Parapsychology category: 953 books

Cover of Vos reves peuvent vous sauver la vie

Vos reves peuvent vous sauver la vie

Comment et pourquoi vos reves vous alertent de tous les dangers…

by Anna Mancini
Language: French
Release Date: December 20, 2013

Bien que nous percevions naturellement à travers notre corps et notre subconscient tous les dangers de notre environnement, nous ne savons plus utiliser ces perceptions pour assurer notre sécurité personnelle. Les animaux, eux, savent encore le faire et c'est ce qui leur permet...
Cover of The Conscious Mind and the Material World

The Conscious Mind and the Material World

On Psi, the Soul and the Self

by Douglas M. Stokes
Language: English
Release Date: January 24, 2015

What makes us who we are? From a scientific viewpoint, any individual’s existence is improbable at best. Consciousness as an actuality is inarguable; its nature, however, remains elusive. This work argues the view of self as a field of pure consciousness, debating the existence of a continuing self...
Cover of Immortal Yearnings

Immortal Yearnings

Mystical Imaginings and Primordial Affirmations of the Afterlife

by Annamaria Hemingway
Language: English
Release Date: October 26, 2012

The archetypal and symbolic qualities of mystical states of consciousness are ineffable, timeless, and fleeting, but they act as powerful reminders that it is possible to transcend our limited understanding to glimpse a unified eternal reality, which we are part of. The pilgrimage of life ends in death--there...
Cover of Find Your Happily Ever After

Find Your Happily Ever After

Love and Relationship Advice From a Professional Psychic

by Tiffany Johnson
Language: English
Release Date: January 8, 2015

Discover practical advice and insightful tips for finding love and being successful in relationships. With humor, warmth, and disarming honesty, professional psychic Tiffany Johnson empowers you to make the changes you need in order to find lasting happiness. Every love-related topic imaginable is...
Cover of ParaMagazin 5

ParaMagazin 5

Phantome und Schatten, Begegnungen mit dem Unsichtbaren und weitere Phänomene

by Nadine Schneider, Martina Lohr, Thomas Bergmann
Language: German
Release Date: September 26, 2016

Die fünfte Ausgabe des Special-Interests Magazins 'ParaMagazin'. Wieder haben wir für Sie ein breites Spektrum aus den Themenbereichen Forteanik, Anomalistik, Naturphänomene und Grenzwissenschaften zusammengestellt. Unter anderem mit folgenden Themen: Phantome und Schatten Oft sind es nur Schatten,...
Cover of Spukhäuser


Eine Einführung

by Nadine Schneider
Language: German
Release Date: March 31, 2016

Der Mensch war schon seit jeher von der Existenz von Geistern überzeugt. Geister waren in allen Kulturkreisen ein alltägliches Phänomen, das zum Leben gehört. Geister waren ein fester Bestandteil im Volksglauben. Erst in den letzten zweihundert Jahren verliert dieser Glauben an die Existenz von...
Cover of Sketchbook3


Informazione tra sistemi: visceri, fascia e la qualità di coerenza ritmica "Fluidi-Cuore-Respiro"

by Francesca Palumbo
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 8, 2016

“Sembra che la coerenza dei ritmi tra Fluidi, Cuore e Respiro induca una rimodulazione nel presente di passato e futuro... Detto altrimenti rilevare un segnale, uno stato, un sintomo nel presente significa OSSERVARE un evento passato, ma anche il germoglio di un divenire futuro. Intervenendo nel...
Cover of Kur'an-ı Kerim'in Apocrypha'sı
by Nimet Erenler Gülkökü
Language: Turkish
Release Date: February 18, 2013

Dinler tarihi, dinlerin toplum üzerindeki etkileri ve bu etkilerin izleri; kulaktan dolma, eksik, çarpık ve yanlış bir şekilde yerleşerek devam etmektedir. Kadim dönemlerde dinler bilgeliği ve bilimi temsil ederken, günümüzde dinler, tam tersi bu konumundan aşağıya çekilmiştir. Bu...
Cover of İnsanlığın Apocrypha'sı
by Nimet Erenler Gülkökü
Language: Turkish
Release Date: February 18, 2013

Tanrıyı tanımak için bir adım daha atmak Değerli okur; Dinler tarihine yapacağımız yolculuğa ait bu ikinci kitapta; Kur'an'da da bahsi geçen Lut kavmi, Sodom ve Gomoro'nun helakı, Adem, Nuh, İbrahim, İshak, Yakup, Yusuf, Musa, Davut ve Süleyman'ın tarihsel izlerini, Yahudilerin...
Cover of Küllerinden Doğmak
by Nimet Erenler Gülkökü
Language: Turkish
Release Date: December 15, 2017

Yirminci yüzyılın en önemli mistiklerinden Gurdjieff şöyle der:   “İnsanlar uyumaktadırlar ve bunu kabul etmezler”   O halde uykuda olduğumuzun “farkındalığına” varmakla işe başlamalı…   Nimet Erenler Gülkökü, ezoterizmden dinlere,...
Cover of La Fascinazione Mentale

La Fascinazione Mentale

Uso pratico della magia mentale per relazioni di successo

by William Walker Atkinson
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 18, 2017

La Fascinazione Mentale è l'azione di una Forza Mentale che influenza potentemente l'immaginazione, il desiderio o la volontà altrui. Il Segreto della Magia Mentale , di cui si occupa questo manuale è che la Forza sottostante a tutte le forme di Magia Mentale, - e la Fascinazione Mentale...
Cover of Guide de thérapie par les anges
by Doreen Virtue
Language: French
Release Date: July 16, 2012

Doreen Virtue enseigne sa formation de praticien en thérapie par les anges depuis 1997. Elle a aidé des milliers de personnes à apprendre l’art de la guérison spirituelle et des lectures psychiques en collaboration avec les anges et les archanges. Elle rassemble aujourd’hui dans un guide exhaustif...
Cover of Your Mesmeric Forces And How to Develop Them
by Frank H. Randall
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 7, 2015

Table of Contents CHAPTER I. Pros and Cons—What is Mesmeric Force —Persons suitable to become Operators—The Forms of Mesmeric Force CHAPTER II. Qualifications for an Operator—Spiritual, Mental, Moral, Physical CHAPTER III. Miscellaneous qualification and advice to students....
Cover of The Shopping Malls of Heaven

The Shopping Malls of Heaven

and the Meaning of Life

by Saeed Kauser
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2016

The Shopping Malls of Heaven and the Meaning of Life presents a more detailed description of heaven than has previously been available. If you believe in heaven, have you ever wondered what it will be like? Will it be a physical place or a spiritual one? Will there be houses in heaven? Will we eat...
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