Adler: 663 books

Book cover of Rabenaas


Wie man die Schatten fängt

by Sarah Adler
Language: German
Release Date: July 8, 2017

Wo der Himmel schwarz ist, finden wir ihn. Eine Banshee. Eine Hexe. Ein Seuchenbringer. Ein Wer-Stier. Eine Vampirin. Ein Cowboy. Eine Anti-Sphinx. Ein Teenager. Und ein Rabe. Dreitausend Jahre in der Zukunft sucht man nach Antworten in der Dunkelheit. Denn irgendwo in der Unendlichkeit des Universums...
Book cover of Brijit's Pursuit
by D. W. Adler
Language: English
Release Date: August 27, 2014

Two hundred years after that fateful night in Ireland, Brijit has settled in London. Though she lives a comfortable life, she is haunted by nightmares from the past that force her to keep a watchful eye for the return of Eochaid. When a mysterious man enters her life, Brijit must decide if it’s worth letting go of the past in order to feel love again.
Book cover of Brijit in Chains
by D. W. Adler
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2014

Betrayed by her lover, Brijit is now at the mercy of Eochaid and his rabid quest to discover the limits of being a vampire. Starved to the point of madness, escape seems impossible until an unlikely pairing and a shared love brings hope to a futile situation.
Book cover of A Colleague in Shadows
by Jack Adler
Language: English
Release Date: May 28, 2017

Kirk Johnson, a young American academic, comes to 1914 Europe at the outbreak of World War One as assistant to Colonel Edward House, the infamous special emissary sent by President Woodrow Wilson to stop the war. His path leads from idealism to disillusionment with American and European leaders and...
Book cover of The Moral Instruction of Children
by Felix Adler
Language: English
Release Date: August 6, 2019

Moral education is everywhere acknowledged to be the most important part of all education; but there has not been the same agreement in regard to the best means of securing it in the school. This has been due in part to a want of insight into the twofold nature of this sort of education; for instruction...
Book cover of The Ride to Jubilee
by Ellen Gibson-Adler
Language: English
Release Date: August 26, 2013

Born in an ambulance fleeing the disease and chaos of Tokyo following World War II, Nelle enters the world like a wild man riding bareback. As the daughter of a commissioned officer in the US Army and a courageous mother who is one of the first wives to join American soldiers in occupied Japan, Nelles...
Book cover of Último acto en el Teatro de la Ópera
by Irene Adler
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 12, 2013

Irene, Sherlock y Lupin se citan en Londres. Pero Lupin no se presenta, pues su padre, Théophraste, está bajo arresto acusado de robo y del homicidio de Alfredo Santi, secretario del gran compositor Giuseppe Barzini. Los chicos emprenden una investigación para exculparlo; el rescate...
Book cover of La catedral del miedo

La catedral del miedo

Sherlock, Lupin y yo 4

by Irene Adler
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 11, 2014

La familia de Irene se ha mudado a Évreux, en Normandía. Allí, una dama desconocida aborda a Irene y, tras murmurarle oscuras palabras sobre el peligro al que está expuesta su madre, se esfuma misteriosamente. No es más que el primero de una serie de acontecimientos inquietantes que Irene, Sherlock...
Book cover of El señor del crimen

El señor del crimen

Sherlock, Lupin y yo 10

by Irene Adler
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 7, 2017

La llegada de la primavera no alegra a Sherlock Holmes, impaciente por ocupar su mente en nuevas investigaciones. Por eso, a modo de juego, Irene le propone que analice una serie de sucesos inexplicables. Y, como era de esperar, el sentido lógico de Holmes identifica un siniestro e invisible hilo...
Book cover of La esfinge de Hyde Park

La esfinge de Hyde Park

Sherlock, Lupin y yo 8

by Irene Adler
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 15, 2016

La Navidad se acerca. Irene, Sherlock y Arsène están en Londres. Y justo cuando el humor de Holmes empieza a ensombrecerse sin remedio, como siempre le ocurre durante dicha festividad, un misterio repentino arrastra a los tres amigos a vivir una temeraria aventura: el director del British Museum...
Book cover of El misterio de la Rosa Escarlata

El misterio de la Rosa Escarlata

Sherlock, Lupin y yo 3

by Irene Adler
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 15, 2013

Reunidos en Londres, Irene, Sherlock y Lupin encuentran en The Times un extraño problema de ajedrez firmado por «el Fraile Negro». Está escrito en un código desconocido y una pequeña chispa brilla en los ojos de Sherlock… Al día siguiente, la ciudad se conmociona con la noticia del asesinato...
Book cover of El barco de los adioses

El barco de los adioses

Sherlock, Lupin y yo 12

by Irene Adler
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 13, 2018

Desde hace semanas, Irene no tiene noticias de las personas más queridas para ella. Su padre Leopold, el fiel Horace e incluso Sherlock y Lupin han vuelto a sus vidas de siempre en Londres. En cuanto a Irene, o, mejor dicho, la princesa Von Hartzenberg, ha sido llevada a un lugar secreto en el norte...
Book cover of Sherlock 13. Doble final
by Irene Adler
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 2, 2018

Nueva York, invierno de 1873. Irene rememora un caso vivido en Londres, meses antes, con sus amigos Sherlock y Lupin. El hilo de sus recuerdos se devana velozmente: el encuentro con un hombre que cuenta una extraña historia, un crimen sin cadáver y el descubrimiento de una red de galerías en...
Book cover of 25 Essentials: Techniques for Planking
by Karen Adler, Judith Fertig
Language: English
Release Date: April 17, 2010

Got wood? You should. Cooking on a plank is the simplest way to infuse your food with the subtle taste and aroma of smoke. Best part is, you don’t need a fancy rig, special equipment, or complicated directions to start planking. All you really need is a board and this book. With the 25 essential...
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