Ab: 111 books

Book cover of Minecraft for Beginners
by Mojang Ab, The Official Minecraft Team
Language: English
Release Date: July 9, 2019

Curious about Minecraft, but not sure where to start? This book is just what you need. With its open-ended game play, massive world and dedicated fan base, Minecraft is a richly rewarding experience—once you get the hang of it. With easy-to-follow instructions, tips and tricks from the experts...
Book cover of Minecraft: Guide to Ocean Survival
by Mojang Ab, The Official Minecraft Team
Language: English
Release Date: October 29, 2019

The official Minecraft: Guide to Ocean Survival will teach you how to breathe underwater, find valuable sunken loot and fight off guardians and other menacing mobs of the deep. Minecraft’s oceans are teeming with colorful life and rare treasures, but new dangers lurk beneath the water and...
Book cover of Süße Prophezeiung
by Shana Abé
Language: German
Release Date: December 18, 2013

"Ein fabelhaft aufregender Roman mit prickelnden Dialogen und heißer Erotik!" Rendezvous Kein Mann wird sie je zur Heirat zwingen können - so viel steht für die schöne Lady Avalon d'Farouche fest. Auch wenn die alten schottischen Legenden behaupten, dass sie den Anführer des verfemten...
Book cover of Au secours, il veut m'épouser !
by Agnès Abécassis
Language: French
Release Date: January 17, 2007

   Toutes les filles rêvent-elles de se marier ? Oui? …Sauf celles qui l'ont déjà été !     Déborah vit avec Henri, son nouvel amoureux.     De nature enjouée, elle a un caractère facile, si l'on excepte son goût pour les commérages intempestifs ou sa jalousie de pieuvre....
Book cover of Week-end surprise
by Agnès Abécassis
Language: French
Release Date: May 8, 2013

Elle, c'est Brune. Lui, c'est Léonard. Ils s'adorent, en toute amitié. Enfin, Léonard l'adore, mais Brune n'y voit que de l'amitié. Pour un animateur radio, il a du mal à se faire entendre. Normal : niveau drague, c'est un prince charmant déguisé en Benny Hill. Ses textos voilés lui feront-ils...
Book cover of East is East
by Ab Khan-Din
Language: English
Release Date: November 22, 2012

The play that gave birth to the smash-hit film - a wonderful comedy about growing up in multiracial Salford. The six Khan children, entangled in arranged marriages and bell-bottoms, are trying to find their way growing up in 1970s Salford. They are all caught between their Pakistani father's...
Book cover of Shadow


The Adventure Begins

by Jinx-z-AB
Language: English
Release Date: July 7, 2017

Shadow is a girl who wakes up one day on a planet she didn’t know existed. She is taken in by a group of ninjas, and her new life and adventures begin.
Book cover of The Impact of Service Oriented Architecture Adoption on Organizations
by Naghmeh Niknejad, Ab Razak Che Hussin, Iraj Sadegh Amiri
Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2019

This book describes Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and the significant factors which affect its adoption, such as governance, strategy, complexity, Return on Investment (ROI), business and IT alignment, culture and communication, costs, and security. The study on which this book is based, involved...
Book cover of Anthropologie et Marxisme
by Marc Abélès
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1977

L’anthropologie travaillée par le marxisme. Le marxisme agité par l’anthropologie. Des Ochollo aux Trobriands, des Kachin aux Nuer, une même exigence : l’analyse de la reproduction contradictoire des systèmes sociaux. En rupture avec le fonctionnalisme et le structuralisme, l’anthropologie...
Book cover of Supportive Conversations on Facebook Timelines
by Radzuwan Ab. Rashid, Kamariah Yunus, Zanirah Wahab
Language: English
Release Date: April 17, 2018

The emergence of social networking sites, like Facebook, and people’s engagement with one another through them is a relatively under-researched area for discourse analysis. The content of the book revolves around Discourse Topic Management which is under the theme of Discourse Analysis. It is written...
Book cover of 自然課可以這麼浪漫: 李偉文的200個環境關鍵字【新課綱最佳延伸教材】(二版)
by 李偉文,  AB寶
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 4, 2019

用看得見摸得著的電影、新聞、食物、旅行…… 從台灣到全世界,從食安、氣候、生態到環境議題 全方位角度提升感受力、提問思考力,培養與全球接軌的世界觀!   ★新課綱最佳延伸教材★-------------------------------------------------------   【適用】   *國小、國中、高中課程   *自然、生物、化學、地球科學各學科   *老師、家長、孩子共同閱讀   【篇篇都有!自然課浪漫清單】包括62本書單、77部影片、小旅行等   「我們這一家」生活教育劇場,上映中!   李偉文父女週末社區散步、小旅行、看電影、讀新聞、報紙,甚至飯桌上,都有聊不完的親子話題: **  你知道嗎?**   台灣最危險的動物是毒蛇還是虎頭蜂?現在台灣農地不種稻子改種房子了!   魚翅的營養成分其實和豬皮一樣;上超市到底該買有效期久的?還是即將到期的食品?   蝗蟲就是蚱蜢發狂後突變的;其實遇見蛇是很幸遇的事;動物的可愛特質,有著演化上的目的?……   食物鏈、演化論、生態系,這些自然課本上出現的名詞,毒澱粉、食品添加物、節能減碳、地球暖化,這些不時在新聞裡出現的話題,它們到底是什麼?和我們有什麼關係?   浪漫爸爸、荒野保護協會榮譽理事長李偉文,分享他和雙胞胎女兒AB寶之間「愛與智慧」的生活對話──全書分成「爸爸,大自然真奇怪!」「聽,大地在說話!」「台灣真是個寶島」「今天吃什麼?」以及「永續,人人都幫得上忙」等五大主題,和孩子一起感受台灣的美麗與哀愁,認識大自然的奇蹟與危機! 本書特色   1.增加父母和孩子共同話題:這是一本親子間關於環境與自然對話的書。透過日常生活所見所聞,偉文爸爸與雙胞胎女兒談論了許多關於自然也關於生活的常識與思考。   2.國小、國中自然、高中生物、地球科學、化學領域老師最實用的延伸教材、學生最佳的延伸閱讀:每篇除了標示與學校課程搭配的年段與單元;還列出關鍵字,方便讀者上網搜尋更多資訊;同時列出延伸閱讀的書目、影片、小旅行,提供跨領域、多管道的知識參考來源。   3.適合師生共讀、親子共讀的環境入門書:除了滿足孩子管窺生態奧妙的好奇心,還能引發孩子的熱情與使命感,了解地球與人類正面臨的危機與轉機。   4.貼心實用的「附錄」,根據孩子學齡階段、課堂關鍵字,隨翻隨找,簡易又實用:(1)適用國小、國中、高中課程文章檢索;(2)關鍵字索引 浪漫推薦   周儒(師大環境教育研究所教授)、何琦瑜(《親子天下》執行長)、劉克襄(作家)、齊柏林(電影《看見台灣》導演)、詹聰正(「怪獸共和國」主持人)、薛紀綱(小兵)(金鐘獎少年兒童節目最佳主持人) 好評推薦 **  為孩子預備種子,也要為他準備沃土──周...
Book cover of Par le trou de la serrure
by Valentine ABÉ
Language: French
Release Date: May 24, 2012

Deux amants s'excitent mutuellement en mettant en scène leur conjoint dans leurs fantasmes.
Book cover of Aprender a escrita, aprender com a escrita

Aprender a escrita, aprender com a escrita

Um homossexual no campo de concentração nazista

by Claudia dos Santos Andrade, Eleonora Cretton Abílio, Helenice Aparecida Bastos Rocha
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: February 15, 2013

Esta obra apresenta reflexões sobre a produção de textos em sala de aula, na perspectiva de um processo de ensino-aprendizagem complexo e contínuo. As autoras partem da produção de crianças, jovens e adultos em diferentes momentos do processo de escolarização. Tendo como referência a teoria...
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