Bodybuilding Weight Training category: 628 books

Cover of 8 Semanas de Rutinas de Levantamiento de Pesas para Ganar Fuerza y Perder Peso
by Kelli Rae
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 30, 2017

Este libro corto esta dirigido a personas quienes tienen alguna experiencia en el gimnasio, pero necesitan un plan detallado o una pequeña direccion. Asumo que han consultado al medico antes de someterse a una rutina de levantamiento de pesas. Si tiene algunos problemasde salud,quiero que esten sanos....
Cover of Natural Power Builders

Natural Power Builders

The Pros and Cons

by Winifred Conkling
Language: English
Release Date: May 17, 2013

CREATINE and ANDROSTENE: They're the natural supplements that scored with Mark McGwire--are they help or hype? When Cardinals first baseman Mark McGwire broke baseball records with the most home runs in one season, he was hailed as an outstanding athlete--but he also made news for another reason....


Guía visual completa

by Ricardo Cánovas Linares
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 17, 2014

Esta obra constituye una completa guía visual sobre el entrenamiento de la musculación y la fuerza. El incremento de la fuerza es un requisito indispensable para mejorar nuestra forma física, pero también para alcanzar un mayor rendimiento en todos los aspectos de nuestra vida diaria, frenar los...
Cover of Level Up
by Jintaro Kensei
Language: English
Release Date: August 8, 2015

Level Up is a book made specifically to guide the reader in the direction of a more beneficial lifestyle. Doesn't contain workout sessions, only guidelines on the compilation of a diet and a routine. Primarily aimed at gamers, but suitable for any reader. An experienced fitness junkie will most...
Cover of Pacing


Individual Strategies for Optimal Performance

by Kevin Thompson
Language: English
Release Date: August 14, 2014

We’ve all heard the advice “Pace yourself. Save energy and finish strong.” It sounds simple enough, so why is it so hard? Why do even supremely conditioned elite athletes mismanage their energy supplies and fail to finish strong? Pacing: Individual Strategies for Optimal Performance examines...
Cover of 40 Days + 10,000 Swings
by Chad V. Holtkamp
Language: English
Release Date: November 23, 2016

Are you tired of fitness guides that skim over the details? Discover the steps you need to take with a behind-the-scenes look at one man’s healthy lifestyle. Author Chad V. Holtkamp knows that no health routine is perfect. 40 Days + 10,000 Swings: A Journal shows you the nitty-gritty...
Cover of Trasforma il tuo corpo

Trasforma il tuo corpo

Con questo allenamento potrai dimagrire correndo ed eseguendo alcuni esercizi comodamente a casa e con solo 30 minuti al giorno!

by Riccardo Imperiale
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 12, 2018

Siete stanchi di cercare una dieta veloce e dimagrante? Volete dimagrire mangiando? Scoprite come dimagrire velocemente e in fretta senza dieta, solo con una scheda di allenamento ed una giusta preparazione atletica. Grazie alla corsa e ad alcuni esercizi per addominali e massa muscolare, potete dimagrire...
Cover of Musculation pour le haut

Musculation pour le haut

Méthodes et programmes d'entrainement

by Stéphane Rey
Language: French
Release Date: February 15, 2015

"Musculation pour le haut du corps, méthodes et programmes selon votre morphologie est un ouvrage destiné aux sportifs souhaitant s'entraîner de maniére structurer en musculation. En fonction de votre profil morphologique (endomorphe, ectomorphe, mésomorphe)...
Cover of 囚徒健身60項徒手健身技法,激發身體潛在能量
by 保羅.韋德 Paul Wade
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 1, 2015

翻開本書,你將發現自己就是教練、身體就是器材、 整個城市,都是你的健身房! 資深囚徒保羅‧韋德,越獄開課! 重現「人間」失傳的技藝— 想要身強體壯,你根本不需要啞鈴槓片、彈力拉繩等酷炫的器材, 或其他健身產業、置入性行銷廣告試圖透過洗腦讓你相信非用不可的廢物…… 你需要的是正確的方法—訓練之道。 —保羅‧韋德 ◎PTT...
Cover of Un Corps de rêve Pour les Nuls
by Caroline HENRY, Valérie ORSONI
Language: French
Release Date: March 22, 2012

Un corps de rêve... à la portée de tous ! La méthode complète Un programme efficace et réaliste, pour tous ! Vous voulez perdre quelques kilos disgracieux pour rentrer de nouveau dans votre jeans fétiche, vous remettre en forme après une grossesse, retrouver un corps ferme, tonique...
Cover of Manuale Stretching per Femorali
by Muscle Trainer
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 18, 2018

Lo Stretching viene molto spesso sottovalutato e bypassato durante un allenamento perché considerato una pratica noiosa. Essere elastici non solo ci aiuta a prevenire infortuni ma anche ad affrontare i piccoli problemi quotidiani senza lo stress del mal di schiena. Lo Stretching è benessere fisico,...
Cover of Manuale Pratico del Fitness per Trapezio
by Muscle Trainer
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 10, 2018

In questo ebook vengono descritti gli esercizi più importanti per la crescita muscolare in palestra con le sue varianti più disparate. Il vero allenamento in palestra è CAPIRE QUELLO CHE SI STA FACENDO e che muscolo stiamo allenando. Questo ci consente di evolvere le nostre conoscenze e il nostro...
Cover of Manuale Pratico del Fitness per Spalle
by Muscle Trainer
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 10, 2018

In questo ebook vengono descritti gli esercizi più importanti per la crescita muscolare in palestra con le sue varianti più disparate. Il vero allenamento in palestra è CAPIRE QUELLO CHE SI STA FACENDO e che muscolo stiamo allenando. Questo ci consente di evolvere le nostre conoscenze e il nostro...
Cover of Eight Victorious Ladies Emasculate the Fellas
by Ken Phillips
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2018

Orlando is a beautiful lady who can bring tremendous pleasure or earth-shattering pain into a guy's life. On her third marriage, this 5'8" fair-skinned lady is no stranger to stand-up fighting or to grappling. What happens when a lady with super hard muscles and super sexy soft skin delivers...
First 35 36 37 38 39 40 4142 43 44 45
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