Self Improvement category: 38499 books

Cover of Mantenha o seu cérebro vivo
by Lawrence C. Katz e Manning Rubin
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: July 14, 2011

83 EXERCÍCIOS NEURÓBICOS PARA PREVENIR A PERDA DE MEMÓRIA E AUMENTAR A AGILIDADE MENTAL Você sabia que o cérebro, apesar de envelhecer, continua possuindo uma capacidade extraordinária de crescer e mudar o padrão de suas conexões? Descobertas como essa constituem a base da Neuróbica, a nova...
Cover of SMART Practice

SMART Practice

Rocket Fuel For Your Skills. A Systematic Approach To Get Better At Anything.

by Jeff Scheetz
Language: English
Release Date: May 30, 2018

Do you have anything in your life you would like to get better at? Maybe it’s a new challenge, or maybe it’s something you have struggled with trying to master in the past. Whatever it is, the only way to see real improvement in anything is with a systematic way to practice it. SMART Practice...
Cover of Getting Back to Life When Grief Won't Heal
by Phyllis Kosminsky
Language: English
Release Date: January 8, 2007

Are you finding it hard to get over the loss of a loved one? Does it seem like you'll never move on with your life? Do you feel that you're stuck in the grieving process? Dr. Phyllis Kosminsky understands what you're going through. Having helped hundreds of people deal with their grief and...
Cover of Arabic Alphabet Sudoku Puzzles
by Ted Summerfield
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2013

Maintain your brain with these challenging sudoku puzzles. Many times more mentally stimulating than regular English language style sudoku puzzles. 66 Arabic Alphabet Sudoku Puzzles in easy, medium and hard levels of play, and in 9x9 and 16x16 grid sizes. Give your brain a terrific workout...
Cover of Supercharge Your Intelligence Today!
by Paul McKenna, Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2017

You are smarter than you think! In this book, Paul McKenna, Ph.D., uses a groundbreaking system to teach you how to apply the strategies of some of history’s greatest geniuses and the latest research into the science of the brain so that you can live an extraordinarily effective and creative...
Cover of 10 Soluciones Simples para el déficit de atención en adultos

10 Soluciones Simples para el déficit de atención en adultos

Cómo superar la distracción crónica y alcanzar tus objetivos

by Stephanie Moulton
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 15, 2011

Este libro explica sencillas estrategias que ayudan a superar el déficit de atención en los adultos, como herramientas para manejar experiencias reales. Cada capítulo aborda un aspecto relacionado con el TDA en adultos, y responde a verdaderas preocupaciones del paciente. Su lectura traerá beneficios...
Cover of Teach Yourself Chess

Teach Yourself Chess

The first coach of the world champion presents:

by Dmitri Dobrovolski
Language: English
Release Date: December 3, 2016

Jesus gave people a wonderful game – chess! The game is very popular around the world because it helps a person to learn how to make informed decisions; a skill that is becoming increasingly valuable in our ever-expanding world! During my 25 years of coaching, I have helped more than 600 boys and...
Cover of How to Get the Grade Without Doing the Work

How to Get the Grade Without Doing the Work

A Complete Guide on How to Make Excellent Grades in College While Not Doing the Work

by Charles Lanham
Language: English
Release Date: August 10, 2010

The one problem all students run into while they prepare for a test is not what you might think. You might naturally assume that the problem is one of memory (i.e., remembering the answers to the test), but the real problem is what I call the Situation Effect. In laymen terms, our intelligence is...
Cover of Mind Empowerment

Mind Empowerment

Unleash the Power of Your Mind

by Instafo
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2016

Enlightenment of Mind for Greater Intelligence Enter the realm of your mind where human intelligence is stored. Those with the superior mind are always able to acquire knowledge, analyze information, and access thoughts much more readily than those who are less mentally empowered. People’s...
Cover of Brain Training & Conversion
by Leadstart Publishing Pvt. Ltd.
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2011

The brain gives us human potential - to learn, to dream, to achieve and grow. It is perhaps the most powerful and yet the most delicate organ in the body. For many years it was assumed that brain cells could not grow past early childhood and would automatically degenerate as we reached our senior years....
Cover of Finding Peace Now
by Suzanne Scarrow
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2012

Every day in her counseling practice Suzanne Scarrow revels in the freedom that her clients experience. Emotional baggage can be cleared relatively easily now with Emotional Freedom Techniques. When the clearing happens clients feel the freedom of it, and are then able to deliberately create the lives...
Cover of 畫張圖想得更清楚!任何人都能學會的視覺筆記術
by 盧慈偉
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 3, 2016

◆左腦右腦一起做筆記,愛塗鴉提升工作效率! ◆視覺筆記把「想像」帶入你的思考,展開大腦思緒的空間,幫你飛向高空,「鳥瞰」全局,於是找出解決問題的關鍵! ◆視覺筆記沒有你想的那麼難! 只要會畫三種圖形,你就能找回畫圖能力 這是超越甘特圖、資訊圖表、流程圖、心智圖,全新的視覺筆記術! 給你17套視覺筆記模板,讓你一定畫得出精彩的筆記 ◆你可以從本書學到什麼? 學會結合「圖像思考」與「視覺想像」的筆記術,不是枯燥難懂的圖解,不只是心智圖! 只要一張紙、一隻筆,和開放的腦袋,任何人都能學會讓人驚喜的視覺筆記。 引導你更專注:圖像總是緊緊抓住人們的目光,視覺化找回你正在喪失的專注力。 重新找到情感療癒:畫圖當下讓人感受趣味、安撫情緒。 幫助溝通凝聚共識:超越文字的視覺筆記,讓會議、演講、討論零障礙。 帶來創新與變化:用圖像重新打開你塵封已久的腦袋活力=無限可能。 ◆什麼人應該讀這本書?應該學視覺筆記? 覺得文字筆記沒辦法幫你提高大腦轉速的人。 工作、學習上需要大量思考與創意的工作者與學生。 想要在你的會議筆記、讀書筆記、上課筆記、簡報製作上有所突破的人。 喜歡畫畫,或是想要開始喜歡畫畫的人! 這時候你需要:「畫張圖,幫你想得更清楚」! 刺激創意、提升思考、激發想像、強化溝通 每個人都該學,也都學得會的「視覺筆記術」 視覺筆記、圖像思考,讓我們一方面感受到療癒、趣味、隱喻、創意的刺激,另一方面也是記錄與思考的另外一種高效率的形式。 視覺筆記不會只是單純畫圖而已,這本書將在專業的「視覺記錄師」盧慈偉老師的帶領下,學會如何把複雜與混亂的觀念,轉化成清晰而生動的圖像的「具體技巧」。 帶你一步一步學會視覺記錄的方法! 帶你一關一關打開圖像思考的大門! 【各界筆記達人、效率高手、企業講師一致推薦】 筆記女王...
Cover of 找到不再孤單的自己:尋找認同、建立歸屬感的快樂生活提案


Count Me In: How I Stepped Off the Sidelines, Created Connection, and Built a Fuller, Richer, More Lived-in Life

by 艾蜜莉‧懷特 Emily White
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 18, 2016

~ 一段找尋連結、歸屬與認同感的旅程 ~ 一場在疏離、淡漠世界裡的真實探險 引領你重啟與他人建立連結的能力 學會享受一個人的人生,也樂在一群人的生活 我們需要享受孤獨的智慧與勇氣,也需要感受被愛和擁有歸屬感。 當我們只把焦點放在自己身上,或過度美化孤獨,或害怕被拒絕, 放棄了與更多「人」、「事」、「物」建立連結的機會, 也將失去更多了解自己、改變自己的可能性。 學習在人群中找到一個喜歡、又適合自己的位置, 就能找到生命的著力點, 為自己發現快樂,創造更美好、豐富的生活。 或許你與親人家族間維持著極濃密的情感,也有多位相識數十年的摯友,就人際關係而言,你並不孤單,但你是否還是有種失落的感受,覺得自己活得不夠踏實,人際情感和生活中缺少了什麼? 結束一段感情,搬回多倫多老家的艾蜜莉正是如此。熱愛生命與生活的她為了找尋人際情感生活失落的一角,決定展開一個「尋找歸屬感」的挑戰計畫。 「歸屬感=在團體中備受歡迎、被需要或被接納的感受+能適應或融入該團體的感受」 艾蜜莉遵循著此原則,從自己所熱愛的人事物為起點,包括:狗、家庭、社區鄰里、大自然、信仰與當義工等,從中尋求認同與被接納感,進而發現快樂。 在執行這項挑戰計畫的過程中,她有許多體悟,也更了解自己。例如,她喜愛與人相處,也喜歡屬於某個團體的感覺,但原來自己並不想隨傳隨到,或一直與人聊不停;她參加瑜珈與游泳課程、加入社區服務活動、從事動保義工,但發現並不是每項活動都那麼適合自己;同時她也學會了當被自小就信仰的宗教排拒在外時該如何處理。 她認為,尋找歸屬感、與人建立連結,每個人都可以靠自己做到,她發現: ...
Cover of Spy School

Spy School

Are You Sharp Enough to Be a KGB Agent?

by Denis Bukin
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2018

Learn the secrets to a vastly improved memory and see if you have what it takes to be a Russian spy in this "found" KGB manual--a #1 bestseller in Russia. When most people think of the word spy, they imagine gadgets – laser pens and exploding cigarette lighters – but the most...
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