Aesthetics category: 1179 books

Cover of Prima lezione di estetica
by Sergio Givone
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 16, 2011

Che cosa è l'estetica? Cosa significa orientarsi nel mondo dell'estetica?
Cover of The Philosophical Contexts of Sartre’s The Wall and Other Stories
by Kevin W. Sweeney
Language: English
Release Date: May 16, 2016

The Philosophical Contexts of Sartre’s The Wall and Other Stories*: Stories of Bad Faith* presents a philosophical analysis of all five stories in Sartre’s short-story collection. Kevin W. Sweeney argues that each of the five stories has its own philosophical idea or problem that serves as the...
Cover of Interazioni - Visioni chiastiche di possibili vissuti
by Mennato Tedino, Gaetano Panella, Amerigo Ciervo
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 20, 2016

Può un film essere di per sé “filosofico”? Il film filosofico è di quelli noiosi, incomprensibili, pesanti, “seri”? Che requisiti deve avere un film per meritare una interpretazione di stampo filosofico? L’interesse filosofico su un film ne accresce il valore artistico? Domande di questo...
Cover of Proiezioni


Quattro film visti con filosofia

by Mennato Tedino
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 1, 2018

Il capitale umano,di Paolo Virzì, I nostri ragazzi, di Ivano De Matteo, Zoran, il mio nipote scemo, di Matteo Oleotto e L’amore buio, di Antonio Capuano spiegati attraverso Jean Baudrillard, John Rawls, Max Weber e Michel Foucault. Quattro film analizzati ognuno da una diversa prospettiva filosofica...
Cover of Controllo eudemonico
by Andrea Lorenzon
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 25, 2016

Tramite ragione vengono ricavati significati definiti di vita, uomo, coscienza ed etica. Da questi valori verrà dedotto un comportamento atto a soddisfare la natura dell'uomo.
Cover of La pensée comme expérience

La pensée comme expérience

Esthétique et déconstruction

by Collectif
Language: French
Release Date: January 24, 2019

Les voix qui s'expriment ici entendent demeurer dans les parages de la déconstruction, et notamment de la pensée de Jacques Derrida. Autrement dit, elles ne séjournent pas sur le lieu même, mais restent dans le voisinage théorique d'une réflexion exigeante où l'expérience concrète – celle...
Cover of Drone
by Adam Rothstein
Language: English
Release Date: January 29, 2015

Object Lessons is a series of short, beautifully designed books about the hidden lives of ordinary things. Drones are in the newspaper, on the TV screen, swarming through the networks, and soon, we're told, they'll be delivering our shopping. But what are drones? The word encompasses everything...
Cover of Hippias minor + Hippias maior

Hippias minor + Hippias maior

Deutsche Ausgaben - Dialoge über Moralvorstellungen, Lügen und Definition des "Schönen"

by Platon
Language: German
Release Date: November 14, 2014

Dieses eBook: "Hippias minor + Hippias maior" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Der Hippias maior oder Hippias I., handelt sich um ein fiktives philosophisches Gespräch. Platons Lehrer Sokrates diskutiert mit...
Cover of Contending with Stanley Cavell
Language: English
Release Date: February 10, 2005

Stanley Cavell has been a brilliant, idiosyncratic, and controversial presence in American philosophy, literary criticism, and cultural studies for years. Even as he continues to produce new writing of a high standard -- an example of which is included in this collection -- his work has elicited responses...
Cover of Philosophy, Writing, and the Character of Thought
by John T. Lysaker
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2018

Philosophy’s relation to the act of writing is John T. Lysaker’s main concern in Philosophy, Writing, and the Character of Thought. Whether in Plato, Montaigne, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, or Derrida, philosophy has come in many forms, and those forms—the concrete shape philosophizing takes in...
Cover of Dioniso e la nuvola

Dioniso e la nuvola

L'informazione e la critica teatrale in rete: nuovi sguardi, nuove forme, nuovi pubblici

by Giulia Alonzo, Oliviero Ponte di Pino
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 13, 2017

In rete tutti possono comunicare con tutti, su qualunque argomento, compresi libri, spettacoli, musica, film e video. In apparenza una grande conquista democratica, che rischia però di annullare il pensiero critico, rendendo impossibile la definizione di qualunque scala di valore. In questo scenario...
Cover of Euthydemos
by Platon
Language: German
Release Date: July 21, 2012

Der Euthydemos ist ein Dialog Platons. Der Dialog zählt zusammen mit den Dialogen Protagoras, Gorgias und dem Menon zur sechsten Tetralogie der platonischen Werke. Sokrates trifft auf zwei ihm schon als Jünglinge aus Chios bekannte junge Sophisten, Euthydemos und dessen Bruder Dionysodoros. Sie...
Cover of Kratylos
by Platon
Language: German
Release Date: July 21, 2012

Kratylos ist ein sprachphilosophische Themen behandelnder Dialog Platons, der nach 399 v. Chr. entstanden ist. Er gehört zusammen mit den Dialogen Theaitetos, Sophistes und dem Politikos zur zweiten Tetralogie der platonischen Werke. In ihm setzt sich Platon mit der Frage auseinander, wie die Bedeutung eines sprachlichen Ausdrucks zustande kommt. (aus
Cover of La distinción

La distinción

Criterio y bases sociales del gusto

by Pierre Bourdieu
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 14, 2016

Una reformulación de todas las tradicionales interrogaciones sobre lo bello, el arte, el gusto y la cultura. Los sujetos sociales se diferencian por las distinciones que realizan -entre lo sabroso y lo insípido, lo bello y lo feo, lo distinguido y lo vulgar- en las que se expresa o se traiciona...
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