Web Development category: 3795 books

Cover of Guadagnare con un Sito Web
by Riccardo Andronaco
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 27, 2015

Questo ebook nasce da anni di mia esperienza in questo settore. Sin dai primi siti web che ho creato ho cercato delle soluzioni semplici e efficaci per guadagnare un po di soldi online attraverso la pubblicità. E’ giusto che il vostro lavoro nella creazione e gestione del sito web frutti qualcosa. In...
Cover of 30 Consigli per Posizionare e Mantenere in alto il tuo Sito Web
by Riccardo Andronaco
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 19, 2017

In questo ebook ti presenterò 30 dei consigli più efficaci per migliorare il tuo sito web, nella posizione dei motori di ricerca e nel mantenimento di essa. Tutti questi consigli nascono da anni di mia esperienza in questo settore, quindi già testati e completamente funzionanti. Se hai un sito...
Cover of Performance Tools
by Ahmed Bouchefra, Tonino Jankov, Hayden James
Language: English
Release Date: August 29, 2018

Performance simply matters. Technology may allow us to "go bigger", but maybe not necessarily be better when it comes to performance. Now is the time to utilize the amazing tools that are available for making websites faster, and to learn how to improve user experience and satisfaction. This...
Cover of Google Tag Manager : Optimisez le tracking et le trafic de votre site web
by Thomas Cambrai
Language: French
Release Date: May 28, 2018

Ce livre sur Google Tag Manager a pour objectif de vous expliquer comment utiliser Google Tag Manager (GTM) et ce qu'il peut vous apporter pour améliorer le tracking et l'analyse des visites de votre site web. Il s'adresse à toute personne, webmaster, responsable web marketing, etc. désirant découvrir...
Cover of Gradle Effective Implementations Guide - Second Edition
by Hubert Klein Ikkink
Language: English
Release Date: May 30, 2016

A comprehensive guide to get up and running with build automation using Gradle About This Book Practical and engaging from start to finish covering the fundamentals of Gradle Learn the skills required to develop Java applications with Gradle and integrate at an enterprise level Apply the correct...
Cover of OpenID Connect

OpenID Connect

End-user Identity for Apps and APIs

by Matthias Biehl
Language: English
Release Date: February 2, 2019

Signup and login with a Google, Yahoo, or Microsoft account can be found in more and more web and mobile apps. One login used by many, freeing the end-user from the burden of managing many accounts and passwords. Signup and login to a new app become so smooth and convenient, that end-users are much...
Cover of Getting Started with Macaw

Getting Started with Macaw

Build responsive websites with a cutting-edge application

by Rex Rainey, Joe Chellman
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2014

Macaw is drawing wild cheers from the web community for its simple and elegant tools for web design. According to Jeffrey Zeldman, founder of Happy Cog, Macaw is “the superhot web design tool of the future." This essential book lays a solid foundation for using Macaw and walks readers through the the...
Cover of BIRT


A Field Guide

by Diana Peh, Nola Hague, Jane Tatchell
Language: English
Release Date: February 9, 2011

More than ten million people have downloaded BIRT (Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools) from the Eclipse web site, and more than one million developers are estimated to be using BIRT. Built on the open source Eclipse platform, BIRT is a powerful report development system that provides an end-to-end...
Cover of Manual de Dreamweaver CS5
by MEDIAactive
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 1, 2012

Este manual dedicado a Dreamweaver CS5, el conocido programa de creación y edición de sitios y páginas web de la compañía Adobe, se estudia en profundidad el uso de prácticamente todos los comandos de esta aplicación para elaborar sitios web tanto a nivel profesional como particular. Mediante...
Cover of CSS3 pour les web designers

CSS3 pour les web designers

préface de Jeffrey Zeldman

by Dan Cederholm
Language: French
Release Date: October 6, 2016

Les CSS sont aujourd'hui un incontournable pour tous les web designers ; des sélecteurs avancés à la génération de contenu, en passant par les web fonts, les dégradés, les ombres et les arrondis, jusqu'aux animations les plus complètes, CSS3 offre tout un univers de possibilités créatrices....
Cover of Progressive Web-Apps

Progressive Web-Apps

Offlinefähige Web-Anwendungen mit nativen Qualitäten

by Manfred Steyer
Language: German
Release Date: April 18, 2017

Progressive Web-Apps bieten den Komfort nativer Anwendungen, indem sie auf moderne Browser-APIs setzen. Sie sind installierbar sowie offlinefähig und nutzen Hintergrundprozesse für Datensynchronisation und Push Notifications. Falls der Browser der Wahl die genutzten APIs noch nicht unterstützt,...
Cover of Imparare la vera programmazione web a tempo record

Imparare la vera programmazione web a tempo record

Html, Php, MySql, JavaScript, applet Java

by Gabriele Grandinetti
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 27, 2015

Diventare programmatore web significa essenzialmente conoscere Html. Il linguaggio per progettare le pagine web vere e proprie Php.  Il linguaggio di programmazione più importante per la programmazione web MySql. Il database più importante nel mondo di Internet Con...
Cover of Développer avec JavaScript : Guide du Web Designer
by Thomas Cambrai
Language: French
Release Date: May 21, 2019

Ce livre sur l'apprentissage du développement avec JavaScript s'adresse à des lecteurs qui souhaitent maîtriser cette brique incontournable des développements web (applications/serveurs web et applications hybrides pour smartphones). En effet, même si des solutions logicielles existent pour contourner...
Cover of SEO: (Search Engine Optimization) - Quickly Learn How to Dominate the Search Engines and What You Need to Know About the Google Panda and Penguin - (Social media marketing, Search engines, Social Media How-to, How-to SEO)
by Amanda Eliza Bertha
Language: English
Release Date: April 16, 2021

Content is the key to having a great website that Google loves. Good fresh content that is accurate, informative, and current will bring people to visit and return. If you run a site that allows comments, check into making your comments “no follow” because this will keep shabby links from...
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