Spreadsheets category: 384 books

Cover of Microsoft Excel 2016 Programming Pocket Primer
by Julitta Korol
Language: English
Release Date: March 9, 2016

As part of the Pocket Primer series, this book was designed for someone like you who needs to master Excel programming fundamentals without spending too much time. All you need is a short book to get you started. It will show you only the things you need to know to feel at home with VBA. What you learn...
Cover of Excel Data Cleansing Straight to the Point
by Oz du Soleil
Language: English
Release Date: July 23, 2019

This Straight to the Point guide provides an introduction to data cleansing, which also goes by names such as data munging and data wrangling. Whatever the name, it basically means doing what needs to be done to make data useful and trustworthy. Data cleansing can include the following tasks:Deleting...
Cover of 效率達人用的Excel和你想的不一樣!144招絕對秒殺操控術
by 艾凡斯
Language: Chinese
Release Date: August 9, 2012

Cover of Microsoft Excel 2013 Data Analysis and Business Modeling
by Wayne Winston
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 2014

Master business modeling and analysis techniques with Microsoft Excel 2013, and transform data into bottom-line results. Written by award-winning educator Wayne Winston, this hands-on, scenario-focused guide shows you how to use the latest Excel tools to integrate data from multiple tables—and how...
Cover of Aprender fórmulas y funciones con Excel 2010 con 100 ejercicios prácticos
by MEDIAactive
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 1, 2012

Con este manual a color aprenderá a: Crear diferentes tipos de referencias y nombres de celdas y rangos. Representar sus datos en tablas de datos, tablas dinámicas, matrices, toda clase de gráficos, minigráficos y formatos condicionales. Trabajar con las avanzadas herramientas de datos de Excel...
Cover of iWork活用萬事通:Keynote、Pages、Numbers一本學會!
by 蘋果梗
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 20, 2014

Cover of Les tableaux croisés dynamiques avec Excel

Les tableaux croisés dynamiques avec Excel

Pour aller plus loin dans votre utilisation d'Excel

by Rémy Lentzner
Language: French
Release Date: January 4, 2018

Découvrez de multiples astuces pour optimiser l'analyse de vos données Grâce à Excel, vous pouvez à tout instant calculer, filtrer et organiser vos informations de mille manières. Le tableau croisé dynamique permet de produire des statistiques et d’analyser plus finement des données. Accessible...
Cover of COME IMPARARE EXCEL IN 7 GIORNI. Metodo Veloce e Divertente!
by Gordon J. Bright
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 25, 2015

Questo libro ti farà imparare EXCEL in soli 7 giorni, partendo da zero. E questa è più di una semplice promessa. Ti spiego… Il metodo è molto semplice: il libro è suddiviso in 7 capitoli, uno per giorno, per permetterti di imparare le basi di questo potente software in una sola settimana. Per...
Cover of Excel Pivot Tables & Charts

Excel Pivot Tables & Charts

A Step By Step Visual Guide

by A. J. Wright
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2018

This book is for every Excel user. It is widely agreed that close to 60 percent of Excel users leave 80 percent of Excel untouched. That is, most users do not tap into the full potential of Excel's built-in utilities. Of these utilities, the most prolific by far are the pivot table and pivot...
Cover of Keynote


Die iWork-App im Büro und unterwegs nutzen

by Gabi Brede, Horst-Dieter Radke
Language: German
Release Date: July 7, 2016

Mit diesem Buch erstellen Sie unkompliziert Präsentationen, mit denen Sie Ihr Publikum fesseln. Setzen Sie die App Keynote auf dem Mac, auf den iOS-Geräten iPhone und iPad sowie mit der iCloud auf jedem Computer mit Internetbrowser ein. Gabi Brede und Horst-Dieter Radke haben für diese Ausgabe ihr...
Cover of Numbers


Die iWork-App im Büro und unterwegs nutzen

by Gabi Brede, Horst-Dieter Radke
Language: German
Release Date: July 7, 2016

Dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie mit Numbers anschauliche Diagramme und übersichtliche Tabellen erstellen: auf dem Mac, auf den iOS-Geräten iPhone und iPad sowie mit der iCloud auf jedem Computer mit Internetbrowser. Gabi Brede und Horst-Dieter Radke haben für diese Ausgabe ihr bewährtes Handbuch...
Cover of 超實用!會計.生管.財務的辦公室EXCEL必備50招省時技
by 張雯燕
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 31, 2014

Cover of 全世界第一本寫給公務員的Excel省時技
by 王俊詠
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 18, 2013

覺得工具書太厚重,午睡拿來趴又嫌太硬… 看見Excel表格後兩眼發直,資料越多,視線越模糊… 越來越習慣同事來問問題,甚至受人崇拜… 工作效率高人一等,逼著主管不得不給甲等考績… 網友試讀後,狂力推薦... 讀完第一章,眼前的儲存格跟我前半輩子的儲存格完全不同了!會有這樣的改變,完全是作者維妙維肖地揣摩一般大眾的原本想法,接著傳達出他自己的獨門心法。我雖然不是公務員,但也從中汲取了寶貴的心得。 ------部落格讀者...
Cover of Tableaux croisés dynamiques
by Michel Martin
Language: French
Release Date: March 15, 2015

Cet eBook va vous faire découvrir l'outil d'analyse le plus puissant d'Excel : les tableaux croisés dynamiques (aussi appelés TCD , rapports de tableau croisé dynamique ou pivot table en anglais). Souvent considérés comme la bête noire des utilisateurs d'Excel, les tableaux croisés...
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