Development Growth category: 1653 books

Cover of Paid Attention

Paid Attention

Innovative Advertising for a Digital World

by Faris Yakob
Language: English
Release Date: April 3, 2015

As ever, the onus is on brands to find compelling ways to earn the attention of the consumer. Yet content scarcity has given way to overload, fixed channels have dissolved into fluid networks, and audiences have become participants in consumer-driven conversations. This shift requires a new course...
Cover of La filosofía del Kaizen

La filosofía del Kaizen

Pequeños cambios con grandes consecuencias

Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 11, 2016

Pequeños cambios que tendrán grandes consecuencias Este libro es una guía práctica y accesible para entender y aplicar el análisis PESTEL, que le aportará la información esencial y le permitirá ganar tiempo. En tan solo 50 minutos usted podrá:    • Analizar las...
Cover of El modelo Canvas

El modelo Canvas

Analice su modelo de negocio de forma eficaz

by 50Minutos
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 24, 2017

Este libro es una guía práctica y accesible para entender y aplicar el modelo Canvas, que le aportará la información esencial y le permitirá ganar tiempo. En tan solo 50 minutos usted podrá: • Familiarizarse con el modelo Canvas y sus nueve casillas que plasman toda la actividad...
Cover of El principio de Pareto

El principio de Pareto

Optimice su negocio con la regla del 80/20

Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 11, 2016

Mejore la productividad y el éxito de su negocio con la regla del 80/20 Este libro es una guía práctica y accesible para entender y aplicar el principio de Pareto, que le aportará la información esencial y le permitirá ganar tiempo. En tan solo 50 minutos usted podrá: •...
Cover of El plan de negocios

El plan de negocios

Cómo crear un plan óptimo para su empresa

Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 11, 2016

Cómo organizarse para triunfarEste libro es una guía práctica y accesible para entender y aplicar la hoja de verificación de un plan de negocios, que le aportará la información esencial y le permitirá ganar tiempo.En tan solo 50 minutos usted podrá:• Supervisar el correcto desarrollo de su...
Cover of Aprende a realizar un buen estudio de mercado

Aprende a realizar un buen estudio de mercado

Los secretos para que tu proyecto empresarial tenga éxito

Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 22, 2017

¡Demuestra que tu proyecto merece la pena!Este libro es una guía práctica y accesible para dar la talla en tu nuevo puesto, que te aportará la información esencial y te permitirá ganar tiempo.En tan solo 50 minutos podrás:• Aprender a realizar un buen estudio de mercado que permitirá que puedas...
Cover of Transform Your Business

Transform Your Business

The ultimate practical guide to business transformation

by Nina Dar
Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2011

We are operating in a business world that is changing, arguably, faster than ever before. In these shape-shifting times, if business leaders don't change, there is a risk of being left behind. Nina Dar, founder of Cheeky Monkey Business Solutions, has paved the way for businesses of all sizes...
Cover of Africa: Continent of Economic Opportunity
by David Fick
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2007

Divided into geographic regions and representing every African nation, this comprehensive collection of case studies explores how successful business enterprises of varying size, along with community projects, help to create jobs in Africa. A valuable guide to conducting business anywhere on the continent,...
Cover of The Student Entrepreneur
by Mary Ayisi
Language: English
Release Date: October 12, 2012

The aim of this book is to motivate and guide Ghanaian students in their quest to start their own businesses. It is a step-by-step guide of setting up a business starting from analysis of the business idea knowing your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, knowing the kind of product to...
Cover of 智能革命
by 李彥宏
Language: Chinese
Release Date: August 31, 2017

人工智慧發展逾60年,近年由於大數據、軟硬體效能大幅提升、深度學習等技術的成熟,已在眾多領域與產業的實際應用和民眾的日常生活接軌。人工智慧將成為全球經濟、產業轉型升級的終極座標,未來不懂人工智慧的企業將被稱為「舊企業」,美中等超級大國也已經陸續將人工智慧的發展,融入國家的各項發展計劃中。 本書作者百度創辦人李彥宏等,將人工智慧定義為堪比任何一次技術革命的偉大變革,明確指出:在技術與人類的關係上,智能革命不同於前幾次的技術革命,不是人類去適應機器,而是機器主動學習、適應人類,與人類一起學習、創新這個世界。 大數據是智能社會運轉的根本動力和燃料,以百度為代表的搜尋引擎公司,由於對數據資源的獲取和使用類似深度學習的商業模式,並與「大數據─深度學習─提取模式─創造用戶價值」的研發文化配合,天生具備人工智慧的基因。本書從硬體集群、運算能力、大數據資源、AI文化等方面,提出智慧化的基本標準,並且從製造業升級、金融革新、無人駕駛、管理革命、智慧生活等全方面,精彩敘述各國目前正在研究或實際應用的AI發展實例,深入描繪AI對產業發展及人類生活的改變,以及即將到來的智能社會的概況,反思人類可能面臨的種種挑戰。本書對於各行各業應對智慧化轉型與所有關注AI發展的人,都提供很好的指引與借鑑。 .製造業升級——從勤勞革命到智能革命,物聯網+精細化生產迎來新「智造」商機。 .產業革命——傳統產業智慧化,機器人現已任職於多種產業,人類工作汰舊換新。 .金融革新——「普惠金融」讓起點更公平,數據挖掘+機器人投顧嘉惠眾生。 .無人駕駛——繼谷歌Waymo之後,百度「雲驍」亮相路測,無人領域為兵家必爭之地。 .管理革命——不僅高新企業需要,傳統企業更需要人工智慧長來提升應用、引領發展。 .智慧生活——機器人「小度」在《最強大腦》中擊敗人類,「小魚在家」在2017年美國消費性電子大展(CES)榮獲大獎,AI早已走入你我生活、緊鄰身邊。 企業挑戰:如何落實? 首先,必須找到非常優質與實際的使用者經驗(User...
Cover of Till the Cows Came Home
by Clive Lind
Language: English
Release Date: March 6, 2014

Till the Cows Came Home is the story of the New Zealand dairy industry - and the huge challenges faced as it became the world's largest exporter of milk products. In the 1960s New Zealand had 100 dairy companies, almost all of them small and manufacturing just one or two commodities. 95 percent...
Cover of Use Your Dreams to Develop Your Next Book Creative Project, or Business Idea
by Gini Graham Scott Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: July 22, 2018

USE YOUR DREAMS TO DEVELOP YOUR NEXT BOOK, CREATIVE PROJECT OR BUSINESS IDEA covers these key topics: - How dreams have inspired many projects and decisions that have changed the world; - Remembering and keeping track of your dreams by writing them down; - Understanding the meaning...
Cover of Working Girltalk - Dragonflies and Paperclips
by heidi jacobsen
Language: English
Release Date: November 2, 2012

Working Girltalk – Dragonflies and Paperclips Natasha finds an exotic visitor in the office today…A dragonfly…She’s feeling the pinch of the economy and needs a raise. How does she go about getting one? Will she come to terms with reality or delve into her fantasies to escape?
Cover of The Profiteers

The Profiteers

Bechtel and the Men Who Built the World

by Sally Denton
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2016

From the bestselling coauthor of The Money and the Power, the “compelling corporate history” (The National Book Review) and inside story of the Bechtel family and the empire they’ve controlled since the construction of the Hoover Dam. The tale of the Bechtel family dynasty is a classic...
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