Parapsychology category: 953 books

Cover of The Psychic Immune System

The Psychic Immune System

A Hidden Epiphenomenon of the Body's Own Defenses

by Jerry Kroth
Language: English
Release Date: September 9, 2016

The Psychic Immune System theorizes the existence of a hidden variable that acts via both unconscious and conscious processes to protect humans individually and collectively from mortal threats. Much like the physical immune system, the psychic immune system scans for danger, protects, heals, and...
Cover of Unexplained Consciousness Events

Unexplained Consciousness Events

Exploring the Possibilities

by Robert De Filippis
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2017

As adults, two key questions we want answered are, is this it or is there more? And if there’s more, when I die, will I see my loved ones again? Although this book does not provide absolute answers to those questions, it opens the door to more a revealing inquiry. And the possibility that religion...
Cover of Wings of Despair
by Elwood Babbitt
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2017

In Wings of Despair, the memories of World War II are recounted through the eyes of a gifted clairvoyant, Elwood Babbitt. The story, not only pulses with the excitement and turmoil of battle conditions, experienced by he and his platoon, but also delves into what Babbitt perceives through his...
Cover of Our Evolution
by Waldo Vieira
Language: English
Release Date: July 6, 2016

Who are you? What are you? Where did you come from? What are you doing in this life on Earth? Where are you going to? Using a series of questions and answers we seek to provide simple and logical responses to these classic philosophical questions, as well as many others, from the standpoint of conscientiology....
Cover of Théosophie - L'anthroposophie
by Rudolf Steiner
Language: French
Release Date: August 25, 2015

Edition Complète de " Théosophie - Étude sur   la connaissance suprasensible et la destinée humaine - Rudolf Steiner ", entièrement relu, revu et corrigé avec mise en page étudiée et table des Matières pour navigation aisée....
Cover of Deadline, dernière limite

Deadline, dernière limite

Expériences de mort imminente, 20 ans de recherche sur une énigme scientifique

by Jean-Pierre JOURDAN, Raymond MOODY
Language: French
Release Date: September 27, 2012

Les expériences dites de " mort imminente " (E.M.I) ne concernent pas seulement des individus en état de mort clinique : elles peuvent aussi se produire chez des sujets en parfaite santé, à la faveur de situations moins dramatiques, tels accident évité de justesse, anesthésie générale... Fait...
Cover of Histoires vraies de maisons hantées

Histoires vraies de maisons hantées

Les enquêteurs de l'étrange

by Stéphanie BRASEY, Édouard BRASEY
Language: French
Release Date: September 22, 2011

Immeubles qui disparaissent, maisons du diable, châteaux et monastères hantés... Edouard et Stéphanie Brasey ont traqué les meilleurs histoires de hantises pour vous faire frémir de plaisir ! Les lieux, paraît-il, ont une âme. Ils ont en tout cas une mémoire. Ils conservent, imprimé...
Cover of Voyez l'Aura !

Voyez l'Aura !

Apprenez À Percevoir Et Décoder L'Aura Grâce à Une Technique Simple Et TRÈS Efficace

by Rochelle Dixon
Language: French
Release Date: January 19, 2017

Apprenez à voir les auras pour découvrir un monde de possibilités fantastiques ! Vous rêvez depuis longtemps de voir les auras afin de connaître la vraie nature des êtres et des choses, mais vous ne savez pas comment vous y prendre ?STOP ! Vous trouverez dans ce petit guide **une méthode...
Cover of Libérez-vous de votre corps !

Libérez-vous de votre corps !

10 techniques redoutablement EFFICACES pour faire ENFIN un voyage astral. Visitez d'autres plans, découvrez l'Univers, rencontrez vos guides... quand votre corps dort !

by Siraën
Language: French
Release Date: July 23, 2015

Visitez d'autres plans, découvrez l'Univers, rencontrez vos guides... quand votre corps dort ! Vous rêvez depuis longtemps d'expérimenter un "voyage astral" mais vous ne savez pas comment vous y prendre ?STOP ! Vous trouverez dans ce petit guide 10 techniques qui ont fait leurs preuves et qui vous...
Cover of Collecting Feathers

Collecting Feathers

tales from The Other Side

by Daniela I. Norris
Language: English
Release Date: November 28, 2014

In Collecting Feathers, Daniela I. Norris blends pitch-perfect storytelling and a keen spiritual awareness to bring us a beautiful and haunting set of tales from the beyond. A feast for the heart, mind and soul, each story is layered with unfolding intrigue, and each one will stay with you long after the pages have been turned.
Cover of The Death Myth

The Death Myth

Uncovering What the Bible Really Says About the Afterlife

by Brian M. Rossiter
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2017

Is death the end of our story, or do we go on? If life does continue after death, where and how will we live? What happens to us after we die is not only a matter of speculation, but also a matter of debate. This is particularly true within the church, and though some would like to believe that the...
Cover of Death and Consciousness
by David H. Lund
Language: English
Release Date: May 6, 2016

Does bodily death mean the complete destruction of a person? The first part of this scholarly book defends the view that the nature of man and the world he encounters implies survival of death as a conceptual possibility. The second part considers the empirical evidence for concluding that at least...
Cover of In Search of the Luminous Heart

In Search of the Luminous Heart

From the Mountains of Naranjito, Puerto Rico to the Mountains of Crestone, Colorado

by Victoria Rivera McKinley
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2015

Beginning with her family’s origins as tenant farmers in the mountains of Puerto Rico at the turn of the nineteenth century, Victoria Rivera Mckinley leads readers through dramatic and painful events, which in spite of psychological explanations, add up to experiences that are much larger. Against...
Cover of İstanbul Gizemleri
by Giovanni Scognamillo
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

İstanbul kendi başına bir gizemdir, bir gizem tarihi ve bir gizemler merkezidir her çeşitinden. Ve İstanbul yüzyıllardan beri süregelen bir arayışın buluşma noktasıdır, ölümsüzlerin, gizli ve bilinmeyen üstünlerin, bilgelerin, gizemcilerin ve de şarlatanların uğrağıdır. Dünyanın...
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