Parapsychology category: 953 books

Cover of The Friend From Mexico: A True Story of Surviving an Intensive Care Unit
by Apostolos Mavrothalassitis
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2014

Hello, my name is Apostolos and I was born again on the sixth of February 2009 in a hospital in Mexico. These are the somewhat intense memories from the first one and a half months of my new life.The author had a mid-air collision with a fellow competitor at 10,000 feet while participating...
Cover of Soul Love Never Ends

Soul Love Never Ends

A True Story of The Power of Love and After Death Communication

by Katye Anna, Allan Sethius
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2015

Soul Love Transcends Everything November 1st, 2014 began just like many other nights for Katye and her husband Allan.  As they sat together holding hands and watching television Katye heard a voice telling her that Allan was going to die and leave her.  She continued to hold his hand and heard the...
Cover of Encounters: Book One of Series: It's Time You Knew
by Joel The Medium
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2019

With the help of the Spirit Realm, we will go in-depth, focusing on the daily Encounters we have, with other Humans, Spiritual Beings, as well as all our surroundings. Looking at what it is about us, both Spiritually and because of the Human Condition, that causes our reactions. We will explore how...
Cover of Io continuo in te
by Maurizio Miglia, Paola Giovetti
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 28, 2017

Il racconto di una storia vera, di una trasformazione di un amore da terreno a etereo. Sonia, compagna di vita di Maurizio, dopo undici anni d'intensa e talvolta sofferta malattia, abbandona la vita terrena e, seppure lui, scettico di natura, non ricerchi ulteriori contatti a livello incorporeo, il...
Cover of Opera Omnia
by Emmanuel
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 2, 2017

Emmanuel, entità spirituale, si è avvalso della scrittura ispirata di Cristina per scrivere questo libro. Cristina Sanbres è nata a Venezia nel 1952. Fin da bambina ha avuto contatti con il mondo extrasensibile e con guide spirituali. Ha sempre amato viaggiare e ha sviluppato ulteriormente questo...
Cover of Slenderman, moderne Hexen und Spukhäuser
by Michael Schneider, Frank Grondkowski, Anett Steiner
Language: German
Release Date: March 27, 2016

Ausgabe 4 der Themenreihe ParaMagazin widmet sich wieder einem breiten Themenspektrum aus der Welt des Paranormalen und des Verborgenen. Stoßen Sie gemeinsam mit uns Türen auf, die in die geheimnisvolle und verborgene Welt hinter unserer Realität und Vorstellung führen. Verfolgen Sie jene Dinge,...
Cover of Was die Wissenschaft übersehen hat
by Dieter Bremer
Language: German
Release Date: January 29, 2016

Es gibt viele Rätsel in der Geschichte der Erde und der Menschheit. Die Wissenschaft war bisher nicht in der Lage, alle Rätsel aufzuklären. Oft werden sie einfach ignoriert. Warum sind die Dinosaurier ausgestorben? Warum wird von einer mondlosen Zeit berichtet? Wieso wird von Riesen berichtet?...
Cover of The Ultimate Kinetic Book

The Ultimate Kinetic Book

Einführung in die Welt der Kinesen

by Benedikt Maurer
Language: German
Release Date: May 23, 2016

ACHTUNG! "The Ultimate Kinetic Book" ist eine Erstauflage und inzwischen komplett überholt. Wir empfehlen deswegen unbedingt die neue Auflage von Benedikt Maurer (Autor und Experte der Psychokinese), die jetzt als "Magnetismus Psychokinese" erhältlich ist! Benedikt Maurer ist...
Cover of BERNARDI Profile


Die Schlüssel für deine persönlichen und beruflichen Erfolg

by Lara Bernardi
Language: German
Release Date: January 8, 2017

BERNARDI Profile das Selbstcoaching Buch, welches Sie zu persönlichem und beruflichem Erfolg führt. Wissen Sie, wer Sie sind, was Sie können und wohin Sie gehen wollen? Selbst-Erkenntnis ist der Schlüssel zu Ihrem Potential und somit zum persönlichen und beruflichen Erfolg. Dieses Buch ist ein Wegweiser...
Cover of Suche im Grenzenlosen

Suche im Grenzenlosen

Hans Bender – ein Leben für die Parapsychologie

by Elmar R. Gruber
Language: German
Release Date: October 20, 2016

Die Geschichte Hans Benders, Wissenschaftler und Pionier der Parapsychologie, wird in der Darstellung seines langjährigen Mitarbeiters Elmar R. Gruber zu einer ebenso kritischen wie aufregenden Exkursion in die Welt des Unerhörten.
Cover of The Reluctant Psychic

The Reluctant Psychic

More Case Files

by Richard J West
Language: English
Release Date: May 28, 2014

Richard West didn't want to be psychic. He tried, over the years, to ignore the voices that he heard, and the gentle prods that he received from a higher place. He became accustomed to a certain "knowing" about people and events before they happened, and used this to good advantage in his...
Cover of Entre la mort et la vie
by Alexis Apoukthine
Language: French
Release Date: June 23, 2016

"Un témoignage de l'Au-delà". Apoukhtine, l'un des grands génies de la littérature Russe, raconte ce qui est après la mort et lève le voile sur l'au-delà dans un texte à la fois philosophique et mystérieux qui montre que la mort permet parfois de trouver un sens à la vie. "Je...
Cover of Of Endings and Beginnings

Of Endings and Beginnings

A Memoir of Discovery and Transformation

by Robert B Speigel
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2015

Of Endings and Beginnings: A memoir of Discovery and Transformation, by Robert Speigel, is a ground breaking journey from pain to health, from places of darkness to places of light. Using his life’s story…and the story of his family…Speigel in a very personal and intimate way takes us...
Cover of 7C AUTOSTIMA Il potere di se stessi e il volo verso la felicità
by Pasquale Kovacic
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 31, 2018

Siamo tutti dei leoni ai quali è stato fatto credere di essere gatti. Siamo dei “Re della foresta” inconsapevoli, che tali devono rimanere, a cui è stata tolta la sovranità di se stessi, originando degli esseri indifesi, infelici ed incapaci di regnare nel proprio “IO” interiore.
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