Japan category: 1648 books

Cover of Aichi 99 Kanbaku 'Val' Units
by Osamu Tagaya
Language: English
Release Date: February 20, 2013

The Aichi Type 99 Carrier Bomber (D3A) – code named 'Val' by Allied intelligence – was the mainstay of the Imperial Japanese Navy's carrier dive-bomber force from 1941 to 1943. It sank more Allied warship tonnage than any other Axis aircraft during World War 2. While the Val's participation in...
Cover of 出發!日本自助旅行:一看就懂 旅遊圖解Step by Step 2016-2017
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 19, 2016

針對適合自助旅行的日本,提供嚮往自助旅行者一個全方位實用旅遊指南。 1.內容周全完整:從出發前買機票、訂旅館、打包行李,到機場到市區的交通方式、市區交通、重點城市介紹、行程安排、旅遊疑難雜症等,帶領讀者一步步走過旅行可能的所有問題,內容充實完整。 Step...
Cover of 小錢玩大曼谷:捷運自助遊超值玩到瘋,泰好吃X泰好住X泰好買(2017全新版)
Cover of 大奧日本
by 茂呂美耶
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 29, 2016

日本輕文化歷史書寫第一人——茂呂美耶 生動敍說令人稱羨的德川幕府後宮——「大奧」,精采迷人的內幕呈現。 大奧,日本歷史上特殊且迷人的存在,它不僅帶動了江戶的盛世繁榮,大奧女人的一身本領與技藝,也撐起了江戶文化的重要發展和創造了偌大的經濟奇蹟。 大奧是江戶時期最令男人稱羨的德川幕府後宮,最令女人嚮往的國家公務員所在,那裡有著菁英女性、薪資優渥、吃住豪奢…… 然而,大奧唯一的尊貴男人,吃住作息並不能自主,擁有龐大後宮卻不一定能盡興,並且常常無法長命終老;大奧的女人,鐵飯碗也不好捧。是女人,卻不能和男性談戀愛;是女人,卻必須為爭寵而使盡手段;是女人,卻畢生被軟禁在宛如冷宮的大奧…… 一向神祕的大奧,究竟有著如何不為人知的內幕! 身為將軍,表面看去似乎威風凜凜,一聲怒喝便足以令天下風雲變色……但事實並非如此! 將軍嚴禁好惡,不喜歡吃的東西也得默默無言硬吞下去。 將軍無論寒暑,均不能露出肌膚,身上都要穿許多件衣服。 由於禁忌太多,將軍的三餐其實比江戶庶民更乏味。 將軍幾乎一天二十四小時都有二至四名侍童跟在身邊,沒有自己的私人空間。 將軍進行房事的時候,旁邊至少有二個徹夜監視的「聆聽」人,而且限定是處女。 將軍這個職位,終年不打烊,沒有週末週日長假之類的休息日,更無隱私可言。 擁有八百萬石收入的將軍,說穿了,相當於被囚繫在江戶城的木偶,過著不苟言笑、一板一眼的日子。 將軍正室夫人(御台所)的吃和穿—— 御台所每天都要在臉部、頸部、胸部塗抹二百次京都白粉。 御台所一天至少須換三到五次衣服,且每次都要更換不同花色的服飾並補妝。 御台所的食案總計九張,每一道菜,通常只吃一口;即便有愛吃的菜餚,也只能吃兩口。 對當時女子來說,進大奧當女僕是一種婚前的鍍金手段。 當時朝廷天皇、公卿收入,不及未成年的大奧...
Cover of 武士的女兒:少女們的明治維新之旅
by Janice P. Nimura
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 4, 2018

◆《紐約時報》年度選書、明治維新150週年必讀精采故事 明治政府努力學習西洋文明的同時,決定派掌理家庭教育大權的女性出國留學。三位血統純正的武士後代,因此成為日本第一批出國接受教育的女孩。這是一個明治維新時代女性,如何在困苦的留學生活中、同時兼顧工作、友情與愛情中的成長故事。也詳述他們如何成為日本第一位獲得大學學位、建立女子學校,甚至成為兼顧教學工作的職業婦女先驅。 明治維新不只是國家改革運動,也是家庭、性別地位更新的關鍵時刻 武士家族所給與的訓練,是否能讓女孩們面對未來的一切挑戰? 一八七一年,五名女孩被日本政府送到美國。她們的任務是學習西方之道,歸國後幫助培育開明先進的新一代,領導日本走向富強。五位女孩中,最終只有三名留在美國。生於內戰時代傳統武士家庭的山川捨松、永井繁和津田梅,離開家鄉時,分別是十一歲、十歲和六歲,她們以典型美國女學生的身分度過了十年成長歲月。 自抵達舊金山起,這些女孩的旅程和傳統裝扮便受到媒體報導與關注,成了美國境內的某種名人。美國人畢竟是第一次看到日本女性,在此之前,日本女性連在自己的社會中都不輕易拋頭露面。在政府的安排下,她們各自被分派給一個美國家庭,學習英文和西方文化。三人性格各不相同,但學業表現都相當優異,幾乎是徹底融入美國社會。十年來,分住各地的女孩們不僅保持緊密聯繫,而且贏得許多美國友人的喜愛。 學成歸國,故鄉日本對她們而言已是全然陌生的國度,和十年前她們懵懂踏上的美國無異。不僅語言、文化需要重新適應,而且日本在她們留學期間拋棄了明治維新初期的徹底西化路線,轉而主張維護日本傳統,使她們貢獻所學的理想與作為顯得格格不入也格外艱辛。然而,這三個女孩不曾忘記國家的栽培,儘管有志難伸,仍意志堅定地為日本的女性教育注入活力與改革。 【永井繁】繁拿到音樂文憑後第一個回國,捨松和梅都申請延長留學一年,以便完成大學與高中學位。 三人當中,繁的歸國生活最為順遂,除了拜結婚所賜,她的專業領域也是一大助力。雖然剛回國日語還不流暢,但身為音樂老師的她並不需要良好日文能力。很快地,她便謀到官方職位,為日本國家課程引介西方音樂的元素,後來又擔任鋼琴老師,成為全日本收入最高的女性 【山川捨松】捨松以日本第一位女性大學畢業生的身分回國後,接受陸軍大臣大山巖的求婚。大山雖然既有地位又富有,但是對捨松而言,這樁婚姻不只是牽涉到金錢或是影響力,這也是一個能往下扎根的機會。捨松一直希望能為日本的教育盡一分心力,雖然最後捨松沒有建立學校,也沒有加入「單身貴族」的行列。她隱身於名門望族宅邸內,以政治家妻子的身分,為日本女性典範努力。 【津田梅】在兩位摯友相繼結婚後,小梅接受曾在前往美國的船上相遇的伊藤博文之邀,成為他們家的家庭教師,進而成為皇后開辦華族女學校的英文教師。這讓當時單身的她,不再受限於社會異樣的眼光,能更心無旁騖的向教育家之路邁進。最後,她甚至辭去官方教師職務,成立了女子英學塾,深耕基礎教育。時至今日,若提到日本第一位女性教育家,非津田梅莫屬。 本書根據大量日本與美國的檔案寫成,包括女孩們和美國寄宿家庭及友人之間數十年的書信往返,故事流暢有如小說,呈現十九世紀二十世紀之交,日本與西方文化交流的衝擊與適應,更是日本女性走向現代化的歷史濫觴。 【名家推薦】 透過歷史與傳記的迷人編織,作者講述一個島國面對現代化勢不可擋浪潮的生動故事⋯⋯關於日本女性教育和解放的啟蒙,獨特而優雅。 ——Kirkus...
Cover of 59 curiosità su Tokio
by Passerino Editore
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 4, 2018

59 curiosità su una delle città più incredibili del mondo.  I mini-ebook di Passerino Editore sono guide agili, essenziali e complete, per orientarsi nella storia del mondo.
Cover of Experiences of Japanese American Women during and after World War II

Experiences of Japanese American Women during and after World War II

Living in Internment Camps and Rebuilding Life Afterwards

by Precious Yamaguchi
Language: English
Release Date: December 23, 2014

Experiences of Japanese American Women during and after World War II: Living in Internment Camps and Rebuilding Life Afterwards examines the experiences of Japanese American women who were in internment camps during World War II and after. Precious Yamaguchi follows these women after they were released...
Cover of Peace in the East

Peace in the East

An Chunggun's Vision for Asia in the Age of Japanese Imperialism

by Frederick R. Dickinson, Kirk W. Larsen, Makino Eiji
Language: English
Release Date: October 10, 2017

On October 26, 1909, the Korean patriot An Chunggŭn assassinated the Japanese statesman Itō Hirobumi in Harbin, China. More than a century later, the ramifications of An’s daring act continue to reverberate across East Asia and beyond. This volume explores the abiding significance of An, his life,...
Cover of Okinawan Martial Traditions, Vol. 2.2

Okinawan Martial Traditions, Vol. 2.2

Te, Tode, Karate, Karatedo, Kobudo

by Mario McKenn, Guillermo Paz-y-Miño, Joseph Svint
Language: English
Release Date: February 7, 2017

NOTE: Volume 2 of the print edition was dividend into Vols. 2.1 and 2.2 to make two e-book editions. What would you like to obtain from your research and practice of an Okinawan martial art? For an academic, it would be to obtain historical and cultural facts and details. For a practitioner,...
Cover of The Xenos Collection, Vol. 2
by Theo Vavas
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2017

A private edition reference eBook depicting the 29 posters produced to promote the exhibit of Mr. & Mrs. Xenos partial collection of Japanese Prints, at The Theo Vavas Studio & Library on April 5-30, 1989 in New York City. The posters were designed by Theo Vavas and only 50 copies of each were printed.
Cover of Operation Iceberg

Operation Iceberg

The Invasion and Conquest of Okinawa in World War II

by Gerald Astor
Language: English
Release Date: January 27, 2015

Gerald Astor, author of THE MIGHTY EIGHTH, draws on the raw, first-hand accounts of marines, sailors, soldiers, and airmen under fire to recount the dramatic and gripping story of the last major battle of World War II. On the sea the Japanese rained down a deadly hail of kamikazes. On land...
Cover of Blossoming Silk Against the Rising Sun

Blossoming Silk Against the Rising Sun

U.S. and Japanese Paratroopers at War in the Pacific in World War II

by Gene Eric Salecker
Language: English
Release Date: August 17, 2010

Complete account of airborne operations in the Pacific theater. Firsthand descriptions from American and Japanese paratroopers. Detailed maps illustrate battles.
Cover of Battle Story: Kohima 1944
by Dr. Chris Brown
Language: English
Release Date: June 3, 2013

Kohima was one of the most important battles in the Asian theater during World War II; find out why Kohima was the turning point in the Japanese invasion of India, witnessing the end of their attempt to overthrow the British Raj. It was a bitter battle fought in three stages, spanning three months,...
Cover of The Samurai Capture a King
by Dr Stephen Turnbull
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2011

A brilliant but little-known operation, the Shimazu clan raid on the independent kingdom of Ryukyu (modern Okinawa) in 1609 is one of the most extraordinary episodes in samurai history and the culmination of centuries of rivalry between the two powers. The defeat of the Shimazu at Sekigahara in 1600,...
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