刃有餘地回答,瞬間提升簡報的成功率。 第1章...
Cover of Negotiation
by José Corona
Language: English
Release Date: September 8, 2016

A clear and concise book to improve your negotiation skills through value creation, target definition and motivation. It shows the empiric rules of negotiation and explains why this is a discipline of excelence, reserved to privileged. It also explains haggling. It will teach you which are the tricks and traps and how to neutralize them.
Cover of 交涉的藝術



by 麥克.惠勒(Michael Wheeler )
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 28, 2014

交涉談判必讀的經典   哈佛大學、麻省理工學院、塔夫斯大學等頂尖大學跨校合作的研究成果,   無數MBA、跨國公司高階主管、經理人與政府官員必學的交涉與談判技巧。   協商、談判、議價的過程充滿變數,   沒有人一開始就知道自己的最大利益;   掌握應變的基本要領,更勝緊抓既定策略,   再混亂,也可以創造出好結果。   買房子議價時,如果屋主的開價比你預期的價格還低,你該趕快拍板成交,還是該再殺價?   終於得到期望中的工作,但是,待遇卻比預期低,你該接受嗎?該如何開口談薪水?   明明已經完成交易,上司卻硬是要求你再向對方多要一點,這個時候,你該怎麼做?   推銷、殺價、說服、協商、談判,我們每個人時時都在進行各種交涉。   但是,你是不是經常不確定自己是不是讓步太快、擔心再提高條件談判就要破局,或總覺得自己沒有得到最好的條件?   享譽國際的哈佛商學院...
Cover of Consiga o que você quer
by Stuart Diamond
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: October 14, 2012

Considerado o melhor livro para a sua carreira pelo The Wall Street Journal, Consiga o que você quer apresenta um estilo de negociação inovador que foi adotado pelo Google para treinar seus funcionários no mundo inteiro. Esse livro mostra que descobrir e valorizar as emoções e as percepções...
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