Cosmology category: 730 books

Cover of Raumfahrt: Wann fliegen wir zum Mars? (GEO eBook Single)
Language: German
Release Date: February 3, 2016

Auf zum Mars! Nicht nur Wissenschaftler, auch Filmemacher und Abenteurer haben den staubigen Nachbarn als ein lohnendes Ziel entdeckt. Nach und nach finden Forscher Lösungen für die entscheidenden Probleme einer solchen Weltraumreise: Techniken, mit denen Menschen den Gefahren trotzen können - um...
Cover of L’Aspect général de la théorie de la relativité
by Paul Langevin
Language: French
Release Date: June 26, 2016

Mesdames, Messieurs, Mes chers camarades, Quand j'ai accepté, il y a deux mois, de venir vous parler de la théorie de la relativité, je ne pensais pas que ce serait précisément la veille du jour où M. Einstein doit donner, au Collège de France, la première des Conférences dans lesquelles il a bien voulu accepter de venir exposer lui-même et discuter ses idées.  
Cover of Eureka


Essai sur l'univers matériel et spirituel

by Edgar Allan Poe
Language: French
Release Date: May 22, 2016

Eureka, ou essai sur l'univers matériel et spirituel, est un essai métaphisyque et philosophique de l'écrivain américain Edgar Allan Poe (1809 – 1849). Extrait : C’est avec une humilité non affectée, — c’est même avec un sentiment...
Cover of L'ultimo orizzonte

L'ultimo orizzonte

Cosa sappiamo dell’universo

by Amedeo Balbi
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 21, 2019

Cosa sappiamo dell’universo? Molto, moltissimo: la sua età, la sua struttura, cosa contiene e come ha fatto a evolvere in uno spazio disseminato di galassie, stelle, pianeti. Solo poco più di un secolo fa, non sapevamo quasi nulla di tutto questo. Il racconto di come la fisica moderna sia arrivata...
Cover of Passaggi Curvi
by Lisa Randall
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 1, 2010

L'universo racchiude numerosi segreti e potrebbe perfino nascondere dimensioni inimmaginabili: universi paralleli, geometrie curve e inghiottitoi tridimensionali sono alcuni degli straordinari concetti che di recente sono divenuti protagonisti della ricerca scientifica. Oggi, delle leggi del cosmo...
Cover of The Teenager's Guide to the Universe
by Karun Divij Balachandar
Language: English
Release Date: January 16, 2017

This book is all about explaining the wonders of the cosmos in the colloquial language that is often used by the teenagers of today. I wrote this book so that children and teens who didn’t know anything about the universe would understand the great universe in all its glory.
Cover of Questioni di Fisica, Astronomia e Curiosità scientifiche
by Gabriele Di Lazzaro
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 1, 2016

Nei primi due capitoli il lettore troverà argomenti essenzialmente legati al mondo della Fisica e dell’Astronomia, quindi nel terzo e nel quarto alcune questioni curiose di carattere logico-probabilistico e riguardanti il rapporto uomo – tempo, infine nel quinto qualche luogo comune da sfatare o la risposta ad alcuni perché.
Cover of Space Exploration—A History in 100 Objects
by Sten Odenwald
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2019

This is no ordinary space book. Within the pages of this eclectic pop-history, scientist and educator Sten Odenwald at NASA examines 100 objects that forever altered what we know and how we think about the cosmos. From Sputnik to Skylab and Galileo’s telescope to the Curiosity rover, some...
Cover of The Rise and Fall of the Universe-Cosmos

The Rise and Fall of the Universe-Cosmos

And the Traditional Theories of Creation

by David C. Shaw
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2014

This book documents the two ideas of cosmos that prevailed from about 500 BCE until about 1840 CE. These two ideas of cosmos were the foundation for theories of creation that continue even today. Both of these ideas of cosmos were based on the perception of the sky as a solid structure, a work...
Cover of Le Costell Azioni della Gioia
by Giulia Jordan
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 21, 2012

n accordo con l’affermazione di Einstein: “Nessun problema può essere risolto dallo stesso livello di coscienza che lo ha creato”, l’autrice indica un nuovo modo per trovare soluzioni ai nostri problemi personali, familiari, spirituali, lavorativi, cioè di fare un vero salto quantico dalla...
Cover of Black Stars & Tachyons
by Theodore Lar
Language: English
Release Date: October 14, 2018

The Loss and shift of the Magma through subvolcanism, Volcanism and Supervolcanism to Cavities and Calderas on the Crust and Pockets on the Asthenosphere, greatly weakens the Core's magnetational pull, resulting to magnetetional interference and Pole shifts, consequence of excessive variation. General...
Cover of De Akasha kronieken

De Akasha kronieken

Het archief van de ziel

by Linda Howe
Language: Dutch
Release Date: August 16, 2019

Het universum leeft en het heeft een geheugen. Dit energetisch archief staat bekend als de Akasha kronieken en bevat informatie over jouw ziel en levensreis – en die van alle andere levende wezens op aarde. Ooit waren de kronieken alleen toegankelijk voor spirituele meesters, maar nu zijn ze open...
Cover of La Planète Mars d’après les dernières observations astronomiques
by C. Flammarion
Language: French
Release Date: March 12, 2016

La période d’observation qui vient de s’écouler, pour la planète Mars[1], m’a permis de compléter sur cette planète des études commencées pendant les oppositions de 1869 et 1867. C’est le 27 avril dernier qu’elle est passée juste derrière la Terre, et que sa lumière était la plus...
Cover of Lumen


Histoire d'une comète dans l'infini

by Nicolas Camille Flammarion, Ligaran
Language: French
Release Date: February 22, 2016

Extrait : "QUAERENS. Vous m'avez promis, ô Lumen ! de me faire le récit de cette heure étrange, étrange entre toutes, qui suivit votre dernier soupir, et de me raconter comment, par une loi naturelle, quoique si singulière, vous revîtes le passé dans le présent, et pénétrâtes un mystère...
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