Counting category: 884 books

Cover of Un día de lluvia
by Claudia Rueda
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 1, 2014

Ana debe quedarse en su casa en un día de lluvia, pues es muy pequeña para ir a la fiesta con sus padres. Su única compañía es un gato travieso que se escapa al sótano. El misterioso lugar está lleno de ratones, telarañas y libros… Y si hay libros, hay muchos otros personajes con quien pasar una noche inolvidable.
Cover of Spend It!
by Cinders McLeod
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2019

A charming introduction to simple money concepts in which a bunny learns he can't buy everything he wants with his allowance! Sonny gets three whole carrots a week for his allowance and wants to buy everything with it! But he soon discovers his money won't go that far, and his mom tells him...
Cover of Save It!
by Cinders McLeod
Language: English
Release Date: September 3, 2019

A charming introduction to simple money concepts in which a little bunny learns about the power and satisfaction that come with saving money. Honey earns two carrots a week for taking care of her siblings. Her FIVE siblings who are so loud and bouncy, she wishes she had a place of her own to...
Cover of Por dentro da música
by Majungmul
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 6, 2011

Por meio de notas musicais, diferentes tipos de sons e ritmos, este livro apresenta diversos conceitos matemáticos contidos na música.
Cover of Quando mamãe era pequena
by Hye Ok Lee
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 17, 2009

Ao visitar sua avó, Júlia ouve as histórias da infância de sua mãe. Na mesma escada em que estão sentadas, sua mãe, quando pequena, separava diferentes objetos brincando de casinha. De forma delicada, este livro trata do conceito de classificação de objetos.
Cover of Saiba contagem (10 em 1 contando curso de para todos)
by mahe sharma
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: August 24, 2013

Apenas e-book dos mundos contém 10 idiomaspopulares do mundo foram ensinadas a contar. Com crianças um livro útil para o adulto também.
Cover of Riquili apprend à compter
by Katia Canciani
Language: French
Release Date: May 27, 2011

Riquili s’éveille après sa sieste. Son amie Majou s’empare de sa collation. Riquili se lance à sa poursuite. Lequel des deux va se régaler ? Dans ce premier album de la série, Riquili se familiarise avec les chiffres par l’entremise d’une histoire-comptine. Un album pour apprendre à compter jusqu’à 20 tout en s’amusant avec les mots.
Cover of J'apprends les nombres avec Kiki
by Michael Dann
Language: French
Release Date: November 18, 2015

Un imagier pour faire découvrir les nombres aux jeunes enfants.
Cover of 一年級超強計算練習-速算小神童
by 數學資優教材編寫小組
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 14, 2016

1.本書依據教育部的「數學領域綱要」編寫而成,各版本的數學教科書,均適用本書當作課外輔助教材。2.本書包含2600多題計算題,讓孩子在充足的計算練習中,紮穩數學根基,提升數學能力。3.本書除了加、減法的計算外,特別設計: (1)「數字填空」單元:讓孩子從計算中建立加減互逆的概念。...
Cover of 二年級超強計算練習-速算小神童
by 數學資優教材編寫小組
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 14, 2016

1. 本書依據教育部的「數學領域綱要」編寫而成,各版本的數學教科書,均適用本書當作課外輔助教材。2. 本書包含2600多個題目,讓孩子在充足的計算練習中,紮穩數學根基,提升數學能力。3. 本書除了加、減、乘法的計算外,特別設計:(1)「數字填空」單元:讓孩子從計算中建立加減互逆的概念,並熟練九九乘法,建構除法估商的概念。(2)「比大小」單元:讓孩子熟練計算並判斷數量大小再加以比較。(3)「填符號」單元:讓孩子能靈活運用加、減、乘法的概念。4....
Cover of Diez Pequeños Monstruos Parados en Fila
by Chris Mason
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 25, 2017

Hola niños y niñas, un día había 10 pequeños monstruos esperando en una línea. A medida que pasaba el día, estos monstruos universalmente reconocidos se aburrían y dejaban la línea para ir a hacer otras cosas. ¿Puedes ayudar a contar como cada monstruo se va? ¿Cuántos monstruos hay en la línea ahora? Cuente y descubra.
Cover of Canada Animals
by Paul Covello
Language: English
Release Date: September 25, 2018

The latest title in Paul Covello’s winning Canada board-book series features wondrously detailed illustrations for the very young, highlighting some of Canada’s most beloved and iconic creatures. From the author and illustrator of the national bestsellers Canada ABC and Canada 123.
Cover of Favoritos
by Suzanne Barchers
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 18, 2018

As the school year comes to an end, the students in this book recall their favorite things and activities from the year. They use graphs and charts to record and show their favorites. Join them as they relive their experiences through the year.
Cover of El refugio para animales de la calle Main
by Suzanne Barchers
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 18, 2018

Do you have a pet? Did you get it from a pet store or did you adopt it? The animals in this book live at the animal shelter where they wait to be adopted. While they wait, there are a lot of things they need, such as food, water, exercise, and brushing. The volunteers who take care of the animals use graphs and charts to be sure the animals have everything they need.
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