Japanese category: 767 books

Cover of Bonsai 101: Tips and Techniques for Growing
by Roger Jackson
Language: English
Release Date: May 24, 2013

 Bonsai 101: Tips and Techniques for Growing Do not 'buy a bonsai'. That is a poor way to begin this remarkable hobby and usually doomed to failure. Bonsai is not about 'owning' bonsai plants, but rather the satisfaction of taking care of them and specifically developing them. One finds...
Cover of Bonsái para principiantes
by Nancy Ross
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 16, 2017

El árbol Bonsái es una excelente opción para cualquier jardín. Aunque no provee el alimento ni la medicina como otras plantas lo hacen, el árbol Bonsái es capaz de proveer belleza al jardín y puede ser una muy buena manera de exhibir tu trabajo como jardinero, o incluso hacer un gran regalo. Aunque...
Cover of Juniper Bonsai Guide
by Bonsai Empire
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2018

Learn how to maintain your Juniper Bonsai tree with the "Juniper Bonsai Guide". Junipers are incredibly popular Bonsai trees, sold at many stores and online shops. They are strong trees and very suitable for beginners at the art of Bonsai. But how do you keep your tree alive? And...
Cover of Bamboo Plant Care: How to Grow and Care for Bamboo
by Green Initiatives
Language: English
Release Date: July 29, 2012

The Bamboo Plant Care book discusses everything you need to know about growing and caring for Bamboo. Learn about the bamboo plant types, growing bamboo plants, bamboo care, indoor bamboo, growing bamboo indoors, clumping bamboo, transplanting bamboo, bamboo seeds, and even popular bamboo crafts...
Cover of 7000+ vocabulario español - japonés
by Gilad Soffer
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 24, 2015

"7000+ vocabulario español - japonés" es una lista de más de 7000 palabras traducidas del español al japonés, así como del japonés al español. Fácil de usar. Estupenda para los turistas y los hablantes de español interesados...
Cover of 1001+ Ejercicios español - japonés
by Gilad Soffer
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 21, 2015

"1001+ Ejercicios español - japonés" es una colección de más de 1.000 ejercicios para personas de habla español. Cada ejercicio es una frase en español y 5 opciones de traducción en japonés que debe elegir. Ejercicios divididos en secciones...
Cover of 悠遊京都:探索京都庭園、佛寺、神社、河川、町家
by 林明德
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 23, 2016

本書簡介 京都為日本首都達一千二百年,是日本歷史主要舞台,到處都是景點,到處都是歷史,也到處都有故事。本書帶你悠遊京都的佛寺、神社、庭園、町家、河川,有一般觀光客的觀點,也有專家的觀點。 主題文章,讓你了解京都精彩之處;四十張京都景點地圖讓你輕鬆找到相關景點位置;一百多張照片,讓你如臨現場。 每個地點都附經緯度及地址,讓你掌握景點精確位置,方便旅遊規劃。即使不去京都,也可以利用地圖軟體在網上悠遊一番。 希望透過本書,你能成為悠遊自在的旅行家。 本書內容 本書分成五個部分:庭園、河川、佛寺、神社、文化。 庭園篇 介紹庭園的歷史、不同種類的庭園。接著介紹建議參觀的庭園,帶大家分析了解這些看似深奧但有趣的庭園。 京都庭園 寢殿造庭園-平安前期 淨土式庭園-平安後期 禪宗之庭-鎌倉後期 枯山水-室町時代 從「寢殿造」到「書院造」 書院造庭園-安土桃山時代 茶庭(露地)-安土桃山 大名庭園-江戶時代 結語 庭園巡禮 平等院 淨瑠璃寺 金閣寺 銀閣寺 天龍寺 龍安寺 南禪寺金地院 大德寺龍源院 大德寺大仙院 大德寺瑞峰院 東福寺方丈庭園 東福寺龍吟庵 東福寺芬陀院 東福寺靈雲院 醍醐寺三寶院 二条城二之丸 源光庵 京都庭園探訪 河川篇 介紹京都三條重要的河川。首先是江戶時期經濟動脈,現在沿途特色小店及歷史古蹟林立的「高瀨川」。接著是京都現代化動力來源,人文及自然景致豐富的「琵琶湖疏水」。最後是京都最重要河川,與京都歷史、生活及文化息息相關,與京都居民相當親近的「鴨川」。 高瀨川 森鷗外的高瀨川 獨具眼光的角倉了以 鴨川河原上的高瀨川 江戶時代京都經濟大動脈 從交通動脈到綠色散步道 高瀨川史蹟探訪 夜之高瀨川 高瀨川大事記 琵琶湖疏水 首都東遷...
Cover of Sushi Chef: Sukiyabashi Jiro
by Shinzo Satomi
Language: English
Release Date: May 24, 2016

Revered restaurateur Jiro’s extended chat on all things sushi shocked the industry and aficionados alike when it was first published in 1997 and has remained indispensable over the years thanks to his nonchalant revelation of top trade secrets. While first and last things cannot be so easily taught...
Cover of Sushi at Home: A Mat-to-Table Sushi Cookbook
by Rockridge Press
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2015

Eating Sushi is Easy. Making Sushi is Even Easier.   Let your love of sushi inspire you to prepare and enjoy it in your home. This beautiful guide and cookbook opens a window to everything that’s so fascinating—and intimidating—about sushi, while laying out easy-to-follow...
Cover of How To Make Sushi At Home And Stop Being Intimidated By It? (Step By Step Guide with Colorful Pictures)
by Matt Cooker
Language: English
Release Date: May 3, 2013

Have you ever wanted to make sushi at home? This is the ultimate guide to making sushi at home, with clear and concise instructions and colorful pictures for making any kind of sushi item. This cookbook is for sushi lovers who can't leave the restaurant without ordering sushi. Now it...
Cover of Racism in Japan

Racism in Japan

A brief history of the lives of Koreans living in Japan

by Gerry Mclellan
Language: English
Release Date: July 20, 2011

Essay from the year 2005 in the subject Orientalism / Sinology - Japanology, University of Sheffield, course: MA, language: English, abstract: This paper examines the lives of Koreans in Japan since The Treaty of Kanghwa. It examines the legal changes, social and cultural changes, and the political...
Cover of Tokyo Eating Tour

Tokyo Eating Tour

The Backpacker’s Guide to the Various fast food restaurants in Japan

by Hiroshi Satake
Language: English
Release Date: April 8, 2015

This guidebook introduces international tourists to Japan’s popular fast food. An unforgettable eating experience can be the highlight of any trip. Although Japan is a famously expensive country, this guidebook will introduce you to very low price foods, about 500 yen or less for one food in popular...
Cover of Ficus Bonsai Guide
by Bonsai Empire
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2018

Learn how to maintain your Ficus Bonsai tree with the "Ficus Bonsai Guide". Ficus plants are incredibly popular Bonsai trees, sold at many stores and online shops. They are strong trees, do well indoors, and are very suitable for beginners at the art of Bonsai. But how do you keep...
Cover of Bonsai: Tips and Tricks
by Nancie Jones
Language: English
Release Date: August 17, 2013

Bonsai is a beautiful miniature tree that comes from China and can be used for interior decoration because it looks amazing. In this book you will find everything you need to know about bonsai tree. The book will help you with any question regarding planting, watering, taking care of this beautiful...
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