Adolescence category: 1257 books

Cover of Table 13 Journals: A Story of Teen Survival and Transformation
by Ted O'Toole, Miles Harrison
Language: English
Release Date: May 8, 2015

'Table 13 Journals' tells in a raw and vivid way the story of a teenager's struggles with drugs, violence, and persistent thoughts of suicide. It is told in Miles Harrison's own words, written when he was 15 and 16, and in the words of Ted O'Toole, who was his mentor during this period. It also tells...
Cover of The Stepfamily Puzzle

The Stepfamily Puzzle

Intergenerational Influences

by Craig Everett
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2014

Do stepfamilies experience greater levels of stressors than first families? Do they also experience more negative manifestations of stress? Find the latest research on these questions and more in this groundbreaking exploration of the complex factors and dynamics that make up stepfamilies. The Stepfamily...
Cover of 親愛的夏綠蒂
by 丁雯靜
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 19, 2016

  這不是一本指導父母該如面對孩子談戀愛的教戰守則,而是分享一位失敗透頂的母親,如何從只知給孩子提供物質享受,卻不被孩子信任的母親;如何在喪失去職場的光環後,決定脫離以工作為主的循環,追求家庭與工作平衡的覺悟旅程。   作者是兩個女兒的母親。而且,嚴格來說,是在孩子進入叛逆期之際,才正式真正學習如何當「母親」。在那之前,她全心投入工作,盡情衝刺事業。總以為好好掙錢為家庭經濟做出貢獻,就算是盡了本分。那時,她把孩子的陪伴和教養,當作一份活兒來看待。以為只要有人執行就好,不一定要非她不可。   外人總會誤以為她們的親子關係很好。殊不知,孩子們看到在家的媽媽,通常是身心疲憊的母親形象。親子間的對談,多半是言不及義、官腔場面話的內容。來來去去都是問問學校如何、功課如何、老師如何、以及同學如何?媽媽問得敷衍塘塞,孩子也就隨便應付。   她給孩子絕對的自由,從不強迫他們去做不喜歡的事,可是,她並沒有真正花時間,瞭解和引導大女兒夏綠蒂。夏綠蒂不是一般尋常的孩子,對現有教育體制充滿狐疑、對抗、以及不適應。她始終以「教育體系有問題,孩子將來自有出路」,合理化一路以來無暇關心的缺席。   直到事業出現轉折,公司解散,作者才終於有時間重新檢視工作和家庭,並且意識到家庭和工作一樣需要經營,而且絲毫不能懈怠。然而當她的人生重心從職場移轉到家庭時,恰巧遇上夏綠蒂的青春叛逆期。這時夏綠蒂已如脫韁野馬,抓也抓不住,大談戀愛,管也管不動,母女漸行漸遠。   作者以夏綠蒂真實的愛情功課為藍本,透過真實的故事分享,反省自己的態度,也教導女兒在愛情中,學習尊重別人的價值觀及愛情選擇,學習在熱戀中保持真我,不迷失自己,並且學會分手功課。母女之間重新建立起姊妹情誼般的情感互動,也許令人稱羨,實際上並非從天而降。這過程中,成長的不只是夏綠蒂,還包括作者自己。   親子關係沒有法則可循,只要願意花時間和孩子一起共同面對,一定會找到辦法和出路。陪伴孩子成長、互相學習的過程,將會是一場生命的豐盛之旅。 本書特色   1.繼龍應台[親愛的安德烈]那樣一本母子之書後,又一本深刻觸動人心之作,是一本母女之書。   2...
Cover of Total Blueprint for World Domination
by Jolene Stockman
Language: English
Release Date: August 27, 2013

You've got one life, one shot, and all the power to make it happen. Get ready to dream big and live big. It's all up to you. And it starts now. Total Blueprint for World Domination (106 pages) is a powerful life-planning book for teens that will inspire. The book lets readers: *Explore hidden...
Cover of All About You

All About You

Cool Life Secrets. The Truth about Romance. Self-Esteem. Health, Happiness and Inspiration for Teen Girls.

by Roy Sheppard
Language: English
Release Date: June 8, 2015

As a teen girl or young woman, there are things about adult life you can't, won't or daren't ask parents, teachers or even your girlfriends. Perhaps you don't want to appear stupid or think you're somehow supposed to know these things already. You are not alone. Detailed help is only a couple of clicks...
Cover of The Parent's Guide to the Modern World

The Parent's Guide to the Modern World

The indispensable book for every parent of teens or soon to be teens

by Richard Daniel Curtis
Language: English
Release Date: July 22, 2018

For parents the modern world is scary!   In this book, behaviour expert Richard Daniel Curtis gives parents, carers and professionals practical advice about how to steer their teenager or preteen through the minefield that is the modern world.   Starting with an overview...
Cover of Butterfly Encounters

Butterfly Encounters

Mastering Life's Transformative Moments

by Patricia R. Miles
Language: English
Release Date: May 12, 2018

Life offers its fair share of challenges. Those challenges present themselves in many ways designed to prove who and where we are in our resolve to be the best version of ourselves—that version that realizes our purpose and demonstrates our ability to not only adapt but thrive! Patricia R. Miles...
Cover of How to be the Loving, Wise Parent You Want To Be...Even With Your Teenager!
by Darryl Sollerh
Language: English
Release Date: April 25, 2012

"Sage advice for frustrated parents." - Kirkus Reviews. Through their years of working with teens and their parents, Leslie King, LCSW, and Darryl Sollerh have developed a deeply compassionate yet practical approach that takes into consideration both the parent and their teen's point of...
Cover of Frames


12 fabulous ways of talking with young people

by Peter R Slattery
Language: English
Release Date: September 20, 2017

A ‘Frame’ is just what it sounds like. It’s something that contains or puts a border around what you are looking at; so you can see more clearly what’s inside, or in this case, what you might want to talk about. Each of the 12 ‘Frames’ in this book, gives you a way to have a meaningful...
Cover of Period
by Dennis Cooper
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2007

The stunning conclusion to Dennis Cooper's five-book cycle, Period earned its author the accolade "a disquieting genius" by Vanity Fair and praise for his "elegant prose and literary lawlessness" by The New York Times. The culmination of Cooper's explorations into sex and death, youth culture, and the...
Cover of The Hidden Disaster of College Dorm Life
by Carol Baily
Language: English
Release Date: October 3, 2013

College life has deteriorated into multi-sex living even to the point of not being able to take a shower with normal levels of privacy. If you think the Co-Ed Bathroom Bill in California, AB 1266, is the first of its kind, then you will be stunned to know that universities and colleges in the United...
Cover of Riley's Pond
by Harley Brooks
Language: English
Release Date: July 23, 2012

Summertime...but the air isn't all that's hot. Family drama sends seventeen-year-old Riley Martin searching for the sanctuary of his secret pond. A beautiful stranger, however, is already swimming in the cool dark water. Someone who convinces Riley to ignore the rules and follow his heart....
Cover of Ungewollt schwanger - was nun?
by Jana Friedrichsen
Language: German
Release Date: February 15, 2015

Mit dem Aussetzen der Regelblutung wird vielen Frauen bewusst, dass sie schwanger sein könnten. Und längst nicht jede Schwangerschaft ist wirklich gewollt! Es gibt sehr viele Gründe, warum Frauen ungewollt schwanger werden können. Ungewollt schwanger zu werden, ist für viele...
Cover of The Future of the International Monetary System: Change, Coordination of Instability?
by Omar F. Hamouda, Robin Rowley, Bernard M. Wolf
Language: English
Release Date: July 22, 2016

First Published in 1989. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an Informa company.
First 62 63 64 65 66 67 6869 70 71 72 73 74 Last
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