Parent category: 1315 books

Cover of Conquering Pre-Kindergarten
by Reha M. Jain, Emily R. Smith, Lynette Ordoñez
Language: English
Release Date: July 6, 2017

Give all young learners the foundational skills they need to succeed! Based on today's standards, the activities in this book are designed to develop students' skills in reading, word study, language, writing, mathematics, social studies, and science. It also features fun, yet challenging, critical-thinking...
Cover of Lydia
by Luz M. Guzman
Language: English
Release Date: November 19, 2010

A small New England town makes two discoveries, an abandoned four year girl, and a dead young woman. Are they connected? Did the woman kill herself? Mrs. Hallaway pushed those questions aside as she discovered the joy of caring for Lydia, the four year Latino youngster. The note attached to the child's...
Cover of Wie wirkt sich Gewalt in der Erziehung auf die Gewaltbereitschaft von Kindern aus?
by Nele Salzgeber
Language: German
Release Date: August 17, 2012

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Pädagogik - Familienerziehung, Evangelische Hochschule Ludwigsburg (ehem. Evangelische Fachhochschule Reutlingen-Ludwigsburg; Standort Ludwigsburg), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: 'Kinder schlagen Kinder', 'Die Kriminalität unter Kindern nimmt immer mehr...
Cover of Arduino per giovani maker

Arduino per giovani maker

Un approccio creativo alla tecnologia

by Vijay Varada, Rishi Gaurav Bhatnagar, Priya Kuber
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 10, 2017

Arduino è la piattaforma di prototipazione elettronica open source più diffusa al mondo perché basata su hardware e software flessibili e di facile utilizzo e sul supporto di una comunità di sviluppatori e utilizzatori sempre più ricca. Arduino è destinato ad artisti, designer, hobbisti, studenti...
Cover of Il manuale del giovane Maker

Il manuale del giovane Maker

Come coinvolgere ragazzi e ragazze nel fai-da-te digitale

by Danielle Martin, Alisha Panjwani
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 7, 2017

Grazie al Manuale del giovane Maker scoprirete come pianificare e coordinare un progetto di “Making” a casa, a scuola o in qualsiasi centro di aggregazione e comunità dove sono presenti ragazzi e ragazze desiderosi di sperimentare e costruire con le proprie mani oggetti che hanno a che fare con...
Cover of La bellezza di mia madre
by Silvia Cervellati
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 4, 2014

Ricordi e misteri insospettabili, in questo racconto di “doppi” in cui due sono le madri ed altrettante le figlie, protagoniste della storia, di una di esse; due, le amiche-nemiche un poco folli e un po’ mediocri, che fan da sfondo assieme ad altri a quello che è il vero racconto... divertendo...
Cover of Stiefmütter


Leben mit Bonuskindern

by Barbara Tóth
Language: German
Release Date: April 10, 2018

Patchworkfamilien gehören inzwischen zum Alltag. Viel zu wenig wird darüber geredet, wie es den Frauen geht, die in diesen neuen Familienformen die Rolle der Stiefmutter übernehmen. Oft ist der Familienzuwachs für sie eine Bereicherung, aber wie gehen sie damit um, wenn die Kinder ihres Partners...
Cover of Autoritative Erziehung

Autoritative Erziehung

Erziehungsstile in Larry Steinbergs Aufsatz 'We Know Some Things'

by Jan Hoppe
Language: German
Release Date: August 1, 2011

Essay aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Pädagogik - Familienerziehung, Universität Bielefeld, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Noch nie war Erziehung einfach. Selbst im oft so verklärten 'Früher' gab es nicht nur einheitliche, eng verknüpfte und einander unterstützende Großfamilien. Die familiären...
Cover of Das Jahr der Lügen
by Marijn Backer
Language: German
Release Date: March 5, 2014

Seitdem ihr Vater die Familie verlassen hat, lebt die 14-jährige Antonia mit ihren älteren Geschwistern Iris und Max und der Mutter allein. Alle scheinen einen Weg zu finden, mit der Situation umzugehen, nur Toni kommt nicht damit zurecht. Als ihr Vater seine Kinder einlädt, ihn auf Kreta zu besuchen,...
Cover of Familienleben in der DDR. Das propagierte, sozialistische Familienideal als Leitbild einer Nation
by Luisa Eichhorn
Language: German
Release Date: September 16, 2015

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2015 im Fachbereich Pädagogik - Familienerziehung, Note: 2,7, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Bildung und Kultur), Veranstaltung: Seminar: Erziehung in der Familie, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In der folgenden Arbeit geht es speziell um das Leben von Familien in der...
Cover of The Parting of the Ways
by Albert Andrews
Language: English
Release Date: December 5, 2013

The parting of the Ways is a natural corollary of the first story in the book, "Short Stories for Coffee break." A young girl going out to a foreign country to study. What else does she do. How much does she divulge to her parents. Does a genetic inheritance play some part in her ultimate...
Cover of Teddybears to Bombs
by Dr. E. Thomas Carroll II
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2011

Our behaviors, emotions, spirituality, aptitudes, internal chemistry and much more, began as far back as when the first man walked the earth. Biblically speaking, was that Adam and Eve? Or one of the other humans as stated in the Bible in Genesis? Yes, in the time of Genesis, there were other people...
Cover of Ciao Papa'
by Sarah Viola, Carmela Pregadio
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 27, 2012

Questo scritto è dedicato ai padri. A loro e alle loro compagne. Ai padri messi in disparte dalla rivoluzione culturale degli anni settanta, e poi riscoperti come sostituti, monchi, dell’utero materno. Ai padri, educatori distratti e spesso deleganti. Ai padri che stanno oggi cercando un nuovo...
Cover of Crescere con i media

Crescere con i media

Progetti Editoriali Realizzati Onestamente a cura di Giovanni Tommasini

by Alessandra Verde
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 5, 2015

Prefazione e progetto editoriale a cura di Giovanni Tommasini CRESCERE CON I MEDIA di Alessandra Verde Pedagogista, un saggio per tutti: genitori, insegnanti, educatori, figli media-dipendenti. Indice argomenti trattati I capitolo “La televisione dagli anni 50 ad oggi” 1.1 La Tv: vecchie...
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