Southeast Asian Languages category: 465 books

Cover of Vocabolario Italiano-Indonesiano per studio autodidattico - 9000 parole
by Andrey Taranov
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 1, 2016

I vocabolari T&P Books si propongono come strumento di aiuto per apprendere, memorizzare e revisionare l’uso di termini stranieri. Il vocabolario contiene oltre 9000 parole di uso comune ordinate per argomenti. Caratteristiche specifiche del vocabolario: Le parole sono ordinate secondo il proprio significato...
Cover of 14000+ Vocabulary Italian - Vietnamese
by Gilad Soffer
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 24, 2015

"14000+ Vocabulary Italian - Vietnamese" is a list of more than 14000 words translated from Italian to Vietnamese, as well as translated from Vietnamese to Italian. Easy to use- great for tourists and Italian speakers interested in learning Vietnamese. As well as Vietnamese speakers interested in learning Italian.
Cover of 7000+ Vocabulary Italian - Thai
by Gilad Soffer
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 24, 2015

"7000+ Vocabulary Italian - Thai" is a list of more than 7000 words translated from Italian to Thai, as well as translated from Thai to Italian. Easy to use- great for tourists and Italian speakers interested in learning Thai. As well as Thai speakers interested in learning Italian.
Cover of 1001+ Frasi di Base Italiano - Indonesiano
by Gilad Soffer
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 18, 2015

"1001+ Frasi di Base Italiano - Indonesiano" è un elenco di più di 1000 frasi di base tradotte dal Italiano al Indonesiano. Frasi divise in sezioni come i numeri, i colori, il tempo, i giorni, il corpo, saluto, meteo, shopping, salute, emergenza, ristorante e altro ancora.
Cover of 3000+ vocabolario Italiano - Nepalese
by Gilad Soffer
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 23, 2015

"3000+ vocabolario Italiano - Nepalese" è un elenco di più di 3000 parole tradotte dall'italiano al Nepalese e dal Nepalese all'italiano. È facile da usare e ottimo per i turisti e per chi parla italiano ed è interessato a imparare il Nepalese, così come per chi parla Nepalese ed è interessato a imparare l'italiano.
Cover of 1001+ exercices Français - Thaïlandais
by Gilad Soffer
Language: French
Release Date: February 21, 2015

"1001+ exercices Français - Thaïlandais" est une collection de plus de 1000 exercices pour les francophones. Chaque exercice est constitué d'une phrase en français et de cinq possibilités de traduction en Thaïlandais parmi lesquelles il vous faudra choisir....
Cover of 7000+ Vocabulary Spanish - Thai
by Gilad Soffer
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 24, 2015

"7000+ Vocabulary Spanish - Thai" is a list of more than 7000 words translated from Spanish to Thai, as well as translated from Thai to Spanish. Easy to use- great for tourists and Spanish speakers interested in learning Thai. As well as Thai speakers interested in learning Spanish.
Cover of Vocabulario Español-Malayo - 7000 palabras más usadas
by Andrey Taranov, Victor Pogadaev
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 10, 2014

Los vocabularios de T&P Books buscan ayudar a aprender, memorizar y repasar palabras de idiomas extranjeros. El vocabulario contiene más de 7000 palabras comúnmente usadas y organizadas de manera temática. Aspectos claves del vocabulario: Las palabras se organizan según el significado,...
Cover of Vocabulaire français-malais pour l'autoformation - 3000 mots
by Andrey Taranov, Victor Pogadaev
Language: French
Release Date: August 10, 2014

Ce livre est un vocabulaire pour débutants, qui vous permettra d’acquérir de bonnes bases en malais. Ses 3000 mots vous aideront à comprendre des phrases simples et à en faire, ce qui vous sera utile lors d’un voyage à l'étranger. Des transcriptions simples seront utiles pour mémoriser...
Cover of マレー語の語彙本9000語


Marē-go no goi hon 9000-go

by Andrey Taranov, Victor Pogadaev
Language: Japanese
Release Date: August 10, 2014

Cover of マレー語の語彙本3000語


Marē-go no goi hon 3000-go

by Andrey Taranov, Victor Pogadaev
Language: Japanese
Release Date: August 10, 2014

Cover of マレー語の語彙本5000語


Marē-go no goi hon 5000-go

by Andrey Taranov, Victor Pogadaev
Language: Japanese
Release Date: August 10, 2014

Cover of タイ語の語彙本9000語


Tai-go no goi hon 9000-go

by Andrey Taranov
Language: Japanese
Release Date: February 11, 2019

Cover of 1001+ 基本短语 中国的 - 菲律宾
by 吉拉德索弗
Language: Chinese
Release Date: February 20, 2015

"1001+ 基本短语 中国的 - 菲律宾" 是一个从中文翻译到菲律宾的 1,000 多个基本短语的列表。 短语被按类分组,比如数字、颜色、时间、天、身体、打招呼、天气、购物、健康、紧急情况、饭店等。
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