Interpersonal Relations category: 1443 books

Cover of Mobbing am Arbeitsplatz
by Domagoj Soldan
Language: German
Release Date: March 30, 2017

Die Lektüre erklärt was Mobbing genau ist und an welchem Punkt es beginnt. Wie die ungerechten Verhältnisse von Mobbing sich auswirken ist sorgfältig hinterlegt. Auch zeigt sie wie Arbeitgeber ihre Mitarbeiter quälen und welcher Hilfsmittel sich der oder die (Plural) Mobber sich bedienen. Erfahren...
Cover of Dini entdeckt ihr Herz

Dini entdeckt ihr Herz

oder wie wahre Geschwisterliebe entstehen kann

by Dora Abeijon
Language: German
Release Date: August 11, 2017

Ein vierjähriges Mädchen, hineingeboren in eine Patchworkfamilie, erlebt einige Ungerechtigkeiten seitens der beiden bereits in diesem Hause lebenden Geschwister, diese Beiden sind nicht sehr erfreut über den Neuankömmling. Sie entdeckt eines Tages in dem zwei Jahre jüngeren, nach ihr geborenen...
Cover of Dicker, aber glücklicher

Dicker, aber glücklicher

Wie Sie mit Ihren Pfunden wuchern, und gegenüber anderen profitieren

by Steve Grilleks
Language: German
Release Date: February 5, 2015

Dicke Menschen haben’s nicht leicht – oder neuerdings etwa doch?   Der Schönheitswahn auf dem Laufsteg hat merkwürdige Formen angenommen – und zu viel Kritik geführt. Magersüchtige, die sich für zweifelhaften Ruhm spindeldürr gehungert haben,...
Cover of Coming Out-Selbstbewusst und glücklich leben als Schwuler, Lesbe oder Bisexuelle
by Jochen Krinsken
Language: German
Release Date: February 21, 2017

"Ich bin schwul und das ist auch gut so", so outete sich der Regierende Bürgermeister von Berlin und bekannte sich vor einigen Jahren öffentlich zu seiner Homosexualität. Das war toll! Aber nicht jeder ist prominent und kann das mit so einem Satz schnell hinter sich bringen und danach zum Alltag...
Cover of Attitude Adjustment E course
by Wee Dilts
Language: English
Release Date: June 8, 2017

Your attitude is always showing. That's the truth. Here's the important point, people immediately react to your attitude.  So a winning attitude is a must if you want successful relationships. This E course contains the secrets of how make sure you always have a positive attitude.  Believe...
Cover of Completing Distinctions

Completing Distinctions

Interweaving the Ideas of Gregory Bateson and Taoism into a unique approach to t herapy

by Douglas G. Flemons
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2001

Completing Distinctions develops a new way of thinking about the connection between problems and solutions for family and systems therapists. The author suggests that addiction and other social and ecological dilemmas stem from the belief that distinctions such as hate and love, sickness and health,...
Cover of 自私的藝術:50個突破關係困境的自私箴言,告別情緒勒索與道德綁架,就算做自己也不感到內疚
by 大衛‧西伯里
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 12, 2019

如果你不想讓自己快樂,全世界都幫不了你。 在愛情、家庭、人際關係、職場中…… 為什麼自私的人過得更幸福? **★甫上市就榮登《紐約時報》暢銷書榜冠軍! ★心理自助長銷經典,暢銷熱賣逾50年! ◎光有愛是不夠的──你有足夠的智慧與自私嗎?** ●社交困擾讓你心好累?不斷表現出禮貌、做人情,消耗掉你太多的能量? ●面對無止盡向你索取的家人,還要繼續「善盡義務」嗎? ●你符合婚內失戀SOP嗎?──如果你愛我、你應該為了我、你應該做到。 ●當最親密的人是控制狂,只能一直妥協下去嗎?可是,他們只是為你好…… ●為什麼對工作、你愛的人付出了所有的精力,大家還是不滿足? 「現代人最大的苦惱在於,過度迎合和討好他人的過程中,漸漸失去了自我和實現自我的方式。」──大衛‧西伯里 當別人製造出所謂的義務,並強加在我們身上時,我們該怎麼做?我們該如何抵抗壓力,或避免因「禮貌」及「責任感」的錯誤認知,而導致自己反覆在生活、愛、與自我實現中一再妥協?知名心理學家大衛‧西伯里,將在本書教你練習「高尚的自私」,當他人對於你的時間、精力,與情緒提出不合理的要求時,我們該如何說「不」,釋放長久以來受到壓抑的真實自我,獲得前所未有的自由與喜悅──而且毫不內疚。 好不容易拒絕情緒勒索,卻拋不開「道德綁架」的內疚 我決定開始無恥的生活,不再假裝「美德」的奴隸 從古至今,社會普遍對於個人在生活中「自私」的態度,大多是不鼓勵、避免認同、甚至是譴責。然而,本書作者在經手過上千個諮商案例後發現,人們最常遇到的生活困境、愛情煩惱、家庭紛爭、人際關係、乃至壓力太大影響身體健康,所有問題的源頭往往都指向那個被人們誤解的「無私」精神,以及邪惡的自私。因此,他決定大力推廣「自私的藝術」,並堅信拒絕別人的邪惡自私,捍衛自我的「良性自私」才是讓人們獲得幸福快樂的關鍵因素,唯有如此,我們才有機會讓內在的自我獲得釋放與自由。 自私的藝術,是懂得如何滿足自己的需求,而不是讓別人去承擔這件事。西伯里總結出兩大原則,分別是一個基本法則:「永遠不要讓自我妥協」,以及一個神奇公式:「不要自我滿足」。透過書中50個故事,描寫每個人生活中最常遇到的生活問題,而他又是如何以這兩大原則作為智慧指引,終結故事主角們多年來無解的困境,獲得內心的平靜與喜悅。 本書特色 ◎...
Cover of Secret Places of the Heart
by H.G. Wells
Language: English
Release Date: October 25, 2014

Modern psychiatry--a keen-witted egotistic Englishman, a sprightly American girl--delightful companionship through the historic villages of springtime England--and much brilliant discussion ranging over the past and future topics of world-wide significance.
Cover of The Dynamics of Connection

The Dynamics of Connection

How Evolution and Biology Create Caregiving and Attachment

by David C. Bell
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2012

The Dynamics of Connection: How Evolution and Biology Create Caregiving and Attachment describes the logic of giving, love, trust, and nurturance. Bowlby's theory of attachment provides an excellent starting point for an explanation of nurturance, but there are some limitations in this theory, especially...
Cover of The Therapist's Pregnancy

The Therapist's Pregnancy

Intrusion in the Analytic Space

by Sheri Fenster, Suzanne B. Phillips, Estelle R.G. Rapoport
Language: English
Release Date: December 22, 2015

In the first book-length examination of the impact of pregnancy on the therapeutic process, Fenster, Phillips, and Rapoport explore the variety of clinical, technical, and practical issues that arise out of the therapist's impending motherhood.
Cover of Tell Me What You Want

Tell Me What You Want

The Science of Sexual Desire and How It Can Help You Improve Your Sex Life

by Justin J. Lehmiller
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2018

A leading expert on human sexuality and author of the blog Sex and Psychology offers an unprecedented look at sexual fantasy based on the most comprehensive, scientific survey ever undertaken. What do Americans really want when it comes to sex? And is it possible for us to get what we want?...
Cover of Building Bridges

Building Bridges

The Negotiation of Paradox in Psychoanalysis

by Stuart A. Pizer
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2013

In Building Bridges, Stuart A. Pizer gives much-needed recognition to the central role of negotiation in the analytic relationship and in the therapeutic process. Building on a Winnicottian perspective that comprehends paradox as the condition for preserving an intrapsychic and relational "potential...
Cover of The Prisonhouse of Psychoanalysis
by Arnold I. Goldberg
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2013

In The Prisonhouse of Psychoanalysis, Arnold Goldberg trains a searching, critical eye on his own profession. His subject matter is the system of interlocking constraints - theoretical, institutional, educational - that imprisons psychoanalysis and the psychoanalyst. His agenda is to sketch the shape...
Cover of Interpretation and Interaction

Interpretation and Interaction

Psychoanalysis or Psychotherapy?

Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2013

In recent decades the relationship between psychoanalysis and psychotherapy has been a focal point for debate about the distinctiveness of analysis as a particular kind of therapeutic enterprise. In Interpretation and Interaction, Jerome Oremland invokes the interventions of "interpretation" and "interaction,"...
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