Self Esteem category: 3333 books

Cover of Live Like Your Nail Color Even If You Have Naked Nails

Live Like Your Nail Color Even If You Have Naked Nails

Discovering Sanity, Confidence, and Fun at the Tips of Your Fingers or Toes!

by Mary Foley
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2010

Are Your Nails Mild, Wild, or Naked? Find out what your nails reveal about you in Mary Foley’s latest book Live Like Your Nail Color, Even If You Have Naked Nails!  Replace feelings of feelings of stress, unworthiness, fear, and frustration with sanity, confidence, and fun--all while doing your...
Cover of Fragil: El Poder de la Vulnerabilidad (Daring Greatly): Resumen del libro de Brene Brown
by Sapiens Editorial
Language: English
Release Date: January 6, 2017

RESUMEN DE "FRAGIL: EL PODER DE LA VULNERABILIDAD (DARING GREATLY) - DE BRENE BROWN” ¿Sientes que tu vulnerabilidad te hace débil? ¿Te avergüenzas cuando te equivocas? ¿Te consideras menos que los demás? Abraza tus imperfecciones y vuélvelas fuente de fortaleza. Esta obra...
Cover of 20 Surprising Tips That Will Give You A Better, Happier, Healthier, Wealthier Life
by C. Weston Bailey
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2011

If you are emotionally dejected, withdrawn and or living a life of poverty get the free ebook, 20 Surprising Tips That Will Give You A better, Happier, Healthier and Wealthier Life.
Cover of Mastering the Art of Saying No Without Feeling Guilty
by Arla DeField
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2012

Mastering the Art of Saying NO Without Feeling Guilty is about remembering that No is a viable answer to any request for your time, energy or resources. It encourages readers to reclaim their life and set themselves free from worrying about what people will think of you if you say no. It provides...
Cover of The Need to Say No

The Need to Say No

The Importance of Setting Boundaries in Love, Life, & Your World - How to Be Bullish and Not Bullied

by Jill Brooke
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2013

The Need to Say No is a simple inspirational guide and instructional manual to help the reader gain command of their relationships by setting boundaries. Whether in love, work, family, or the world, the need to say no is imperative at times. And rather than accepting another transgression or being...
Cover of THRIVE! 7 Strategies for Extraordinary Living
by Felicia T. Scott
Language: English
Release Date: March 12, 2014

Make Your Life Extraordinary!Are you ready to do more than survive? THRIVE! 7 Strategies for Extraordinary Living will show you how to "make your life extraordinary!" Using real-life lessons and practical wisdom, Coach Felicia T. Scott shares the seven strategies that brought H.E.A.L.I.N.G....
Cover of Re-Create Yourself Now
by Stanley Bronstein
Language: English
Release Date: May 25, 2011

Are you looking to re-create yourself? Then what are you waiting for? Re-Create Yourself Now will give you some quick guidance on how to "jump-start" your own personal re-creation project.
Cover of Goals for Change
by Bob Colley
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2011

With Goals for Change you can rise above the crowd, move forward in your life with confidence and achieve all of your dreams. If you don’t know what to do and you are lacking direction in your life, you need a system that makes goal setting fast and painless. Goals for Change is written in a easy...
Cover of Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person | Summary
by Summary Station
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2016

This summary of Shonda Rhimes’ book ‘Year of Yes’: How to Dance It Out, Stand in the Sun and Be Your Own Person gives a chapter by chapter detail followed by an analysis and appraisal of the strengths and weaknesses of the book itself. The book has a main theme of how to be yourself while being...
Cover of If Only I Could Quit

If Only I Could Quit

Recovering From Nicotine Addiction

by Karen Casey
Language: English
Release Date: January 25, 2011

This complete resource brings together personal stories of recovery, Twelve Step guidance, and 90 daily meditations to help us become nicotine-free. This complete resource brings together personal stories of recovery, Twelve Step guidance, and 90 daily meditations to help us become nicotine-free....
Cover of 斜槓青年:全球職涯新趨勢,迎接更有價值的多職人生
by Susan Kuang
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 1, 2017

除了本業,你還擁有什麼? 除了職稱,你還有沒有比名片更亮眼的故事? 席捲全球新風潮! 不是迫於生存,而是不甘平庸! 斜/槓/青/年──Slash是一種生活態度! 共享經濟時代,越來越多人不再滿足於單一職業和身分的束縛,開始選擇一種能夠利用自身專業和才藝,經營多重身分的多職人生。這些人都擁有一個共同的名字:斜槓青年/Slash。 對於一個斜槓青年最重要的是: 不是身兼很多種賺錢的方式,而是擁有許多真正熱愛的事物。 透過不同管道,讓你的才華和機會超/展/開! 斜槓青年並不浪漫,但可能精采。 他們投資的不是財富,而是自己人生的故事──── 一邊做設計同時開書店、從事攝影也是健身教練、寫程式邊做Youtuber…… 如今全球斜槓青年的故事已越堆越厚,如果你還未上路,那你該緊張了。 未必要辭職去旅行, 拋棄麵包追逐詩與遠方。 但是你該捫心自問, 除了一份安穩的工作,你還會什麼? 如果世界是精采的, 當你delete人生的其他選擇,自然就沒得選擇。 你要做一隻在猴群裡爬樹的魚?還是也同時痛快地游水! 讓現在的業餘愛好,成為你未來謀生的手段! 從今以後,按自己的方式生活! ★好評推薦★ 這個時代,大家都處於一種不斷變動的焦慮,過去的一招半式闖江湖,一份工作做到底,已經過去了。 現在的經驗法則,就是沒有法則,必須依靠探索和嘗試來瞭解這個「沒有模式的時代」的新規則。 作者這本書以他自身的觀察出發,提供在生活之樂中找到生存之道的思考與路徑,適合仍在理想及麵包兩端心理交戰、期望有所不同的朋友閱讀。——前公務員/《公門菜鳥飛》作者/生態保育NGO/政治工作者...
Cover of Think Bigger

Think Bigger

How to Raise Your Expectations and Achieve Everything

by Michael Hill
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2010

Michael Hill's step-by-step guide to fulfilling your dreams - any dreams - easily. Michael outlines all the key lessons he has learned over the years. His wisdom covers these topics in great detail with lots of helpful examples: * Clearing the clutter of your mind * Positive day-dreaming * Letting...
Cover of La dieta mentale dei 7 giorni. Come cambiare la tua vita in una settimana
by Emmet Fox
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 8, 2016

UNA PICCOLA GUIDA CON TUTTI I CONSIGLI NECESSARI PER METTERE IN PRATICA IN SOLI SETTE GIORNI LA POTENTE LEGGE DELL'ATTRAZIONE. ***** Questo non è l’ennesimo libro sulle diete. La dieta mentale che l’autore propone ha effetti ancora più profondi e di più vasta portata rispetto a quella alimentare....
Cover of What Do You Say When . . .

What Do You Say When . . .

Talking to People with Confidence on Any Social or Business Occasion

by Florence Isaacs
Language: English
Release Date: May 5, 2009

Have you ever walked alone into a room of chattering people and felt nervous? Is the idea of attending a wedding or job interview where you won't know many people intimidating? The art of conversation is a necessary skill for navigating life’s social and business occasions, and with practice you...
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