Coffee Tea category: 341 books

Cover of Espresso


How To Make Espresso So Good You'll Never Waste Money On Starbucks Again By Learning How To Make The Perfect Espresso, Making Espresso That Everyone Will Love, Best Espresso, Espresso Shot, Espresso Tales, Espresso Machines

by Lewis Anderson
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2013

Discover everything you need to know with this easy to use manual on espresso, making espresso, best espresso, espresso shot, espresso tales, espresso machines and more.
Cover of 咖啡的一切:咖啡迷完全圖解指南
by 河寶淑, 趙美羅
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 15, 2017

*此書為固定版面格式,建議使用平板或電腦閱讀* 從選豆、烘豆到調豆,從研磨到萃取, 從各式器具、味道搭配到特殊品項, 從歷史文化到產地之旅, 掌握咖啡的一切知識和沖煮技法, 享受個人專屬的咖啡風味和咖啡時光!   ◆韓國暢銷書榜第一名!   ◆從咖啡豆相關的基本知識到如何處理咖啡豆(選豆、烘豆、調豆),詳細解說理解咖啡的第一步!   ◆從烘焙、研磨到萃取,完整呈現製作好咖啡的每道工法,做出符合自己口味喜好的調豆咖啡!   ◆深入介紹咖啡的死黨:水、砂糖、牛奶,找出搭配最合拍的組合,讓咖啡世界變得更加寬廣。   ◆詳盡說明各種咖啡器具和咖啡杯的挑選指標和構造功能,探索反映時代潮流的時尚萃取器具和市售產品。   ◆從讓炎炎夏日涼爽起來的冰咖啡到用冷水泡出柔和風味的荷蘭咖啡,從義式濃縮咖啡到用奶泡拉花來設計咖啡,介紹豐富多元且新穎的咖啡品項和咖啡世界。   ◆分享咖啡的產地、歷史文化、小故事甚至冷知識,以及藝術作品中出現的咖啡及其蘊含的有趣逸事,呈現咖啡迷人又充滿魅力的多樣風貌。   ◆詳細解說咖啡新手必學的基礎技巧、高手進階的專業技法,以及常見問題與解決方法。   泡杯美味的咖啡並非難事,即使沒有受過專業訓練,只要掌握從挑選咖啡豆到萃取咖啡的每個關鍵過程,就能享受到與咖啡館相比毫不遜色的美味咖啡。   啜飲早安咖啡喚醒嶄新的一天,一邊與好友閒話家常,對許多人來說,沒有咖啡的生活,就像沒有綠洲的沙漠一樣。到底咖啡的魅力是什麼,為什麼如此吸引人?   本書全方位介紹咖啡的一切,搭配近500張精美圖片,從裁種到採收,從加工到生豆,從選豆、烘豆到調豆,從研磨到萃取,從各種器具、味道搭配到特殊品項,再從歷史文化到產地之旅,讓你完整掌握咖啡的所有資訊、有趣常識、必要知識和沖煮技法,打造出個人專屬的咖啡風味和咖啡時光! 【讀者好評】   ph**goo...
Cover of Direzione Vegolosi

Direzione Vegolosi

Ricette, consigli e curiosità per una vita più veg, allegra e consapevole

by Vegolosi
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 1, 2013

"Direzione Vegolosi" è un libro di ricette, consigli, curiosità e approfondimenti sulla cucina e la cultura vegetariana, vegana e naturale. Un libro che nasce dal lavoro della redazione di magazine, dedicato a tutti. Questo ebook contiene ricette per menu completi sia vegetariani...
Cover of Mocktails, Punches, and Shrubs

Mocktails, Punches, and Shrubs

Over 80 Nonalcoholic Drinks to Savor and Enjoy

by Vikas Khanna
Language: English
Release Date: April 11, 2017

What to drink when you're "not drinking"? Mocktails, Punches, and Shrubs offers 101 unique, delicious non-alcoholic drink options for everyday and any occasion. Michelin-starred celebrity chef Vikas Khanna has created a dazzling collection of non-alcoholic drink recipes, from herbal...
Cover of 90+ tisanes pour se faire du bien

90+ tisanes pour se faire du bien

Petit guide digital pour apprendre les propriétés naturelles et curatives des plantes

by Cristina Rebiere, Olivier Rebiere
Language: French
Release Date: November 12, 2016

Une petite tisane pour se faire du bien? Vous aimez la nature, les animaux ou les végétaux? Vous aimeriez savoir comment utiliser les plantes et les fleurs pour préparer des tisanes et améliorer votre santé en vous faisant du bien? La vie est aussi faite de plaisirs simples qui peuvent se transformer en pur bonheur facilement [
Cover of Super Scrumptious Smoothies

Super Scrumptious Smoothies

Secrets to Make you Feel Younger and Healthier

by June Marial
Language: English
Release Date: January 13, 2015

Smoothies are a great addition to your balanced, healthy diet. They naturally provide you with a sweet, tasty beverage, most of which are healthy. They are full of yogurt, fruit, milk and ice. However, some of these recipes feature a little bit more excitement, with different spices, exotic berries...
Cover of 向咖啡大師學習!從生豆、烘焙、沖煮到拉花,走入12位領潮者的咖啡風味課
by 好吃編輯部
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 17, 2016

20年前,說到好咖啡,多半只會想到藍山跟夏威夷Kona 20年後,我們有耶加雪菲、Geisha、西達摩、黃金曼特寧…… 精品咖啡百花爭鳴,整個城市都是我們的咖啡館 職人們說,我們是這樣走過來的 2016年台灣咖啡總產值已破600億台幣,人均消費一百杯,且還在逐年增加中。台灣的咖啡不但有「量」,在「質」上也不容小覷:我們有獨特的咖啡館文化、全世界密度最高的自烘咖啡館、平價且新鮮現磨的便利商店咖啡,還有世界冠軍吧檯手、烘豆師、杯測師、拉花師,每年精品咖啡的競標板上,也屢屢見到台灣人的名。 這是一個百花爭鳴的時代,也是我們走向世界的時代。從種植、處理、萃取、研發、拉花、經營到器具,台灣的咖啡職人無論在知識、風味、設計與消費者的溝通上,都有世界級的品味與專業。 從深焙的焦香味到淺焙的果酸味;從虹吸稱霸到手沖當道;從義式潮流到產地單品,本書不只要告訴你台灣咖啡文化的軌跡與特色,也要好好的向這些努力了一、二十年的職人們學一堂風味課。世界冠軍吳則霖的透明風格是什麼?烘豆大師陳志煌的陽光烘焙怎麼烘?咖啡農方政倫擄獲挪威咖啡大師Tim...
Cover of The Best Fruit juices
by Bobi La
Language: English
Release Date: December 8, 2014

Best juicesCongratulations! You have made some great changes to your life. The last step will be to implement a juicing plan. we firmly convincing that the benefits of juicing are the keys to giving you a radiant, energetic life, and truly optimal health.we 've said this in the other levels of...
Cover of 咖啡迷的風格器物學:器具知識、萃取原理、沖煮方法,咖啡玩家的風格養成參考書
by La Vie編輯部
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 1, 2017

好的咖啡,需要合宜器具呈現原始真味, 選對器具,更是呈現咖啡樣貌的不二法門。 咖啡的本質,不僅限於口中的感受, 如何在尋常生活中體驗美好風味,好器具是一切的原點。 器具的選用,就是影響咖啡風味的開始!好器具是好風味的起點,咖啡器具百百款,收錄Bialetti、Bodum、Chemex、Cafflano、CUCKOO、Driver、Eva...
Cover of Totally Teatime Cookbook
by Helene Siegel, Karen Gillingham
Language: English
Release Date: May 20, 2015

The traditional afternoon teatime is a tasty opportunity to catch up with friends over delectable finger foods. In this adorable pocket-size cookbook*,* you’ll find modern variations on time-honored favorites like jelly pockets, crumpets, tarts, and punch. With recipes such as Smoked Turkey Tomato...
Cover of Le Thé

Le Thé

Son rôle hygiénique et ses diverses préparations

by Anselme Payen
Language: French
Release Date: February 20, 2017

“ Trois plantes exotiques fournissent la base des principales boissons alimentaires et aromatiques introduites aujourd’hui dans le régime habituel des nations. Depuis l’époque où l’usage de ces boissons s’est établi, toutes n’ont pas rencontré une faveur égale. Pour des causes que...
Cover of L’Encyclopédie/1re édition/CASSINE ou THÉ
by Denis Diderot
Language: French
Release Date: March 12, 2016

* CASSINE ou THÉ de la mer du Sud, (Hist. nat. bot.) On lit dans Miller, que les Indiens de ces contrées en font grand cas, & que c’est presque le seul remede dont ils fassent usage à la Caroline. Dans un tems fixe de l’année, ils accourent de fort loin sur les bords de...
Cover of De l’Alimentation publique. — Le Café, sa Culture et ses Applications hygiéniques
by M. Payen
Language: French
Release Date: March 12, 2016

À côté du sucre, comme élément de prospérité coloniale et de bonne alimentation intérieure, se place le café, dont la production est restée une source de revenus considérables pour nos établissemens d’outre-mer. J’ai plus d’une fois signalé dans la Revue l’intérêt...
by regart
Language: English
Release Date: October 25, 2016

This book explaining about how to make blended iced cappuccino
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