Substance Abuse category: 962 books

Cover of Smettere di fumare - il segreto vincente
by Daniel Chester Ross
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 26, 2011

Il vero segreto vincente per smettere di fumare, azzerando la dipendenza dal fumo è spiegato in questo libello. Non servono metodo, motivazione e forza di volontà, come generalmente si crede, anzi sono proprio queste le cause per le quali i tentativi per smettere di fumare falliscono miseramente....
Cover of 7-Day Quit Smoking Challenge

7-Day Quit Smoking Challenge

Ways to Quit Smoking In 7 Days

by Challenge Self
Language: English
Release Date: October 29, 2015

Ways to Quit Smoking With Your "7-Day Quit Smoking Challenge" Why are you reading this? Because: - You have an insatiable desire for smoking and want to quit the nasty habit. - You want to have better youthful appearances and unstained teeth and nails. - You want...
Cover of Gamer's Great Escape
by Anonymous
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2014

Whether played on a hand-held platform, a PC, or a TV, the games may supply hours of quiet fun. The games may advance PC skills and greater eye-hand coordination. All the same gaming bears a few downsides. Besides being truly expensive, many in demand games involve vivid sex and violence. Possibly...
Cover of Lust und Last des Rauchens
by Peter Lindinger
Language: German
Release Date: April 15, 2015

Ohne moralinsauren Zeigefinger werden Raucher durch Lindingers ungewöhnliche Perspektive auf ihre heiße Liebe zum Tabak zum Umdenken eingeladen und dort gepackt, wo sie es am wenigsten vermuten. (Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine frühere Ausgabe.)
Cover of Über Berauschung, deren Folgen und Verhütungs- und Heilmittel dagegen. Alkoholsucht

Über Berauschung, deren Folgen und Verhütungs- und Heilmittel dagegen. Alkoholsucht

Die Sicht auf die Alkoholabhängigkeit, Alkoholkrankheit und Alkoholiker im frühen 19. Jahrhundert

by Robert Macnish
Language: German
Release Date: March 26, 2019

Die Sicht auf die Alkoholabhängigkeit im frühen 19. Jahrhundert. Der schottische Arzt und Schriftsteller Robert Macnish (15. Februar 1802 - 16. Januar 1837) war wohl einer der ersten Mediziner, die Trunksucht als Krankheit erkannten. Dieses frühe Werk gibt einen tiefen Einblick in die damaligen...
Cover of PARfessionals' Peer Navigator Workforce Development Practicum Guide
by Parfessionals Peer Recovery Navigator Campus Inc, AR SJM Family Preservation Campus LLC
Language: German
Release Date: April 5, 2017

Der Praktikumsführer wird in Verbindung mit dem von der SJM Group zur Verfügung gestellten PARfessionals Training verwendet. Es ist ein Weg für Studenten, Wissen in die Praxis umzusetzen, von qualifizierten Vorgesetzten geleitet und ausgewertet zu werden und die Bereitschaft zur Zertifizierung...
Cover of Endlich rauchfrei!

Endlich rauchfrei!

Ein persönlicher Erfahrungsbericht zum Nichtraucher

by David Hoffmann
Language: German
Release Date: November 28, 2018

Erfahrungen sind besser als gute Ratschläge! Sie wollen wirklich mit dem Rauchen aufhören, wissen aber nicht wie? Ich habe selbst 23 Jahre lang geraucht - und das nicht wenig. Damit aufhören? Konnte ich mir nicht vorstellen. Schon gar nicht wie. Ich rauche aber tatsächlich nun nicht mehr und erzähle...
Cover of Daddy Throws Me In The Air

Daddy Throws Me In The Air

Remembering Childhood

by Ayn Dillard
Language: English
Release Date: November 7, 2017

"It was time to heal. I had to stop creating a life that I could not live. It was time for the pain and suffering to stop. There was too much pain. I will die if the pain continues. Why does my life keep ending up in the same place? Abusive marriages, divorces, lawyers, legal suits - people in my...
Cover of One Dope's Hit Up, Lit Up, Head Changed Up Life: The First Installment
by Joshua Kresse
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2014

A few things Joshua Kresse’s transformative upbeat memoir describes are his boyhood, drug use, time in a juvenile detention center (juvie), residential youth ranch experience, partying at college, and religious transformation. Joshua’s book is different than most “self-help” books, and he...
Cover of Reasons Why You Must Quit Smoking Today
by Georgette Sun
Language: English
Release Date: May 28, 2017

Why We Cannot giving up smoking? We do bad things although we understand we have to not. Nobody knows why? Actually it is not our folly. It falls beneath the category of things that are beyond our control. We all know the remedies to lose excess weight and also to quit smoking like good eating habits,...
Cover of A Gift

A Gift

Sharing Experiences and Giving of Knowledge

by Jeannie Raposo Alves
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2016

I am a playful, inspiring, powerful leader; boldly expressing my life's purpose, NOW!  I see.  I Hear.  I Listen.  I think.  I Create. Throughout my life I have experienced many pivotal events which have forever changed me.  I am building a legacy where...
Cover of Your Business Rules Ok
by David Holland
Language: English
Release Date: May 11, 2011

This book is for everyone who wants to know how to improve their results in business... From the Burger Bars of Las Vegas, to the airports of Heathrow and Gatwick, from Dressmaking to Wiring Harnesses, Your Business Rules OK takes you on a unique journey, to explain how remarkable businesses are built....
Cover of Unaddicted:Regain Control
by John Rake
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2016

I am an addict. I understand how pernicious addiction is, how it slowly and furtively worms its way into the depths of your psyche, how it suffocates your very being.Once you become addicted, you are an addict for life. Even if you are no longer using, every step of the way will be a struggle....
Cover of The Essential Guidebook to Mindfulness in Recovery
by John Bruna
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 2019

The author gives presentation and workshops on mindful living across the United States. The author is a recognized expert on the subject matter—a long-term mindfulness teacher/trainer and former Buddhist monk, with—over thirty years in personal recovery from addiction. The guidebook...
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