Feminism Feminist Theory category: 1647 books

Cover of 不良女性主義的告白:我不完美、我混亂、我不怕被討厭,我擁抱女性主義標籤
by 羅珊.蓋伊 Roxane Gay
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 2, 2017

**  厭女、女權自助餐、母豬教   紛亂世界,謬誤叢生,羞辱不斷   女性主義不是髒話,也不需膜拜   卻仍是我的答案   我不良,我不哭,我驕傲** **  ★TED百萬點閱   ★紐約時報暢銷排行榜   ★美國公共廣報電台(NPR)2014年度好書   ★加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)2015-2016推薦書單**   這個社會的厭女言論永遠不嫌多,動輒冠以「母豬」攻擊,或是一網打盡指責為「女權自助餐」。而女性主義者歷來更受到許多誤解,如憤怒、嚴肅、仇男、好鬥、不具幽默感等刻板印象,有時也彷彿成為貶抑與羞辱,讓許多女性名人都想避開這個「負面又憤怒」的標籤。   小說家兼專欄作家羅珊‧蓋伊,在首部文集《不良女性主義的告白》中,坦承自己的混亂又不完美,但即使糟糕不良,都仍是個不良女性主義者。她寫下自己的成長故事,並藉由性別與種族的角度,分析社會現象與流行文化:從脫口秀主持人的強暴玩笑,檢視大眾對性暴力的輕率語言;從強暴案的報導方式,反應出檢討受害人的風氣,以及整體環境所強調的不是如何制止性暴力,而是如何防止遭到性暴力;整個社會對身體形象的執迷,讓減肥實境秀不僅「卸下」胖子的心防,也卸下多餘的體重,將減重打造成最激勵人心的寓言;剖析影視娛樂如電影《姊妹》與《自由之心》、影集《女孩我最大》、小說《格雷的五十道陰影》所隱藏的歧視或偏見。   蓋伊透過幽默自嘲又犀利的風格,推翻社會對女性主義的刻板印象,反對將女性主義視為負面貶抑的標籤。她認為女性主義沒有既定的正統樣貌,也不需信仰全體一致的女性主義。重要的是,呈現多元的樣貌,尊重彼此的差異,讓紛亂的世界聽到女性主義的多元聲音。   身為女性主義,不完美也沒關係,不良也很好。 專文推薦   吳曉樂(作家)   康庭瑜(政治大學新聞系助理教授)   蔡宜文(udn名人堂、女人迷專欄作家)   (依姓氏筆畫序) 共同推薦   李屏瑤(作家)   周芷萱(女性主義者)   苗博雅(社會民主黨全國委員)   溫朗東(相對論...
Cover of All Day I Dream About Sirens
by Domenica Martinello
Language: English
Release Date: April 10, 2019

What started as a small sequence of poems about the Starbucks logo grew to monstrous proportions after the poet fell under a siren spell herself. All Day I Dream About Sirens is both an ancient reverie and a screen-induced stupor as these poems reckon with the enduring cultural fascination with siren...
Cover of Technologies of Life and Death

Technologies of Life and Death

From Cloning to Capital Punishment

by Kelly Oliver
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2013

The central aim of this book is to approach contemporary problems raised by technologies of life and death as ethical issues that call for a more nuanced approach than mainstream philosophy can provide. To do so, it draws on the recently published seminars of Jacques Derrida to analyze the extremes...
Cover of Marxism and the Open Mind
Language: English
Release Date: July 12, 2017

In Marxism and the Open Mind, John Lewis seeks to explain Marxism as a system of thought. In doing so, he addresses the studied neglect or grotesque misrepresentation that he feels characterizes Western attitudes toward Marxism. Lewis also aims to stimulate what he believes to be a long overdue re-evaluation...
Cover of La servitù delle donne
by John Stuart Mill
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 2, 2018

In La servitù delle donne (1869) John Stuart Mill indaga le cause della carenza di diritti civili della donne nella storica subordinazione di queste agli uomini, in una sorta di “dipendenza” che suffraga le forme di organizzazione sociale del passato**. L’asservimento delle donne, ieri come...
Cover of Corpi Ribelli - resilienza tra maltrattamenti e stalking
by Stefi Pastori Gloss
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 2, 2016

Manuale contenente nomi e recapiti di coloro che salvano le donne maltrattate. "Ogni donna deve avere il diritto di scegliere di essere felice, che non significa vivere senza difficoltà o sofferenze, questo fa parte della nostra vita. Ma essere felici significa avere la possibilità di conoscere, scegliere e vivere."
Cover of La servitù delle donne

La servitù delle donne

con prefazione di Anna Maria Mozzoni

by John Stuart Mill
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 23, 2015

In questo libro, scritto nel 1869 ma ancora di attualità sotto molti aspetti in molti Paesi del mondo, John Stuart Mill rivendica la parità dei sessi nel diritto di famiglia e il suffragio universale, sostenendo che ciò migliorerà anche gli uomini, i quali smetteranno di sentirsi superiori solo...
Cover of Standing Ovulation

Standing Ovulation

le donne sono superiori agli uomini (anche nella violenza)

by Stefi Pastori Gloss
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 2, 2016

STANDING OVULATION è improntato sulla forma del diario riflessivo con temi a sfondo antropologico e sociologico, in chiave ironica come panacea dei mali. E’ la rielaborazione di un blog contro le violenze di genere, negli ultimi due anni seguito da oltre duemila persone e su Twitter da oltre un...
Cover of Science, Women and Revolution in Russia
by Koblitz
Language: English
Release Date: January 2, 2014

While the women's movement might seem like a relatively new concept, Russian women of the 1860s deserve to be acknowledged as individuals who changed the direction of science and opened the doors of higher education to women throughout Europe. The 1860's and 1870's witnessed a rise in women's consciousness...
Cover of Red Pottage
by Mary Cholmondeley
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2016

Mary Cholmondeley (8 June 1859 – 15 July 1925) was an English novelist. Her best-selling novel, Red Pottage, satirised religious hypocrisy and the narrowness of country life. Red Pottage caused a scandal when it was first published, in 1899, due to its themes of adultery, the emancipation of women...
Cover of The Greatest Works of Elizabeth Cady Stanton

The Greatest Works of Elizabeth Cady Stanton

The Woman's Bible, The History of Women's Suffrage From 1848 to 1885, Eighty Years and More: Reminiscences 1815-1897

by Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2018

Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) was an American suffragist, social activist, abolitionist, and leading figure of the early women's rights movement. Her Declaration of Sentiments, presented at the Seneca Falls Convention held in 1848 in Seneca Falls, New York, is often credited with initiating the...
Cover of Chila Kumari Burman

Chila Kumari Burman

Shakti, Sexuality and Bindi girls

by Rina Arya
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2012

A monograph on the artist, Chila Kumari Burman, which looks at her work in terms of her South Asian identity, her contribution to the black arts movement and Stuart Hall’s definitions of “new ethnicities” in contemporary Britain. Rina Arya examines a wide range of works made by the artist from...
Cover of Undoing Impunity

Undoing Impunity

Speech after Sexual Violence

by V. Geetha
Language: English
Release Date: November 28, 2016

The Sexual Violence and Impunity in South Asia research project (coordinated by Zubaan and supported by the International Development Research Centre) brings together, for the first time in the region, a vast body of knowledge on this important yet silenced subject. Six country volumes (one each...
Cover of Madame Bovary
by Gustave Flaubert
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Madame Bovary es, probablemente, el más importante libro jamás escrito. Considerada una obra maestra a lo largo de casi dos siglos, todavía hoy se mantiene en la cima de las novelas más celebradas por lectores de todo el mundo. Con su estilo refinado y en busca de la “palabra justa”, Flaubert...
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