Self Improvement category: 38499 books

Cover of The Art of Insight

The Art of Insight

How to Have More Aha! Moments

by Charles F. Kiefer, Malcolm Constable
Language: English
Release Date: April 8, 2013

Inspiration Whenever You Need It We have all experienced it: the jolt of an insight arriving like a thunderclap, unexpectedly and without warning. But what if insights could be accessed more reliably? Drawing on years of research, reflection, and experiences with colleagues, friends, and clients,...
Cover of Self-Discovery and Healing Through Journaling
by Meredith Lane
Language: English
Release Date: July 12, 2016

Journal writing is an amazing tool for self-discovery and healing. Indeed, studies show that journaling is so powerful a practice, it can actually help heal traumatic physical injuries faster.Self Discovery and Healing Through Journaling guides the listener toward a path of mental clarity,...
Cover of 正念減壓的訓練:風行全球,哈佛醫學院、Google、麥肯錫、蘋果都在用
by 陳德中
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 1, 2017

正念風潮正在蔓延!讓台大醫院、廣達、台積電的正念訓練師資,帶你用正念揮別壓力與憂慮,找回穩定、自信與情緒自由!★作者特別錄製「正念練習引導」音檔,免費提供本書讀者自行練習!(翻照書內指引聆聽下載)★喬.卡巴金(「正念減壓」創始人)、林泰生(麗嬰房創辦人暨總裁)、王浩威(台灣心理治療學會常務理事)、蔡明亮(金獎導演)、許瑞云(《哈佛醫師心能量》作者)、凌憬峯(陽明大學醫學系教授兼副系主任)、溫宗堃(台灣正念發展協會理事長)、駱銘彥(廣達電腦人才資源中心資深經理) 正念推薦!醫學界用正念幫助病人改善:慢性疼痛、焦慮、憂鬱、睡眠障礙,並增強免疫系統。企業界用正念幫助員工提升:專注力、情緒管理能力、復原力、創造力、領導力與人際溝通能力。教育界用正念幫助學生增強:學習效率與情緒平衡,並可優化大腦。你,也能用正念改善健康、工作與家庭生活!◎哪些人需要正念?‧處於高壓競爭環境的上班族、經營者、運動員‧長期受疼痛、失眠、疲勞、焦慮、緊張所苦的人‧希望增進情緒管理能力與改善人際關係者‧希望提升自信與喜悅的人◎你會在本書學到:‧正念在生活各層面的實際應用(健康、親子關係、親密關係、職場)‧正念的核心概念‧正念練習方法引導 ★超值好禮!「正念練習引導」音檔:  1.呼吸觀察(12:10)  2.身體掃描(42:15)  3.正念伸展(28:25)  4.正念行走(14:07)  5.整體靜坐(30:16)★各界好評!我非常高興陳德中能寫成這本書,引進了正念及其潛在力量。若按照他闡述的種種方法來練習,將能幫助我們減少壓力,活得更健康,並擁有更令人滿足,也更有意義的人生。——喬.卡巴金(正念減壓創始人)希望大家能和我一樣,從德中的書裡認識正念、練習正念,並充分把它運用在生活中,真正做一個「正念人」——不為別人,只為了讓自己過得更踏實。——林泰生(麗嬰房創辦人暨總裁)很高興德中老師將正念減壓的內容及理念集結出書,文字深入淺出。誠摯推薦這本書,因為我從正念學習中受益許多。——凌憬峯(陽明大學醫學系教授兼副系主任)市面上的正念書籍絕大多數是翻譯自國外的作品,這是第一本由接受過完整正念訓練,且具備中文授課經驗的台灣老師直接用中文撰寫的正念書,讀起來讓人感覺更親切和貼切。——許瑞云(《哈佛醫師心能量》作者)正念訓練是佛教智慧傳統鍛鍊心智最核心的方法。正念減壓的正念訓練,簡明、實用,經科學驗證,適合現代人。作者陳德中是華人教學經驗最豐富的正念減壓老師之一,他撰寫的《正念減壓的訓練》是想學習正念減壓的人不可錯過的好書。——溫宗堃(台灣正念發展協會理事長、法鼓文理學院佛教學系助理教授)正念讓我體會,「活在當下」比「過去未來」來得有意義。正念讓我領略,「坦然面對」比「反覆懊悔」來得更自在。正念讓我了解,「一次一事」比「同時多工」來得有效率。非常開心廣達同仁與我個人有機會參與正念,一次一次的學習與練習過程,都讓我們更好、更不一樣!真心推薦,一起正念,一起不一樣!——駱銘彥(廣達電腦人才資源中心資深經理)作者簡介陳德中台灣正念(Mindfulness)領域代表性人物,首位將正念減壓(MBSR)引進台灣醫學與企業體系者,台灣正念工坊(Taiwan...
Cover of Easy Ways to Self Development

Easy Ways to Self Development

Success Can Be Easy with the Right Help

by Lee Werrell
Language: English
Release Date: February 3, 2013

If you're an entrepreneur, business person or just want to know the secrets of Success, Goal Setting, and building confidence, then you're about to discover how to get learn the ways to easily succeed in life and avoid failure right now! In fact, if you want to know Manage your time effectively...
Cover of The Mechanism of Mind

The Mechanism of Mind

Understand how your mind works to maximise memory and creative potential

by Edward de Bono
Language: English
Release Date: July 2, 2015

The Mechanism of Mind presents Edward de Bono’s original theories on how the brain functions, processes information and organises it. It explains why the brain, the ’mechanism’, can only work in certain ways and introduces the four basic types of thinking that have gone on to inform his life’s...
Cover of Lateral Thinking

Lateral Thinking

An Introduction

by Edward de Bono
Language: English
Release Date: August 7, 2014

Why do some people always seem to have new ideas while others of equal intelligence never do? Lateral Thinking is Edward de Bono’s original portrayal of what lateral thinking is, how it works and how to use it to develop your own potential for thinking and problem solving. First published...
Cover of Sur/petition


The New Business Formula to Help You Stay Ahead of the Competition

by Edward de Bono
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2019

Don’t chase the market leader, be the market leader. Edward de Bono, the bestselling author of Serious Creativity and inventor of lateral thinking teaches you how to move beyond the baseline of competition and find success with sur/petition. It's simple. If you want to survive in the...
Cover of 安靜的力量,從小就看得見


Quiet Power: The Secret Strengths of Introverts

by 蘇珊.坎恩(Susan Cain)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 5, 2017

◆全球狂銷 200 萬冊,長踞紐約時報銷售榜 4 年,TED 演講點閱數突破 1500 萬人次 《安靜,就是力量》蘇珊坎恩  這次要帶我們重返年少時期,幫助內向的自己站出來! 也許我太害羞而不能說出內心想法,但我希望你們知道: 老師,只要給我多一些時間思考,我可以講出條理清晰的言論 爸媽,別擔心,我只是需要空間獨處,充電後就能再面對人群 教練,相信我,我能夠忍受漫長孤獨的訓練,只為了追求完美 同學們,分組討論時觀察敏銳、思考謹慎的我,會是個好領袖 未來的我,不要等長大了以後,才發現自己身為內向者的優勢! 蘇珊坎恩的前作《安靜,就是力量》引發全球討論。在她發人深省的作品裡,她改變了我們對內向者的看法,也改變了他們對自己的看法。蘇珊原本著眼在職場生活,但她深深覺得迫切需要一本關於孩子及青少年的討論。本書涵蓋的場域包括學校、課外活動、家庭生活和同儕友誼。你會讀到孩子的真實故事,看到他們如何面對自己不夠外向的挑戰,看到他們如何以自己的方式令人刮目相看。書中引了許多內向性格的名人故事,從碧昂絲、籃球明星賈霸到愛因斯坦,讀者會讀到蘇珊自己的故事,也可以嘗試每一章後面的建議。書末也有提供給家長和老師的指導。 「在以下的篇章,你們會遇到安靜的青少年們,他們在傳統上被認為屬於內向者的活動當中表現優異,例如寫作和藝術。但你們也會看到內向者成為班長、競選總部發言人、運動員、演員和歌星。這些角色看起來並不適合內向者,而一開始他們也往往裹足不前,但基於對那份工作的熱情,他們驅策自己接受挑戰。這個堅定執著的熱情是許多內向者的共同特性。我希望你們也能在自己身上發現這個熱情。透過和你們一樣的年輕人的故事和經驗,我會探討許多內向者都會有的疑問。你們怎麼爭取到屬於內向者的揮灑空間?你們怎麼讓自己不被忽視?當你們無法鼓起信心侃侃而談時,你們怎麼交到新朋友? 在這本書裡,會談到我們內向者如何和周遭人們相處,朋友、家人和老師。我們會談到我們如何追求自己的興趣和嗜好,也會談到如何和我們自己相處。我希望透過這本書,你們會學習接受且珍惜自己,你們真正的自我。世界需要你們,而你們有許多方式可以讓你們的安靜性格大聲說話。把這本書當作指導手冊。它不會教你們怎樣變成另一種人,而只會教你們如何善用已經在你們心裡的、令人嘆為觀止的性格。」 或許長大後的你會覺得,在成長求學階段不敢當眾發言、在團體中怯場、喜歡獨處更勝於從眾的自己,早已不復存在,也不需回顧;但其實,那個被內向性格困住的年少自我,一直留在我們心中——是時候跟他說說話,將他帶出困惑的牢籠了。 只要保有一顆堅持做自己的初心,發現安靜的力量永遠不嫌晚。 【安靜的跨界推薦】(依姓名筆畫排列) 王文秀/臺灣輔導與諮商學會常務監事 王浩威/精神科醫師、作家 伊能靜/歌手、演員、作家 光 禹/廣播主持人 李偉文/作家 李崇建/作家、千樹成林作文創辦人 幸佳慧/童書作家 凌性傑/作家、教師 姜秀瓊/導演 爽爽貓SECOND/圖文創作者 張曼娟/作家 陳品皓/臨床心理師 陳安儀/親職專欄作家 陳藹玲/富邦文教基金會董事 陳毓文/臺大社工系教授 焦糖...
Cover of El Vendedor Mas Grande Del Mundo (The Greatest Salseman In The World) - Resumen Del Libro De Og Mandino
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 29, 2017

Descripción del libro original: Este es un libro muy práctico y útil para la vida. En él, el autor presenta los secretos para convertirse en el mejor vendedor. A través de sugerencias de acciones poco convencionales, Og Mandino nos conduce por un camino poblado por útiles consejos que trascienden...
Cover of Make Your Brain Smarter

Make Your Brain Smarter

Increase Your Brain's Creativity, Energy, and Focus

by Sandra Bond Chapman, Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2013

One of the world’s most innovative and respected cognitive neuroscientists combines cutting-edge research with unique exercises to help you improve the most powerful, most staggeringly complex machine ever created: your brain. In Make Your Brain Smarter, renowned cognitive neuroscientist...
Cover of Wired for Success

Wired for Success

Using NLP* to Activate Your Brain for Maximum Achievement

by Wendy Jago
Language: English
Release Date: October 11, 2012

Can your brain help you become more successful? YES! In Wired for Success, Wendy Jago introduces the reader to NLP—Neuro-Linguistic Programming—a therapeutic technique used to recognize and reprogram unconscious patterns of thought and behavior in order to modify psychological responses,...
Cover of A Joosr Guide to… The Organized Mind by Daniel Levitin: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload
by Joosr
Language: English
Release Date: January 25, 2016

In today's fast-paced world, it's tough to find the time to read. But with Joosr guides, you can get the key insights from bestselling non-fiction titles in less than 20 minutes. Whether you want to gain knowledge on the go or find the books you'll love, Joosr's brief and accessible eBook summaries...
Cover of Mastering Your Focus

Mastering Your Focus

How To Use Simple and Effective Strategies to Improve Concentration, Learn Faster, Ignore Distractions, Master Anything With Ease, and Get More Done In Less Time

by Chris Jeremy
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2018

Are you unhappy with your productivity? Do you struggle with distractions and interruptions, consumed by procrastination and wandering mind? Do you ever wish you could get really good at something quickly, smoothly, and effortlessly? Are you tired of ineffective advice on how to improve your focus? If...
Cover of Instant Mind Power: How to Train and Sharpen Your Mental Abilities Instantly!
by The INSTANT-Series
Language: English
Release Date: August 10, 2015

How to Train and Sharpen Your Mental Abilities Instantly!System Updating In Progress...Your "mind" is a superhuman computer. It houses all your cognitive abilities: concentration, memory, awareness, reasoning, perception, etc. It's the command center that controls your entire being....
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