Telemarketing category: 96 books

Cover of Cómo diseñar un club de fidelización rentable
by Omar Arce Sr
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 28, 2016

¿Quieres aprender un método para fidelizar a tus clientes? ¿Que sea rentable? ¿Y que te lo cuenten con casos prácticos? Sí la respuesta es sí, este es tu libro. Precio especial por lanzamiento (Dic-16) El libro se ha co-creado considerando las críticas y comentarios de más de 100 personas...
Cover of Mirror Appointment Setting: How to Go Beyond Blitzing to Building Long-Term B2B Prospect Relationships Step-by Step
by Aren Benoit
Language: English
Release Date: August 5, 2013

APPOINTMENT SETTERS! How Successful Are You In Filling Those Appointments? This book shows you HOW TO fill those B2B Appointments Step-By-Step in a very simple, yet powerful and easy to understand format. "Best book I have seen on this topic in 25 years" - Myles Urquhart, Director,...
Cover of Marketing de afiliados
by Rubén Montero Torres
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 8, 2019

El marketing de afiliación siempre ha sido uno de los métodos más populares para ganar dinero. Para una persona que esté empezando, no hay un método más fácil o rápido para generar ingresos. El atractivo principal procede del hecho de que la única tarea que debe realizar el afiliado...
Cover of Venta online. UF0032
by Carmen Arenal Laza
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 14, 2016

Este Manual es el más adecuado para impartir la UF0032 "Venta online" de los Certificados de Profesionalidad, y cumple fielmente con los contenidos del Real Decreto. Puede solicitar gratuitamente las soluciones a todas las actividades y al examen final en el email [email protected]...
Cover of Hired


Telephony Communication & Sales training

by Sharlene Ferguson
Language: English
Release Date: May 27, 2017

This book will give you complete telephony and sales training. The book covers the core units below: What is telephony communication? Initial skills  Telephony communication the job role  The are of selling page  Key performance indicators  Office Skills page  Attitude page ...
Cover of 創作同人電子書籍のススメ



by なかせよしみ
Language: Japanese
Release Date: November 3, 2016

Cover of Get Your Business Noticed: 100 Digital Marketing Ideas
by Colin Kelly
Language: English
Release Date: April 27, 2013

'Get Your Business Noticed - 100 Digital Marketing Ideas' by Colin Kelly includes a foreword from TV presenter Jenni Falconer who calls it 'a seriously handy, gem of a book'.It is a practical, easy to follow, jargon free guide to help small business owners get results from...
Cover of Philippines call centre outsourcing
by Rob O'Malley
Language: English
Release Date: January 16, 2014

Cover of How to Achieve Financial Success
by Derrell Pettersen
Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2018

The key to success is in your mental attitude. Your disposition towards life’s challenges ranging from your health to your finances will determine how you turn out. People tend to have negative attitude to issues whether such are seen as significant or not. Your preferred outcome will never come...
Cover of Come Trasformare I Reclami A Tuo Vantaggio
by Tania Bianchi
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 31, 2015

Solo il 4% dei clienti RECLAMA. Il restante 96% tace, ma in compenso... il 91% non ritorna più e diffonde la notizia. Trasforma i RECLAMI A TUO VANTAGGIO e ribalta le percentuali. IN QUESTA GUIDA SCOPRI COME: Distinguere i reclami dalle obiezioni Evitare i 12 classici errori Gestire...
Cover of Attira una MIRIADE di clienti con gli SMS
by Luca Miacola
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 31, 2018

L’SMS Marketing è l’insieme di tutte quelle attività atte a promuovere un prodotto/servizio o comunque ad unire domanda e offerta tra azienda e cliente (B2C) o tra aziende (B2B). L’SMS è un ottimo strumento se utilizzato in maniera mirata all’interno di una strategia di marketing...


How To Double Your Income From Sales In 8 Weeks

by Bruce King
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2019

Psycho-Selling was first published by BBC Books and became an international best seller and was translated into several launguages. I has helped tens of thousands of salepeople to increase their sales and income massively - often more than double. Now it's your turn.
Cover of Internet Marketing Business Models
by Leonard Monroe
Language: English
Release Date: July 16, 2019

"IM Business Models": 8 proven online business you can start today. What is this course about? The different types of business models you can dive into and make a profit. How to get started in the Information product business and why it is so profitable. How to...
Cover of SMS Marketing. Come Guadagnare e Fare Pubblicità con SMS, MMS e Bluetooth. (Ebook Italiano - Anteprima Gratis)
by Vincenzo Iavazzo
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 1, 2014

Programma di SMS Marketing Come Guadagnare e Fare Pubblicità con SMS, MMS e Bluetooth QUALI SONO I VANTAGGI DELL'SMS MARKETING Capire cos'è l'SMS marketing e a quale target è destinato. Come sfruttare le strategie innovative offerte dall'SMS marketing per diminuire la concorrenza. Imparare...
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