Infants Toddlers category: 885 books

Cover of 7pm to 7am Sleeping Baby Routine

7pm to 7am Sleeping Baby Routine

The no-cry plan to help your baby sleep through the night

by Charmian Mead
Language: English
Release Date: July 5, 2018

Help your baby sleep through the night – without any tears. The early months with a new baby are exciting and magical, but they can also be emotional and exhausting if sleep is disturbed night after night. Baby sleep expert Charmian Mead's flexible plan, developed from work with hundreds...
Cover of Alex


The Fathering of a Preemie

by Jeff Stimpson
Language: English
Release Date: August 30, 2005

Nearly half a million preemies are born in the U.S. every year. But like most people, Jeff Stimpson, the father who wrote Alex, never gave premature babies a thought beyond the cliché of medical miracles. Many of these children grow up with special needs, necessitating an increasing and ever-controversial...
Cover of I Wish Someone Had Told Me

I Wish Someone Had Told Me

A Realistic Guide to Early Motherhood

by Nina Barrett
Language: English
Release Date: August 30, 2005

There's no shortage of "expert" advice for the new mother: books, doctors, and well-meaning grandmothers liberally give opinions on what you should be doing and how you should be feeling. But I Wish Someone Had Told Me is not a book of shoulds: it is a book about how women really handle...
Cover of Mama, Papa, ich werd' Fußballprofi!

Mama, Papa, ich werd' Fußballprofi!

Unser neues Leben am Spielfeldrand

by Ursula Engel, Bernd Ulrich
Language: German
Release Date: October 1, 2014

Wie geht man mit einem Kind um, das ein Talent hat und große Leidenschaft dafür aufbringt? Muss man sein Kind vor zu hohen Erwartungen schützen? Was, wenn der Traum zerplatzt? Fritz liebt Fußball. Er träumt davon, Fußballprofi zu werden, und die Chancen sind gar nicht so schlecht. Irgendwann...
Cover of Figli si nasce, genitori si diventa
by gianni tomassini
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 24, 2012

Occuparsi di genitorialità non significa solamente addestrare i genitori, ex-cathedra, a fare i buoni genitori, ma anche percorrere un cammino insieme. Sostenere la genitorialità significa far propria la responsabilità che i piccoli di una comunità stiano bene oggi,...
Cover of Kinder wollen Antworten

Kinder wollen Antworten

Wie spirituelle Erziehung Familien stärkt

by Anselm Grün, Jan-Uwe Rogge
Language: German
Release Date: December 1, 2012

Glaubt man gängigen Schlagzeilen, steckt Erziehung in der Krise. Im selben Atemzug wird sie als Technik propagiert und Eltern weisgemacht, alles sei machbar, wenn man nur die richtigen Ratschläge befolgt. Aber viele Eltern spüren, dass ihnen das im Alltag nicht weiterhilft. Anselm Grün und Jan-Uwe...
Cover of Hyperaktiv!


Kritik der Aufmerksamkeitsdefizitkultur

by Christoph Türcke
Language: German
Release Date: March 9, 2012

Zunehmend mehr Kinder bringen Eltern und Lehrer an den Rand der Verzweiflung, weil sie von ständiger Unruhe getrieben sind und sich in Schule, Familie und Jugendgruppen zu Störenfrieden entwickeln. «Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit» bzw. «Hyperaktivität» lautet die ärztliche Diagnose für dieses vor...
Cover of A vivere (bene) si impara da piccoli

A vivere (bene) si impara da piccoli

Aiutare i bambini ad accettare il mondo per crescere e vivere sereni

by Didier Pleux
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 20, 2011

Crescere un figlio è una sfida impegnativa e ogni genitore vorrebbe che il suo bambino fosse sereno ed equilibrato. Ma può capitare che ci siano momenti di chiusura, incomunicabilità, frustrazione, che il bambino faccia fatica a riconoscere i propri limiti, a valorizzare le proprie risorse o a...
Cover of Allattare. Un gesto d'amore
by Paola Negri, Tiziana Catanzani
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 22, 2014

Finalmente una guida aggiornata e completa sull’allattamento! In questo libro troviamo tutta la passione, l'esperienza, la competenza e il rigore scientifico che può offrire l’attento lavoro di figure specializzate come le consulenti professionali in allattamento IBCLC. Il prestigioso diploma...
Cover of Teaching Young Children with Disabilities in Natural Environments
by Mary Noonan Ph.D., Linda McCormick Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: December 17, 2014

Now enhanced with new topics critical to effective practice, this second edition is the essential methods textbook for preservice professionals preparing to teach young children with disabilities in today's increasingly diverse and inclusive programs. Focusing on children birth to 5, this core text...
Cover of Feeding with Love and Good Sense: The First Two Years
by Ellyn Satter, M.S., R.D.
Language: English
Release Date: October 10, 2014

“Your help with understanding my baby has made all the difference with feeding,” says a parent. “Your booklet saved us from some real struggles with feeding,” says another. Following your advice made feeding my baby and toddler easy and so much fun,” says a third. “My friends and their children...
Cover of Chaos in the Household 1
by B.L. Lantz
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2017

Chaos in the Household 1 is the first book I have written about my own experiences as a mother, grandmother, and caretaker! Even though I graduated with a master’s degree in counseling from Northern Illinois University, I still think I had a lot of learning to do when raising my own children and...
Cover of Baby Care Anywhere

Baby Care Anywhere

A Quick Guide to Parenting On the Go

by Benjamin D Spitalnick, Keith M Seibert
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2015

This portable pocket guide to baby basics fits in a diaper bag or stroller pocket, making it a great resource for on-the-go moms and dads. Written by two pediatricians, Baby Care Anywhere addresses 150 of the most frequent questions and concerns raised by new parents. Covers picking a pediatrician, jaundice, diaper rash, earaches, immunizations, sleep, reflux, fever, and much more!
Cover of Früher war das aus Holz

Früher war das aus Holz

Warum Eltern immer die schönere Kindheit hatten

by Tillmann Prüfer
Language: German
Release Date: August 1, 2012

Kinder aufziehen könnte so schön sein! Wenn die Kleinen nur mitspielen würden... Tillmann Prüfer ist Mitte 30, und er möchte seinen Töchtern eine Kindheit bieten, wie er sie selbst erlebt hat: mit der Augsburger Puppenkiste und BMX-Rädern, mit Lagerfeuer und Nachtwanderung, Segelschiffchen-Bauen,...
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