Existentialism category: 383 books

Cover of Entretien d’un père avec ses enfants
by Denis Diderot
Language: French
Release Date: May 7, 2016

« M. Diderot, maître coutelier à Langres, mourut en 1759, généralement regretté dans sa ville, laissant à ses enfants une fortune honnête pour son état, et une réputation de vertu et de probité désirable en tout état....
Cover of Il colore del tempo
by Federico De Roberto
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 18, 2015

“La rapidità e la fretta sono appunto tra i caratteri salienti di questo secolo nostro. Come noi corriamo da un capo all’altro del mondo, trascinati dall’ansante vapore; come le nostre parole volano sui fili elettrici; così tutta quanta la nostra vita morale e intellettuale precipita vertiginosamente.” Un'attenta...
Cover of Differenz der demokritischen und epikureischen Naturphilosophie
by Karl Marx
Language: German
Release Date: August 17, 2017

Dieses eBook wurde mit einem funktionalen Layout erstellt und sorgfältig formatiert. Die Ausgabe ist mit interaktiven Inhalt und Begleitinformationen versehen, einfach zu navigieren und gut gegliedert. Karl Marx (1818-1883) war ein deutscher Philosoph, Ökonom, Gesellschaftstheoretiker, politischer...
Cover of Urban Dystrophy: The Perverse Truths about Mid-Life in the Big City
by Jay Rusovich, Chelsea Lane
Language: English
Release Date: April 27, 2015

"Urban Dystrophy is part memoir, part manifesto on the middle-aged man's struggle to discover authentic love in a world filled with impossible expectations: to preserve-if not in fact then at least in convincing appearance-one's youth, relevance, and money. By turns derisive and vulnerable, Rusovich...
Cover of The Art of Being

The Art of Being

Poetics of the Novel and Existentialists Philosophy

by Yi-Ping Ong
Language: English
Release Date: December 10, 2018

In this account of how the novel reorients philosophy toward the meaning of existence, Yi-Ping Ong shows that the existentialists discovered a radical way of thinking about the relation between the form of the novel and the nature of self-knowledge, freedom, and the world. At stake are the conditions under which knowledge of existence is possible.
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: April 17, 2014

(A5, 176 P.) - A HISTÓRIA E O SENTIDO DESSE LIVRO Esse livro nasceu a partir de um momento de náuseas, caos existencial, no qual todo ser pensante, mais cedo ou mais tarde, tende a passar e onde todos os nossos valores são postos em xeque, sendo passíveis de “quebras”, a “marteladas”,...
Cover of O Leão & A Gazela: Dialética do Esclarecimento
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: April 15, 2014

(A5, 161 Páginas) - Enquanto Descartes, na sua máxima "penso, logo existo", preconizava, como Platão antes havia feito, a supremacia do Espírito (ideia) sobre a Matéria, Francis Bacon, por outro lado, defendia que, na busca pelo conhecimento, precisávamos nos preocupar em nos livrarmos...



Language: Portuguese
Release Date: April 15, 2014

(a5, 126 p.) - Ser (tudo) o que se pode ser” traduz-se no desenvolvimento da humanização e/ou da autonomia intelectual, estando estas fundamentadas, entre outras coisas, na capacidade do indivíduo de ser, coletiva e individual: Politicamente participativo; Socialmente equitativo; Moral...
Cover of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

(Les Grands Articles d'Universalis)

by Encyclopaedia Universalis
Language: French
Release Date: June 27, 2016

« Sans spinozisme, pas de philosophie », disait Hegel, et cela marque déjà l'une des orientations de sa pensée. Car, en son temps, on ne se référait pas innocemment à Spinoza. Nous pouvons maintenant affirmer : « pas de philosophie moderne sans hégélianisme ».
Cover of Kierkegaard After the Genome

Kierkegaard After the Genome

Science, Existence and Belief in This World

by Ada S. Jaarsma
Language: English
Release Date: August 20, 2017

This book brings Søren Kierkegaard’s nineteenth-century existentialist project into our contemporary age, applying his understanding of “freedom” and “despair” to science and science studies, queer, decolonial and critical race theory, and disability studies. The book draws out the materialist...
Cover of Kraft und Stoff
by Ludwig Büchner
Language: German
Release Date: July 21, 2012

Für Büchner sind "Denken und Sein ebenso unzertrennlich wie Kraft und Stoff oder Geist und Materie"; deshalb sei "nichts klarer, als dass, so hoch differenziert und eigentümlich auch die Charaktere des Lebens sein mögen, dieselben doch nichts mehr und nichts weniger sind, als Bewegungen...
Cover of Sartre


Grundwissen Philosophie

by Heiner Hastedt
Language: German
Release Date: May 15, 2012

Eine kompakte Einführung in das philosophische Werk des Begründers des französischen Existentialismus', des Schriftstellers und streitbaren Intellektuellen Jean-Paul Sartre. Text aus der Reihe "Grundwissen Philosophie" mit Seitenzählung der gedruckten Ausgabe.
Cover of Phaedo (Annotated)
by Plato
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2015

Plato's Phaedo, also known to ancient readers as Plato's On The Soul, is one of the great dialogues of his middle period, along with the Republic and the Symposium. The Phaedo, which depicts the death of Socrates, is also Plato's fourth and last dialogue to detail the philosopher's final days, following...
Cover of An Anthropology of Nothing in Particular
by Martin Demant Frederiksen
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2018

There have been claims that meaninglessness has become epidemic in the contemporary world. One perceived consequence of this is that people increasingly turn against both society and the political establishment with little concern for the content (or lack of content) that might follow. Most often,...
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