大衛.強 David John: 902 books

Book cover of And Then We Laughed

And Then We Laughed

My Life of Rodney David

by David John Gustafson
Language: English
Release Date: January 26, 2010

I think the key is to trust God as He can keep tract of children better that parents or anyone else. Teach them to know God and I believe everything will work out for good. Every rascal I have ever known has the same answers when they get old and grow up and look back at their life and laugh knowing someone was always looking out for them.
Book cover of Producing Hit Records: Secrets from the Studio
by David John Farinella
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Behind the scenes and topping the charts - today's most respected record producers share their secrets.From the Rolling Stones to Green Day to Norah Jones to the Dixie Chicks, record producers have always played an integral role in the success of an artist. In this fascinating account of how record...
Book cover of All Stations to Longridge

All Stations to Longridge

A History of the Preston to Longridge Branch Line and Associated Railways

by David John Hindle
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2010

David Hindle's latest well illustrated book traces the evolution and complete history of the Preston to Longridge branch line from its official opening on 1 May 1840, to the last remaining segment of the branch in 1994. The first railways were crucial in expanding and transforming the social and economic...
Book cover of The Heaven Treaders

The Heaven Treaders

This Is My Love Song

by David John Burgin
Language: English
Release Date: December 14, 2017

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, where are you? No woman should have to carry her husbands remains home in a green plastic jam jar in a carrier bag. Where are you? You may have the closest and happiest relationships or the most successful and fulfilling ministry or career, but eventually, we all experience...
Book cover of Crime Control

Crime Control

The Use and Misuse of Police Resources

by David John Farmer
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2013

The question of how to use police resources productively, par­ ticularly in this era of tight municipal budgets, is a major con­ cern for police chiefs and others responsible for crime control. In Crime Control: The Use and Misuse of Police Resources, David J. Farmer provides new insights into this...
Book cover of Ghost Dancers

Ghost Dancers

The Miners' Last Generation

by David John Douglass
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2014

The definitive history of the great coal strike of 1984/85 and the background to it, this book explodes all the prevailing myths around that epic period, and corrects the inaccuracies in dozens of books previously penned by academics and journalists. Written by a participant at the sharp end of that...
Book cover of 擁有七個名字的女孩:一個北韓叛逃者的真實故事


The Girl with Seven Names: A North Korean Defector's Story

by 李晛瑞 Hyeonseo Lee, 大衛.強 David John
Language: Chinese
Release Date: August 1, 2015

脫北女李晛瑞冒死揭露極權黑幕與逃亡血淚史! 被歐普拉譽為「最受注目的TED演講」網路瀏覽人次已超過八百萬! 全球唯一中文版   出生時,我叫做金智惠;母親改嫁時,改名為朴敏英;為了隱藏身分,我又變成蔡美蘭、張順香,蔡尹希、朴順子。 李晛瑞,是我擁有的第七個、希望也是最後一個名字…… 厄運與危險咬著不放,稍微鬆懈立刻大難臨頭!這樣的日子,我過了4000多個……   我出生在北韓惠山市,和中國隔著一條鴨綠江。由於父母都擁有絕佳的「出身成分」,因此我們家過得算是很優渥。 從小,我深信祖國是最偉大的!但漸漸地,越來越多事件打擊這根深柢固的想法,並讓我對隔江的中國充滿好奇心──那裡似乎不像是學校所說的「地獄」。 1997年,即將18歲的我決定偷渡去中國見識一下,但作夢也沒想到從此沒了回頭路,我竟變成了背叛祖國的脫北者…… 日子開始充滿恐懼與焦慮,為了不被檢舉,我戴上厚厚的面具撒謊、防備周圍所有人;為了生存,我和黑幫、非法仲介打交道,甚至被囚禁,還差點被強暴。開始適應自由後,新的難題是要把家人也接出來,於是另一次驚心動魄的大逃亡之旅,再度讓我陷入夢魘。 但我拒絕放棄,靠著勇氣、毅力與貴人們的愛,終於撐過來了。現在,請聽我大聲告訴每一個你,關於北韓的真面目、一路走來的心酸與煎熬,希望大家都能更關注此議題,並讓脫北者知道:世界上還有許多人的信念跟他們同在! 李晛瑞TED大會演講影片連結...
Book cover of The Australian ETF Guide

The Australian ETF Guide

How to invest more cheaply simply and effectively using exchange traded funds (ETFs)

by David John Bassanese
Language: English
Release Date: April 21, 2016

ETFs have taken global financial markets by storm. In this book, you will learn how to gain cheap and easy access to a broadly diversified basket of Australian shares, international shares, bonds, commodities or even currencies – just as easily as buying company shares on the ASX using your...
Book cover of Iso 9001 Audit Trail

Iso 9001 Audit Trail

A Practical Guide to Process Auditing Following an Audit Trail

by David John Seear
Language: English
Release Date: October 16, 2012

This book has been revised to coincide with the issue of the ISO 9001 Family of Standards by the same author. The intention is to improve the standard of auditing, especially audits carried out under the banner of the ISO 9001 standard. The ISO 9001 standard is quite capable of allowing organizations,...
Book cover of The Relational Manager

The Relational Manager

Transform your workplace and your life

by Michael Schluter, David John Lee
Language: English
Release Date: July 22, 2011

This inspiring new approach is based on extensive research by an expert on relationships and supported by a wealth of statistics and case studies. Relationships are at the heart of all that we do and achieve, indeed our very identity. When relationships are neglected in a business context, the authors...
Book cover of Iso 9001: 2015 Back to the Future

Iso 9001: 2015 Back to the Future

A Review of the New Iso Annex Sl Structure for Certification Standards Using the Draft Iso 9001: 2015 to Explain the Changes.

by David John Seear
Language: English
Release Date: December 11, 2014

The revision to ISO certifiable standards is scheduled to take place over the next few years covering ISO 9001 Quality Management, ISO 14001 Environmental management and the new ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety management due 2016 (OHSAS 18001). This book has used ISO 9001 as the example to explain how this new Annex SL structure should be implemented.
Book cover of Iso 9001:2015 into the Future
by David John Seear
Language: English
Release Date: November 21, 2015

A review of the core Standards and how they should be interpreted when updating your quality management system to ISO 9001:2015. This book is designed to allow any organisation to have an effective practical quality management system. It explains a simple approach of how to implement the new ISO 9001:2015...
Book cover of Iso 9000 Family of Standards

Iso 9000 Family of Standards

With Extracts from Iso 9001 Audit Trail (First Edition)

by David John Seear
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2012

The cover picture depicts a family of swans. The lone swan on the front cover represents ISO 9001 The Father. It is considered the favourite and is known by everyone. The swan on the back cover represents ISO 9000 The Mother. The mother does a lot of work behind the scenes but this is not always recognised...
Book cover of High Temperature Oxidation and Corrosion of Metals
by David John Young
Language: English
Release Date: August 6, 2008

This book is concerned with providing a fundamental basis for understanding the alloy-gas oxidation and corrosion reactions observed in practice and in the laboratory. Starting with a review of the enabling thermodynamic and kinetic theory, it analyzes reacting systems of increasing complexity. It...
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