My Family category: 4877 books

Cover of あなたが子供のときに歌った歌
by Bernard Levine
Language: Japanese
Release Date: November 11, 2018

「あなたが子供だったときに歌った歌は、あなたが子供として楽しんでいたさまざまな話を話します。 むしろ、それが学校、家庭などであった場合、あなたが歌った好きな曲は、いつでも永遠にあなたに加わり、いつでも楽しめます。
Cover of Korean Picture book – The Secret of the Christmas Tree(크리스마스트리의 비밀)
by Seungsook Yang
Language: English
Release Date: May 20, 2019

The Secret of the Christmas Tree “The Secret of the Christmas Tree” is the story about a Christmas Tree, which has always been receiving gifts. One day, the Christmas Tree comes out to the world with the gifts that it received, and gives them to children who are in need. The Christmas Tree...
Cover of How To Stick A Dart In Your Head
by Eric Hill
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2014

Cover of Who I Want To Be
by Rossi Ross
Language: English
Release Date: February 20, 2015

We spend most of our day working. That is why it is so important to be happy with what we do. This book will introduce to children the different occupation for the first time, presenting it in a comprehensible way, easy for them to understand. It shows 10 selected occupations from different fields....
Cover of Legile Divine

Legile Divine

Invata sa le folosesti in favoarea ta!

by Claudia Nita Donca
Language: Romanian
Release Date: March 13, 2015

Totul in viata, pe planeta pe care traim dar si in intregul Univers, se supune Legilor Divine, fie ca ne place sau nu, fie ca stim asta sau nu. Putem trai si fara ele si nu este grav ca nu le cunoastem. Insa atunci trebuie sa ne asumam si acceptam ca lucrurile se intampla aproape haotic in jurul nostru,...
Cover of Don't You know You are Beautiful Just the Way You Are!
by G.A. Sealy
Language: English
Release Date: February 21, 2017

Destiny was not happy with the way she looked. However, after talking to her Mommy she realizes that she is not only beautiful on the outside, but more importantly on the inside as well. This book was written to teach young girls, that although they may look different than the girls they see in magazines...
Cover of 林芳萍散文集2:走進弟弟山
by 林芳萍
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 30, 2014

Cover of The Stories of Jakey and Vicky: Nanna's Visit
by Zoltan Nemeth
Language: English
Release Date: July 11, 2012

Nanna lives far from us and it's always great when she comes to visit. It's a very special visit as this is her first time meeting Vicky, too.
Cover of Frau Gorski, ich glaube ich leide an Zappelphilippitits

Frau Gorski, ich glaube ich leide an Zappelphilippitits

TDAH ADHD ADHS Die Abenteuer der Genies eines Jeden Tages

by Barbara Esham
Language: German
Release Date: August 6, 2013

„David Sheldon, Du lenkst schon wieder Deinen Tischnachbarn ab“, sagte Frau Gorski mit sehr ernster Stimme. „Hör' bitte damit auf, diesen Krach mit Deinem Bleistift zu machen!”  Ich versuchte ihr zu erklären, dass ich lediglich sehen wollte, wie oft ich meine Bleistift bis...
Cover of Little Red Leprechaun
by Cristina Betancourt
Language: English
Release Date: October 31, 2018

Little Red Leprechaun. He is as tiny as your child is. He does the nonsens a child does. One day he gets lost doing nonsens. He spends two nights in an unknown forest. Trying to get back to the Elves' Forest he meets some woodlanders who cannot help him. Suddenly he recognizes a friend he had never...
Cover of Teens, Loss, and Grief

Teens, Loss, and Grief

The Ultimate Teen Guide

by Edward Myers
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2006

Teens, Loss, and Grief is a self-help guide for teenagers who are struggling with bereavement and the emotional difficulties it presents. This book provides an overview of grief as a painful but normal process, offering insights from bereavement experts as well as practical suggestions for coping...
Cover of 多多和他的超级妈妈:妈妈,我还要逛超市
by 鲁礼敏
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Cover of 第21個學生
by 徐嘉澤
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 17, 2017

§ 這是一本讓孩子提早認識「失智症」的繪本 § 這位新同學好不一樣! 「她的背比一般同學還要駝、眼睛比一般同學還要瞇, 頭髮比一般同學還要白,皺紋還比許老師多!」   我們都叫許老師「晴男」,最近許老師常請假,聽說是家裡出了些問題;有天,許老師說要介紹一位新同學給我們……這位新同學是我們的第二十一位同學,而且她……非常「不一樣」!   從《第21個學生》體會同理不同、感受家人失去記憶而帶來的不便、懂得珍惜與至親相處的每分每秒…… -- 高雄市市長 陳菊、高雄市文化局長 尹立 台灣失智症協會秘書長 湯麗玉、 圖文暨設計創作者 Croter 還有還有……陳滿足的同學們 溫暖推薦 --   「一本難得的書。我發現「宣導」失智症有關的正確觀念是最重要的!許多困境源自不了解或一知半解,導致延遲就醫、誤會、衝突、排斥、意外事件,甚至家庭的悲劇。」 台灣失智症協會秘書長 湯麗玉 「很多難題的解法通常是愛。」 圖文暨設計創作者 Croter 來自陳滿足同學的感心推薦 「我希望阿嬤能早日恢復健康出院,我知道『阿茲海默症』是一種不會好的病,但還是希望陳滿足也能身體健康,一直快快樂樂地當我們的同學,就算一直叫許老師爸爸也沒關係。」 《聯合文學》雜誌總編輯 王聰威 「我想,如果我是這故事裡的孩子之一,我會扮演類似櫻桃小丸子裡的野口那樣平時沉默、觀察力卻很敏銳的角色,最後就像是童話故事《國王的新衣》的孩子一樣,說出一句關鍵的話戳破大人世界的假象,讓那些大人們感到羞愧而無地自容。」 導演 楊力州 「而陳滿足...
Cover of Depression Solution For Adolescents
by J. T. Mike
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2019

An end product of decades of working with the most challenging cases of teen depression; inside you will find out: -How low self-esteem, disappointments, negative social skills, idleness, being broke, negative body image, being excessively self-critical, trauma, verbal/physical/sexual abuse,...
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