Humour Comedy category: 17948 books

Cover of The Diary of Delores D'Lump
by Claire Laishley
Language: English
Release Date: March 24, 2015

Claire Laishley wasn't particularly concerned when she found a lump in her breast. She'd had two others removed over the years, both benign, and at the time the doctor had intimated there would probably be more. But this time things would be different. The Diary of Delores D'Lump covers the twelve-month...
Cover of Le petit livre de l'humour anglo-saxon
Language: French
Release Date: December 22, 2011

J'adore la bouffe chinoise. Mon plat préféré est le 27. Clement Atlee Quand mon heure sera venue, je veux mourir dans le calme et la dignité, comme mon père, et surtout pas en criant et en hurlant comme ses passagers. Pat O'Brien Je me souviens parfaitement de la première fois...
Cover of The Value of Nothing
by Kim Wiltshire
Language: English
Release Date: October 27, 2017

An interactive comedy play about the value of art in society. Entrepreneur Vince Fine and his small team are launching Artworks, a new initiative to help get unemployed people engaged in making Art. Unfortunately for Vince, the launch is dogged by infighting among his team, surprise guests...
Cover of Plaisirs d'humour
by Alphonse Allais
Language: French
Release Date: January 30, 2012

Édition enrichie (Avant-propos, notes, chronologie et bibliographie) Lorsqu'on s'avisa de réunir les textes qu'Alphonse Allais (1854-1905) avait disséminés dans différents journaux pendant plus de vingt ans (à partir de 1883), presse humoristique (Le Chat noir, Le Sourire) ou « sérieuse...
Cover of Pensées, textes et anecdotes
by Alphonse ALLAIS
Language: French
Release Date: March 17, 2016

Tout le monde connaît son nom, cite parfois ses bons mots, mais qui a lu son œuvre immense ? " Allais Alphonse (pas XIII), né à Honfleur, de parents français mais honnêtes. Élève de l'École anormale inférieure, 3, place de la Sorbonne. " Ainsi se présente lui-même Alphonse Allais,...
Cover of 100 blagues pour enfants
by Le blagueur masqué, Dites-le avec une blague !
Language: French
Release Date: June 20, 2014

Le meilleur des blagues spécial enfants enfin en numérique ! Effet sourire et franche rigolade garanti ! 100 blagues à déguster, parmi lesquelles :• celles que vous ne comprendrez pas du premier coup...• celles que vous trouverez nulles mais qui vous arracheront tout de même un sourire…•...
Cover of Pretty/Funny


Women Comedians and Body Politics

by Linda Mizejewski
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2014

Women in comedy have traditionally been pegged as either "pretty" or "funny." Attractive actresses with good comic timing such as Katherine Hepburn, Lucille Ball, and Julia Roberts have always gotten plum roles as the heroines of romantic comedies and television sitcoms. But fewer women who write and...
Cover of The Book of Awesome Humour

The Book of Awesome Humour

Quite Simply, One of the Funniest Books Ever

by Sunil Bali
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2012

This book contains exactly what it says on the front cover, nothing but Awesome Humour. The only way you can read this book without laughing over and over and over again, is by not having a pulse. It is, quite simply, one of the funniest books ever.
Cover of Comedy of Doom
by Joseph Scrimshaw
Language: English
Release Date: November 26, 2012

Comedy of Doom is a collection of essays, parodies, and true stories covering every major topic in geek culture. Including smart, funny takes on video games, Star Wars, vampires, Doctor Who, Jane Austen, a complete guide to emotional preparation for the zombie apocalypse, instructions for the new sport called Competitive Hugging, and more.
Cover of Free Will: A Fast Comedy of Liars, Cheats and Earnest Kitchenware
by Kris Back
Language: English
Release Date: November 7, 2013

Nobody needs a toaster. Except Tammy Tugwell, a savvy toaster shrink who should have known better. Posing as a rival colleague is bad enough, but accidentally losing Will, the fraudulently acquired toaster client, will cost Tammy her much frowned upon Minor Appliance Counselor's License....
Cover of Skipper vs Crew / Crew vs Skipper
by Tim Davison
Language: English
Release Date: January 3, 2013

Skippers and crew have very different agenda, and nowhere does it become more evident than in their secret innermost - but not very often expressed - thoughts about the other. This brilliantly original humour giftbook has two beginnings. Opened one way it sends up skippers (from the crew's...
Cover of Pack Up Your Troubles

Pack Up Your Troubles

How Humorous Postcards Helped to Win World War I

by James Taylor
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2016

Artist-drawn humorous postcards were growing considerably in popularity at the start of the 20th century. When war broke out in 1914 trade in them soared as the government utilised them as a widespread means of communication, to bolster morale, stiffen resolve and lift up the spirits in the field,...
Cover of Petit livre de - Humour noir
by François JOUFFA, Frédéric POUHIER
Language: French
Release Date: October 10, 2013

Aussi noir, concentré et énervant qu'un expresso... Ce livre est fortement déconseillé aux âmes sensibles, aux pudibonds et à tous ceux qui prennent tout au premier degré. L'humour noir, c'est savoir rire de ce qui est grave, rire de la mort ou de la guerre, se gondoler avec la maladie...
Cover of Making a Joke out of One's Life

Making a Joke out of One's Life

(An Unauthorized Autobiography)

by Ken Willidau
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2008

Written for people who arent laughing at the joke their own life has become, Making a Joke Out of Ones Life contains over 2,500 jokes and one-liners that lets readers laugh at someone elses for a change. Ken Willidaus unique brand of humour addresses all aspects of life - from birth to death and everything...
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